Index for cimi

Cimiano, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Reuter, T.: Event-based classification of social media streams

Ciminello, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Catanzariti, E.: Computer aided detection of clustered microcalcificat...
     with: Prevete, R.: Computer aided detection of clustered microcalcifications...

Cimini, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cermak, J.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning...
     with: Cersosimo, A.: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of S...
     with: Cersosimo, A.: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity D...
     with: Cersosimo, A.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinn...
     with: Cersosimo, A.: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Usin...
     with: Cersosimo, A.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Wa...
     with: Cersosimo, A.: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via Mot...
     with: Corradini, S.: Multisatellite Multisensor Observations of a Sub-Plinia...
     with: de Natale, M.P.: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipit...
     with: di Paola, A.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Wat...
     with: di Paola, F.: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the Pre...
     with: di Paola, F.: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Sa...
     with: di Paola, F.: Cloud Detection Neural Network Approach for the Next Gen...
     with: di Paola, F.: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipitati...
     with: di Paola, F.: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
     with: di Paola, F.: Evolution of Meteorological Satellite Cloud-Detection Me...
     with: di Paola, F.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinni...
     with: di Paola, F.: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using...
     with: di Paola, F.: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estimatio...
     with: di Paola, F.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Wat...
     with: di Paola, F.: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via Moti...
     with: Gallucci, D.: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the Pre...
     with: Gallucci, D.: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Sa...
     with: Gallucci, D.: Cloud Detection Neural Network Approach for the Next Gen...
     with: Gallucci, D.: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipitati...
     with: Gallucci, D.: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
     with: Gallucci, D.: Evolution of Meteorological Satellite Cloud-Detection Me...
     with: Gallucci, D.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinni...
     with: Gallucci, D.: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using...
     with: Gallucci, D.: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estimatio...
     with: Gallucci, D.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Wat...
     with: Gallucci, D.: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via Moti...
     with: Gentile, S.: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the Pred...
     with: Gentile, S.: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Sat...
     with: Gentile, S.: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipitatio...
     with: Gentile, S.: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
     with: Gentile, S.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinnin...
     with: Gentile, S.: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using ...
     with: Gentile, S.: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation...
     with: Gentile, S.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Wate...
     with: Gentile, S.: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via Motio...
     with: Geraldi, E.: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the Pred...
     with: Geraldi, E.: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Sat...
     with: Geraldi, E.: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipitatio...
     with: Geraldi, E.: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
     with: Geraldi, E.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinnin...
     with: Geraldi, E.: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using ...
     with: Geraldi, E.: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation...
     with: Geraldi, E.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Wate...
     with: Geraldi, E.: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via Motio...
     with: Graf, H.F.: Microwave Radiometric Remote Sensing of Volcanic Ash Cloud...
     with: Han, Y.: Accuracy of ground-based microwave radiometer and balloon-bor...
     with: Herzog, M.: Microwave Radiometric Remote Sensing of Volcanic Ash Cloud...
     with: Hutchison, K.: Evolution of Meteorological Satellite Cloud-Detection M...
     with: Iacobelli, M.: Coastal Water Remote Sensing From Sentinel-2 Satellite ...
     with: Iisager, B.D.: Evolution of Meteorological Satellite Cloud-Detection M...
     with: Keihm, S.J.: Accuracy of ground-based microwave radiometer and balloon...
     with: Kylling, A.: Multisatellite Multisensor Observations of a Sub-Plinian ...
     with: Lamantea, M.: Microwave Radiometric Remote Sensing of Volcanic Ash Clo...
     with: Larosa, S.: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the Predi...
     with: Larosa, S.: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Sate...
     with: Larosa, S.: Cloud Detection Neural Network Approach for the Next Gener...
     with: Larosa, S.: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipitation...
     with: Larosa, S.: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
     with: Larosa, S.: Evolution of Meteorological Satellite Cloud-Detection Meth...
     with: Larosa, S.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning...
     with: Larosa, S.: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using H...
     with: Larosa, S.: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation ...
     with: Larosa, S.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Water...
     with: Larosa, S.: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via Motion...
     with: Marzano, F.S.: Coastal Water Remote Sensing From Sentinel-2 Satellite ...
     with: Marzano, F.S.: Microwave Radiometric Remote Sensing of Volcanic Ash Cl...
     with: Marzano, F.S.: Multisatellite Multisensor Observations of a Sub-Plinia...
     with: Mereu, L.: Multisatellite Multisensor Observations of a Sub-Plinian Vo...
     with: Merucci, L.: Multisatellite Multisensor Observations of a Sub-Plinian ...
     with: Montopoli, M.: Microwave Radiometric Remote Sensing of Volcanic Ash Cl...
     with: Montopoli, M.: Multisatellite Multisensor Observations of a Sub-Plinia...
     with: Nilo, S.T.: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the Predi...
     with: Nilo, S.T.: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Sate...
     with: Nilo, S.T.: Cloud Detection Neural Network Approach for the Next Gener...
     with: Nilo, S.T.: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipitation...
     with: Nilo, S.T.: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
     with: Nilo, S.T.: Evolution of Meteorological Satellite Cloud-Detection Meth...
     with: Nilo, S.T.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning...
     with: Nilo, S.T.: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using H...
     with: Nilo, S.T.: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation ...
     with: Nilo, S.T.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Water...
     with: Nilo, S.T.: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via Motion...
     with: Nilo, S.T.: Role of Emissivity in the Detection of Arctic Night Clouds...
     with: Orlandi, M.: Coastal Water Remote Sensing From Sentinel-2 Satellite Da...
     with: Paola, F.D.: Role of Emissivity in the Detection of Arctic Night Cloud...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples o...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: Cloud Detection Neural Network Approach for the Next...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipi...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensit...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: Evolution of Meteorological Satellite Cloud-Detectio...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Sp...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation U...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estim...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via ...
     with: Ricciardelli, E.: Role of Emissivity in the Detection of Arctic Night ...
     with: Ripepi, E.: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the Predi...
     with: Ripepi, E.: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Sate...
     with: Ripepi, E.: Cloud Detection Neural Network Approach for the Next Gener...
     with: Ripepi, E.: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
     with: Ripepi, E.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning...
     with: Ripepi, E.: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using H...
     with: Ripepi, E.: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation ...
     with: Ripepi, E.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Water...
     with: Ripepi, E.: Role of Emissivity in the Detection of Arctic Night Clouds...
     with: Romano, F.: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the Predi...
     with: Romano, F.: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Sate...
     with: Romano, F.: Cloud Detection Neural Network Approach for the Next Gener...
     with: Romano, F.: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipitation...
     with: Romano, F.: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
     with: Romano, F.: Evolution of Meteorological Satellite Cloud-Detection Meth...
     with: Romano, F.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning...
     with: Romano, F.: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using H...
     with: Romano, F.: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation ...
     with: Romano, F.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Water...
     with: Romano, F.: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via Motion...
     with: Romano, F.: Role of Emissivity in the Detection of Arctic Night Clouds...
     with: Rosenkranz, P.W.: Speed Dependence of 22- and 118-GHz Line Shapes for ...
     with: Sano, P.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Water V...
     with: Stelitano, D.: Multisatellite Multisensor Observations of a Sub-Plinia...
     with: Viggiano, M.: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the Pre...
     with: Viggiano, M.: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Sa...
     with: Viggiano, M.: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipitati...
     with: Viggiano, M.: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
     with: Viggiano, M.: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinni...
     with: Viggiano, M.: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using...
     with: Viggiano, M.: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estimatio...
     with: Viggiano, M.: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Wat...
     with: Viggiano, M.: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via Moti...
     with: Viggiano, M.: Role of Emissivity in the Detection of Arctic Night Clou...
     with: Westwater, E.R.: Accuracy of ground-based microwave radiometer and bal...
138 for Cimini, D.

Cimini, L.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bala, E.: Communication-Constrained Routing and Traffic Control: A Fra...
     with: Liu, G.Y.: Communication-Constrained Routing and Traffic Control: A Fr...
     with: Salehi, S.: Communication-Constrained Routing and Traffic Control: A F...
     with: Shen, C.C.: Communication-Constrained Routing and Traffic Control: A F...

Cimino, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Carrara, F.: Cross-Media Learning for Image Sentiment Analysis in the ...
     with: Cresci, S.: Cross-Media Learning for Image Sentiment Analysis in the W...
     with: Dell'Orletta, F.: Cross-Media Learning for Image Sentiment Analysis in...
     with: Falchi, F.: Cross-Media Learning for Image Sentiment Analysis in the W...
     with: Tesconi, M.: Cross-Media Learning for Image Sentiment Analysis in the ...
     with: Vadicamo, L.: Cross-Media Learning for Image Sentiment Analysis in the...

Cimino, M.G.C.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alfeo, A.L.: Stigmergy-Based Analysis of City Hotspots to Discover Tre...
     with: Alfeo, A.L.: Using an autoencoder in the design of an anomaly detector...
     with: Egidi, S.: Stigmergy-Based Analysis of City Hotspots to Discover Trend...
     with: Lazzerini, B.: novel approach to fuzzy clustering based on a dissimila...
     with: Lepri, B.: Stigmergy-Based Analysis of City Hotspots to Discover Trend...
     with: Manco, G.: Using an autoencoder in the design of an anomaly detector f...
     with: Marcelloni, F.: novel approach to fuzzy clustering based on a dissimil...
     with: Ritacco, E.: Using an autoencoder in the design of an anomaly detector...
     with: Vaglini, G.: Stigmergy-Based Analysis of City Hotspots to Discover Tre...
     with: Vaglini, G.: Using an autoencoder in the design of an anomaly detector...
10 for Cimino, M.G.C.A.

Cimino, P.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, B.: Leveraging Unlabeled Data for Glioma Molecular Subtype and Sur...
     with: Mehta, S.: Leveraging Unlabeled Data for Glioma Molecular Subtype and ...
     with: Nuechterlein, N.: Leveraging Unlabeled Data for Glioma Molecular Subty...
     with: Seyfioglu, M.S.: Leveraging Unlabeled Data for Glioma Molecular Subtyp...
     with: Shapiro, L.: Leveraging Unlabeled Data for Glioma Molecular Subtype an...

Cimitile, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aversano, L.: Deep neural networks ensemble to detect COVID-19 from CT...
     with: Bernardi, M.L.: Deep neural networks ensemble to detect COVID-19 from ...
     with: Pecori, R.: Deep neural networks ensemble to detect COVID-19 from CT s...

Index for "c"

Last update:28-Aug-24 17:02:43
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