Sobe, C.[Carina]
Co Author Listing * Assessing the Vertical Structure of Forests Using Airborne and Spaceborne LiDAR Data in the Austrian Alps
* Combined use of SAR and optical time series data for near real-time forest disturbance mapping
* Sentinel-2 Time Series Analysis for Identification of Underutilized Land in Europe
* Use of SAR and Optical Time Series for Tropical Forest Disturbance Mapping
Sobe, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * Parallelized segmentation of a serially sectioned whole human brain
Sobecki, S.[Sebastian]
Co Author Listing * Paleographer's Eye ex machina: Using Computer Vision to Assist Humanists in Scribal Hand Identification, The
Sobeih, T.[Tam]
Co Author Listing * Deep Learning-Based Approach for Automated Yellow Rust Disease Detection from High-Resolution Hyperspectral UAV Images, A
* Self-Supervised Spectral-Spatial Vision Transformer Network for Accurate Prediction of Wheat Nitrogen Status from UAV Imagery, The
Sobeihi, K.
Co Author Listing * parallel implementation of a Magnetic Induction Tomography: Image reconstruction algorithm on the ClearSpeed Advance accelerator board, A
Sobejano Paz, V.[Veronica]
Co Author Listing * Hyperspectral and Thermal Sensing of Stomatal Conductance, Transpiration, and Photosynthesis for Soybean and Maize under Drought
Includes: Sobejano Paz, V.[Veronica] Sobejano-Paz, V.[Verónica]
Sobek, R.
Co Author Listing * Multi-Level Planning and Navigation System for a Mobile Robot; A First Approach to HILARE, A
Sobek, W.[Werner]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring of the Production Process of Graded Concrete Component Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Sobel, A.[Arthur]
Co Author Listing * Method of fast bi-cubic interpolation of image information
Sobel, D.[Dawid]
Co Author Listing * Multi-camera Photometric Simulation for Creation of 3D Object Reconstruction System
* Range of Motion Measurements Using Motion Capture Data and Augmented Reality Visualisation
* Real-Time Laser Point Tracking
Sobel, I.
Co Author Listing * Neighborhood Coding of Binary Images for Fast Contour Following and General Binary Array Processing
* Practical Methods for Geometric and Photometric Correction of Tiled Projector
* Space-Dependent Color Gamut Mapping: A Variational Approach
* Stanford Hand-Eye Project, The
* Variational Framework for Retinex, A
Includes: Sobel, I. Sobel, I.[Irwin]
Sobel, I.E.[Irwin E.]
Co Author Listing * Camera Models and Machine Perception
* Geometric and photometric calibration of cameras
* On Calibrating Computer Controlled Cameras for Perceiving 3-D Scenes
Sobel, M.[Marc]
Co Author Listing * Correspondences between parts of shapes with particle filters
* Correspondences of point sets using Particle Filters
* Merging maps of multiple robots
* Piecewise Linear Models with Guaranteed Closeness to the Data
* Polygonal Approximation of Point Sets
* Using the Particle Filter Approach to Building Partial Correspondences Between Shapes
Sobelman, G.E.
Co Author Listing * Generic Mixed-Radix FFT Pruning
* Sparse Code Multiple Access Decoding Based on a Monte Carlo Markov Chain Method
Includes: Sobelman, G.E. Sobelman, G.E.[Gerald E.]
Soben, K.[Kim]
Co Author Listing * Quantification of Changes in Rice Production for 2003-2019 with MODIS LAI Data in Pursat Province, Cambodia
Sober, B.[Barak]
Co Author Listing * Image Separation With Side Information: A Connected Auto-Encoders Based Approach
* Mixed X-Ray Image Separation for Artworks With Concealed Designs
Sobey, P.J.
Co Author Listing * Detection and sizing visual features in wood using tonal measures and a classification algorithm