Index for kere

Kerekes, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Harmening, C.: Estimating Control Points for B-Spline Surfaces Using F...
     with: Neuner, H.: Estimating Control Points for B-Spline Surfaces Using Full...
     with: Raschhofer, J.: Estimating Control Points for B-Spline Surfaces Using ...
     with: Schwieger, V.: Estimating Control Points for B-Spline Surfaces Using F...

Kerekes, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Daughtry, C.: Assessing the Impact of Satellite Revisit Rate on Estima...
     with: Gurram, P.: 3D Scene Reconstruction through a Fusion of Passive Video ...
     with: Lach, S.: 3D Scene Reconstruction through a Fusion of Passive Video an...
     with: Myers, E.: Assessing the Impact of Satellite Revisit Rate on Estimatio...
     with: Rhody, H.: 3D Scene Reconstruction through a Fusion of Passive Video a...
     with: Russ, A.: Assessing the Impact of Satellite Revisit Rate on Estimation...
     with: Saber, E.: 3D Scene Reconstruction through a Fusion of Passive Video a...
7 for Kerekes, J.

Kerekes, J.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baum, J.E.: Full-Spectrum Spectral Imaging System Analytical Model
     with: Baum, J.E.: Spectral imaging system analytical model for subpixel obje...
     with: Baum, K.G.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application to...
     with: Cui, Z.: Impact of Wavelength Shift in Relative Spectral Response at H...
     with: Cui, Z.Y.: Potential of Red Edge Spectral Bands in Future Landsat Sate...
     with: Fafard, A.J.: Validation of Abundance Map Reference Data for Spectral ...
     with: Feiglin, D.H.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application...
     with: Helguera, M.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application ...
     with: Hornak, J.P.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application ...
     with: Krol, A.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application to B...
     with: Landgrebe, D.A.: Analytical Model of Earth Observational Remote Sensin...
     with: Landgrebe, D.A.: Parameter Tradeoffs for Imaging Spectroscopy Systems
     with: Landgrebe, D.A.: Simulation of Optical Remote Sensing Systems
     with: Meng, L.: Analytical Model for Optical Polarimetric Imaging Systems, An
     with: Montag, E.D.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application ...
     with: Parody, R.J.: Validation of Abundance Map Reference Data for Spectral ...
     with: Stefanou, M.S.: Image-Derived Prediction of Spectral Image Utility for...
     with: Stefanou, M.S.: Method for Assessing Spectral Image Utility, A
     with: Unlu, M.Z.: Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application to...
     with: van Aardt, J.: Application of Abundance Map Reference Data for Spectra...
     with: van Aardt, J.: Validation of Abundance Map Reference Data for Spectral...
     with: Williams, M.D.: Application of Abundance Map Reference Data for Spectr...
     with: Williams, M.D.: Validation of Abundance Map Reference Data for Spectra...
     with: Zhang, J.: First-Principle Simulation of Spaceborne Micropulse Photon-...
24 for Kerekes, J.P.

Kerekes, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Narayanaswamy, B.: Graphical Model Approach to Iris Matching Under Def...
     with: Savvides, M.: Graphical Model Approach to Iris Matching Under Deformat...
     with: Thornton, J.: Graphical Model Approach to Iris Matching Under Deformat...
     with: Vijaya Kumar, B.V.K.: Graphical Model Approach to Iris Matching Under ...

Kerekes, R.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Vijaya Kumar, B.V.K.: Correlation Filters With Controlled Scale Response

Kereliuk, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Larsen, J.: Deep Learning and Music Adversaries
     with: Sturm, B.L.: Deep Learning and Music Adversaries

Keren, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anandan, P.: Motion Recovery by Integrating over the Joint Image Manif...
     with: Anandan, P.: Recovery of epipolar geometry as a manifold fitting problem
     with: Barzohar, M.: Recognizing Groups of Curves Based on New Affine Mutual ...
     with: Ben Zwi, O.: Applying Property Testing to an Image Partitioning Problem
     with: Brada, R.: Image Sequence Enhancement Using Sub-Pixel Displacements
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Bounded and Unbounded Implicit Polynomial Curves and Sur...
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Computationally fast Bayesian recognition of complex obj...
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Computing Correspondence Based on Regions and Invariants...
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Describing Complicated Objects by Implicit Polynomials
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Practical Reliable Bayesian Recognition of 2D and 3D Obj...
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Recognizing Groups of Curves Based on New Affine Mutual ...
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Recognizing mice, vegetables and hand printed characters...
     with: Cooper, D.B.: Robust object recognition based on implicit algebraic cu...
     with: Fadida Specktor, B.: Hybrid Classifiers for Object Classification with...
     with: Feinberg, J.: Probabilistic Approach to Pattern Matching in the Contin...
     with: Gal, Y.: Anti-Sequences: Event Detection by Frame Stacking
     with: Goshen, L.: All Points Considered: A Maximum Likelihood Method for Mot...
     with: Goshen, L.: Motion Recovery by Integrating over the Joint Image Manifold
     with: Goshen, L.: Recovery of epipolar geometry as a manifold fitting problem
     with: Gotsman, C.: Anti-Faces for Detection
     with: Gotsman, C.: Antifaces: A Novel, Fast Method for Image Detection
     with: Gotsman, C.: Fitting Curves and Surfaces With Constrained Implicit Pol...
     with: Hel Or, H.: Analyzing Symmetry in Biological Systems
     with: Hel Or, H.: new measure of symmetry and its application to classificat...
     with: Kleiner, I.: Applying Property Testing to an Image Partitioning Problem
     with: Lee, C.Y.: Computing Correspondence Based on Regions and Invariants wi...
     with: Lei, Z.B.: Computationally fast Bayesian recognition of complex object...
     with: Mandel, Z.: Multi-Camera Topology Recovery from Coherent Motion
     with: Milner, D.: Analyzing Symmetry in Biological Systems
     with: Milner, D.: new measure of symmetry and its application to classificat...
     with: Nevo, E.: Analyzing Symmetry in Biological Systems
     with: Nevo, E.: new measure of symmetry and its application to classificatio...
     with: Newman, I.: Applying Property Testing to an Image Partitioning Problem
     with: Osadchy, M.: Anti-Faces for Detection
     with: Osadchy, M.: Anti-Sequences: Event Detection by Frame Stacking
     with: Osadchy, M.: Antifaces: A Novel, Fast Method for Image Detection
     with: Osadchy, M.: Efficient detection under varying illumination conditions...
     with: Osadchy, M.: Hybrid Classifiers for Object Classification with a Rich ...
     with: Osadchy, M.: Image Detection Under Varying Illumination and Pose
     with: Osadchy, M.: Incorporating the Boltzmann Prior in Object Detection Usi...
     with: Osadchy, M.: Recognition Using Hybrid Classifiers
     with: Osadchy, M.: Rejection-Based Method for Event Detection in Video, A
     with: Osadchy, M.: Restoring subsampled color images
     with: Peleg, S.: Image Sequence Enhancement Using Sub-Pixel Displacements
     with: Peleg, S.: Improving Image Resolution Using Subpixel Motion
     with: Raviv, D.: Recognition Using Hybrid Classifiers
     with: Raz, S.: Analyzing Symmetry in Biological Systems
     with: Raz, S.: new measure of symmetry and its application to classification...
     with: Rivlin, E.: Recognizing 3D Objects Using Tactile Sensing and Curve Inv...
     with: Rivlin, E.: Recognizing surfaces from 3D curves
     with: Rivlin, E.: Recovering Surface Invariants from Curves
     with: Schweitzer, L.: Improving Image Resolution Using Subpixel Motion
     with: Shimshoni, I.: All Points Considered: A Maximum Likelihood Method for ...
     with: Shimshoni, I.: Motion Recovery by Integrating over the Joint Image Man...
     with: Shimshoni, I.: Multi-Camera Topology Recovery from Coherent Motion
     with: Shimshoni, I.: Recognizing 3D Objects Using Tactile Sensing and Curve ...
     with: Shimshoni, I.: Recognizing surfaces from 3D curves
     with: Shimshoni, I.: Recovering Surface Invariants from Curves
     with: Shimshoni, I.: Recovery of epipolar geometry as a manifold fitting pro...
     with: Subrahmonia, J.: Bounded and Unbounded Implicit Polynomial Curves and ...
     with: Subrahmonia, J.: Describing Complicated Objects by Implicit Polynomials
     with: Subrahmonia, J.: Practical Reliable Bayesian Recognition of 2D and 3D ...
     with: Subrahmonia, J.: Recognizing mice, vegetables and hand printed charact...
     with: Subrahmonia, J.: Robust object recognition based on implicit algebraic...
     with: Taubin, G.: Bounded and Unbounded Implicit Polynomial Curves and Surfa...
     with: Weiss, I.: Recognizing 3D Objects Using Tactile Sensing and Curve Inva...
     with: Weiss, I.: Recognizing surfaces from 3D curves
     with: Weiss, I.: Recovering Surface Invariants from Curves
     with: Werman, M.: All Points Considered: A Maximum Likelihood Method for Mot...
     with: Werman, M.: Bayesian Framework For Regularization, A
     with: Werman, M.: Bayesian Method for Fitting Parametric and Nonparametric M...
     with: Werman, M.: Bayesian Regularization
     with: Werman, M.: Full Bayesian Approach to Curve and Surface Reconstruction...
     with: Werman, M.: Novel Bayesian Method for Fitting Parametric and Non-Param...
     with: Werman, M.: Probabilistic Analysis of Regularization
     with: Werman, M.: Probabilistic Approach to Pattern Matching in the Continuo...
     with: Werman, M.: Variations on Regularization
84 for Keren, D.

Keren, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gambhir, S.S.: Comparison Between a Time Domain and Continuous Wave Sm...
     with: Gheysens, O.: Comparison Between a Time Domain and Continuous Wave Sma...
     with: Levin, C.S.: Comparison Between a Time Domain and Continuous Wave Smal...

Kerepecky, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Flusser, J.: NERD: Neural Field-Based Demosaicking
     with: Flusser, J.: Real-Time Wheel Detection and Rim Classification in Autom...
     with: Novozamsky, A.: NERD: Neural Field-Based Demosaicking
     with: Novozamsky, A.: Real-Time Wheel Detection and Rim Classification in Au...
     with: Sroubek, F.: D3Net: Joint Demosaicking, Deblurring and Deringing
     with: Sroubek, F.: NERD: Neural Field-Based Demosaicking
     with: Sroubek, F.: Real-Time Wheel Detection and Rim Classification in Autom...
     with: Stanek, R.: Real-Time Wheel Detection and Rim Classification in Automo...
     with: Zitova, B.: Real-Time Wheel Detection and Rim Classification in Automo...
9 for Kerepecky, T.

Keresztes, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bombrun, L.: Comparison of SIFT Encoded and Deep Learning Features for...
     with: Borda, M.: Seismic fault detection using marked point processes
     with: Germain, C.: Comparison of SIFT Encoded and Deep Learning Features for...
     with: Lavialle, O.: Seismic fault detection using marked point processes
     with: Rancon, F.: Comparison of SIFT Encoded and Deep Learning Features for ...

Kereszturi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bahia, R.S.: Selecting Erosion- and Deposition-Dominated Zones in the ...
     with: Steinmann, V.: Selecting Erosion- and Deposition-Dominated Zones in th...

Kereszturi, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dehghan Shoar, M.H.: Unified Physically Based Method for Monitoring Gr...
     with: Hanly, J.: Unified Physically Based Method for Monitoring Grassland Ni...
     with: Orsi, A.A.: Unified Physically Based Method for Monitoring Grassland N...
     with: Procter, J.: Automatic Mapping of Rice Growth Stages Using the Integra...
     with: Procter, J.: Mapping a Cloud-Free Rice Growth Stages Using the Integra...
     with: Pullanagari, R.: Automatic Mapping of Rice Growth Stages Using the Int...
     with: Pullanagari, R.: Mapping a Cloud-Free Rice Growth Stages Using the Int...
     with: Pullanagari, R.R.: Integrating Airborne Hyperspectral, Topographic, an...
     with: Pullanagari, R.R.: Mapping of macro and micro nutrients of mixed pastu...
     with: Pullanagari, R.R.: Unified Physically Based Method for Monitoring Gras...
     with: Ramadhani, F.: Automatic Mapping of Rice Growth Stages Using the Integ...
     with: Ramadhani, F.: Mapping a Cloud-Free Rice Growth Stages Using the Integ...
     with: Yule, I.: Integrating Airborne Hyperspectral, Topographic, and Soil Da...
     with: Yule, I.J.: Mapping of macro and micro nutrients of mixed pastures usi...
     with: Yule, I.J.: Unified Physically Based Method for Monitoring Grassland N...
15 for Kereszturi, G.

Kereta, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahn, S.: Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorithms for...
     with: Arridge, S.: Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorithms...
     with: Brusaferri, L.: Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorit...
     with: Burger, I.A.: Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorithm...
     with: Calatroni, L.: Stochastic Gradient Descent for Linear Inverse Problems...
     with: Estatico, C.: Stochastic Gradient Descent for Linear Inverse Problems ...
     with: Hutton, B.F.: Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorithm...
     with: Jin, B.: Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorithms for...
     with: Jin, B.: On the Convergence of Stochastic Gradient Descent for Linear ...
     with: Kotasidis, F.: Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorith...
     with: Lazzaretti, M.: Stochastic Gradient Descent for Linear Inverse Problem...
     with: Stearns, C.W.: Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorith...
     with: Thielemans, K.: Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorit...
     with: Twyman, R.: Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorithms ...
14 for Kereta, Z.

Kerezsi, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bozan, C.: Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial Assessm...
     with: Kajari, B.: Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial Assess...
     with: Korosparti, J.: Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial As...
     with: Laborczi, A.: Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial Asse...
     with: Pasztor, L.: Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial Asses...
     with: Szatmari, G.: Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial Asse...
     with: Turi, N.: Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial Assessme...
7 for Kerezsi, G.

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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