Index for khou

Khouaja, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akil, M.: Enhancing EEG Surface Resolution by Using a Combination of K...
     with: Bedoui, M.H.: Enhancing EEG Surface Resolution by Using a Combination ...
     with: Nouira, I.: Enhancing EEG Surface Resolution by Using a Combination of...

Khouakhi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Casado, M.R.: Detection of Flood Damage in Urban Residential Areas Usi...
     with: Truckell, I.: Detection of Flood Damage in Urban Residential Areas Usi...
     with: Zawadzka, J.: Detection of Flood Damage in Urban Residential Areas Usi...

Khoualed, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Castellan, U.: augmented representation of activity in video using sem...
     with: Chateau, T.: augmented representation of activity in video using seman...
     with: Samir, C.: augmented representation of activity in video using semanti...

Khoualed, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bartoli, A.E.: Pools of AAMs: Towards Automatically Fitting any Face I...
     with: Bartoli, A.E.: Semantic Shape Context for the Registration of Multiple...
     with: Castellani, U.: Semantic Shape Context for the Registration of Multipl...
     with: Castellani, U.: Semantic-Context-Based Augmented Descriptor for Image ...
     with: Chateau, T.: Semantic-Context-Based Augmented Descriptor for Image Fea...
     with: Peyras, J.: Pools of AAMs: Towards Automatically Fitting any Face Image

Khoubrouy, S.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hansen, J.H.L.: Microphone Array Processing Strategies for Distant-Bas...
     with: Panahi, I.M.S.: Error assessment of the estimated coefficients obtaine...

Khoubyari, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ho, T.K.: Word Image Matching as a Technique for Degraded Text Recogni...
     with: Hull, J.J.: Font and Function Word Identification in Document Recognit...
     with: Hull, J.J.: Word Image Matching as a Technique for Degraded Text Recog...

Khoudeir, M Standard Author Listing
     with: Augereau, B: Human activities discrimination with motion approximation...
     with: Kihl, O: Human activities discrimination with motion approximation in ...
     with: Tremblais, B: Human activities discrimination with motion approximatio...

Khoudeir, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abadi, M.: Gabor Filter-Based Texture Features to Archaeological Ceram...
     with: Abadi, M.: Grassland Species Characterization for Plant Family Discrim...
     with: Augereau, B.: Invariant feature extraction for 3D texture analysis usi...
     with: Benzougar, A.: Local blur formulation for depth from defocus
     with: Bony, A.: Evidence theory for high dynamic range reconstruction with l...
     with: Bony, A.: Specularity and shadow detection for the multisource photome...
     with: Bringier, B.: Evidence theory for high dynamic range reconstruction wi...
     with: Bringier, B.: High-speed optical 3D measurement device for quality con...
     with: Bringier, B.: Photometric reconstruction of a dynamic textured surface...
     with: Bringier, B.: Specularity and shadow detection for the multisource pho...
     with: Brochard, J.: Estimation of movement parameters of 3D textured surface...
     with: Brochard, J.: Histogram Characterization of Colored textures Using One...
     with: Brochard, J.: Invariant feature extraction for 3D texture analysis usi...
     with: Capelle Laize, A.S.: Grassland Species Characterization for Plant Fami...
     with: Carre, S.: Grassland Species Characterization for Plant Family Discrim...
     with: Combes, D.: Grassland Species Characterization for Plant Family Discri...
     with: Helbert, D.: Photometric reconstruction of a dynamic textured surface ...
     with: Leard, M.: Local blur formulation for depth from defocus
     with: Marchand, S.: Gabor Filter-Based Texture Features to Archaeological Ce...
19 for Khoudeir, M.

Khoudour, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achard, C.: Adaptive Model for Object Detection in Noisy and Fast-Vary...
     with: Achard, C.: People Detection and Re-Identification in Complex Environm...
     with: Achard, C.: People re-identification by classification of silhouettes ...
     with: Achard, C.: People Re-Identification by Means of a Camera Network Usin...
     with: Achard, C.: People Reacquisition across Multiple Cameras with Disjoint...
     with: Achard, C.: Video Sequences Association for People Re-identification a...
     with: Aubert, D.: Project CROMATICA
     with: Bakkay, M.C.: BSCGAN: Deep Background Subtraction with Conditional Gen...
     with: Boonaert, J.: Full motion detection system with post-processing
     with: Bouchafa, S.: Project CROMATICA
     with: Bruyelle, J.L.: 3D Objects Localization Using Fuzzy Approach and Hiera...
     with: Bruyelle, J.L.: Background subtraction and 3D localization of moving a...
     with: Bruyelle, J.L.: Project CROMATICA
     with: Cabestaing, F.: People Counting System Based on Dense and Close Stereo...
     with: Cabestaing, F.: Project CROMATICA
     with: Chaari, A.: Full motion detection system with post-processing
     with: Cong, D.N.T.: Adaptive Model for Object Detection in Noisy and Fast-Va...
     with: Cong, D.N.T.: People Detection and Re-Identification in Complex Enviro...
     with: Cong, D.N.T.: People re-identification by classification of silhouette...
     with: Cong, D.N.T.: People Re-Identification by Means of a Camera Network Us...
     with: Cong, D.N.T.: People Reacquisition across Multiple Cameras with Disjoi...
     with: Cong, D.N.T.: Video Sequences Association for People Re-identification...
     with: Crouzil, A.: Deep Learning Approach for Real-Time 3D Human Action Reco...
     with: Crouzil, A.: Exploiting deep residual networks for human action recogn...
     with: Crouzil, A.: Learning to recognise 3D human action from a new skeleton...
     with: Crouzil, A.: Skeletal Movement to Color Map: A Novel Representation fo...
     with: Deparis, J.P.: new fast algorithm using an adaptative structuring elem...
     with: Deparis, J.P.: Project CROMATICA
     with: Deparis, J.P.: Real-Time Pedestrian Counting by Active Linear Cameras
     with: Douadi, L.: Full motion detection system with post-processing
     with: Douadi, L.: People Detection and Re-Identification in Complex Environm...
     with: Douadi, L.: Video Sequences Association for People Re-identification a...
     with: Dufaux, A.: 3D Objects Localization Using Fuzzy Approach and Hierarchi...
     with: Dufaux, A.: Background subtraction and 3D localization of moving and s...
     with: Duvieubourg, L.: new fast algorithm using an adaptative structuring el...
     with: Duvieubourg, L.: Real-Time Pedestrian Counting by Active Linear Cameras
     with: El Koursi, E.: 3D Objects Localization Using Fuzzy Approach and Hierar...
     with: El Koursi, E.: Background subtraction and 3D localization of moving an...
     with: El Moataz, A.: Morphological hierarchical segmentation and color spaces
     with: Fakhfakh, N.: 3D Objects Localization Using Fuzzy Approach and Hierarc...
     with: Fakhfakh, N.: Background subtraction and 3D localization of moving and...
     with: Flancquart, A.: Adaptive Model for Object Detection in Noisy and Fast-...
     with: Jacot, J.: 3D Objects Localization Using Fuzzy Approach and Hierarchic...
     with: Jacot, J.: Background subtraction and 3D localization of moving and st...
     with: Lezoray, O.: Morphological hierarchical segmentation and color spaces
     with: Meunier, B.: new fast algorithm using an adaptative structuring elemen...
     with: Meurie, C.: Morphological hierarchical segmentation and color spaces
     with: Meurie, C.: People Counting System Based on Dense and Close Stereovisi...
     with: Pham, H.H.: Deep Learning Approach for Real-Time 3D Human Action Recog...
     with: Pham, H.H.: Exploiting deep residual networks for human action recogni...
     with: Pham, H.H.: Learning to recognise 3D human action from a new skeleton-...
     with: Pham, H.H.: Skeletal Movement to Color Map: A Novel Representation for...
     with: Phothisane, P.: People Re-Identification by Means of a Camera Network ...
     with: Puigtt, D.: BSCGAN: Deep Background Subtraction with Conditional Gener...
     with: Rashwan, H.A.: BSCGAN: Deep Background Subtraction with Conditional Ge...
     with: Ruichek, Y.: BSCGAN: Deep Background Subtraction with Conditional Gene...
     with: Ruichek, Y.: Gaussian Propagation Model Based Dense Optical Flow for O...
     with: Ruichek, Y.: Video-Analysis-Based Railway-Road Safety System for Detec...
     with: Salmane, H.: BSCGAN: Deep Background Subtraction with Conditional Gene...
     with: Salmane, H.: Deep Learning Approach for Real-Time 3D Human Action Reco...
     with: Salmane, H.: Gaussian Propagation Model Based Dense Optical Flow for O...
     with: Salmane, H.: Video-Analysis-Based Railway-Road Safety System for Detec...
     with: Velastin, S.A.: Deep Learning Approach for Real-Time 3D Human Action R...
     with: Velastin, S.A.: Exploiting deep residual networks for human action rec...
     with: Velastin, S.A.: Learning to recognise 3D human action from a new skele...
     with: Velastin, S.A.: Project CROMATICA
     with: Velastin, S.A.: Skeletal Movement to Color Map: A Novel Representation...
     with: Vicencio Silva, M.A.: Project CROMATICA
     with: Wan, Y.F.: new fast algorithm using an adaptative structuring element ...
     with: Wherett, M.: Project CROMATICA
     with: Yahiaoui, T.: People Counting System Based on Dense and Close Stereovi...
     with: Zegers, P.: Deep Learning Approach for Real-Time 3D Human Action Recog...
     with: Zegers, P.: Exploiting deep residual networks for human action recogni...
     with: Zegers, P.: Learning to recognise 3D human action from a new skeleton-...
     with: Zegers, P.: Skeletal Movement to Color Map: A Novel Representation for...
75 for Khoudour, L.

Khoukhi, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brik, B.: Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning for Enhanced Collabora...
     with: El Houda, Z.A.: Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning for Enhanced Col...
     with: Hafid, A.: Performance Analysis and Enhancement of WAVE for V2V Non-Sa...
     with: Hafid, A.: SCRP: Stable CDS-Based Routing Protocol for Urban Vehicular...
     with: Labiod, H.: Unified Framework of Clustering Approach in Vehicular Ad H...
     with: Moudoud, H.: Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning for Enhanced Collab...
     with: Ren, M.: Unified Framework of Clustering Approach in Vehicular Ad Hoc ...
     with: Togou, M.A.: Performance Analysis and Enhancement of WAVE for V2V Non-...
     with: Togou, M.A.: SCRP: Stable CDS-Based Routing Protocol for Urban Vehicul...
     with: Veque, V.: Unified Framework of Clustering Approach in Vehicular Ad Ho...
     with: Zhang, J.: Unified Framework of Clustering Approach in Vehicular Ad Ho...
11 for Khoukhi, L.

Khoulji, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bourekkadi, S.: intelligent system solution for improving the distance...
     with: Messoussi, R.: intelligent system solution for improving the distance ...
     with: Slimani, K.: intelligent system solution for improving the distance co...

Khoumri, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blanc Feraud, L.: Unsupervised deconvolution of satellite images
     with: Zerubia, J.B.: Unsupervised deconvolution of satellite images

Khouri Saba, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bajcsy, P.: Deep Zoom tool for advanced interactivity with high-resolu...
     with: Bhadriraju, K.: Deep Zoom tool for advanced interactivity with high-re...
     with: Brady, M.: Deep Zoom tool for advanced interactivity with high-resolut...
     with: Vandecreme, A.: Deep Zoom tool for advanced interactivity with high-re...

Khoury, C.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Carver, D.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild Ri...
     with: Evangelista, P.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wi...
     with: Kern, A.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild Rice...
     with: Knopik, J.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild Ri...
     with: LaRoe, J.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild Ric...
     with: Martin, V.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild Ri...
     with: Mayer, T.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild Ric...
     with: O'Shea, K.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild Ri...
     with: Radomski, P.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild ...
     with: Simonson, E.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild ...
     with: Vorster, A.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild R...
     with: Young, N.: Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild Ric...
12 for Khoury, C.K.

Khoury, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: El Shafey, L.: Bi-modal biometric authentication on mobile phones in c...
     with: Gunther, M.: Bi-modal biometric authentication on mobile phones in cha...
     with: Marcel, S.: Bi-modal biometric authentication on mobile phones in chal...
     with: McCool, C.: Bi-modal biometric authentication on mobile phones in chal...

Khoury, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andres Ferrer, J.: Arabic Printed Word Recognition Using Windowed Bern...
     with: Andres Ferrer, J.: Handwriting word recognition using windowed Bernoul...
     with: Andres Ferrer, J.: Window repositioning for printed Arabic recognition
     with: Andres Ferrer, J.: Windowed Bernoulli Mixture HMMs for Arabic Handwrit...
     with: Gimenez, A.: Arabic Printed Word Recognition Using Windowed Bernoulli ...
     with: Gimenez, A.: Handwriting word recognition using windowed Bernoulli HMMs
     with: Gimenez, A.: Window repositioning for printed Arabic recognition
     with: Gimenez, A.: Windowed Bernoulli Mixture HMMs for Arabic Handwritten Wo...
     with: Juan, A.: Arabic Printed Word Recognition Using Windowed Bernoulli HMMs
     with: Juan, A.: Handwriting word recognition using windowed Bernoulli HMMs
     with: Juan, A.: Window repositioning for printed Arabic recognition
     with: Juan, A.: Windowed Bernoulli Mixture HMMs for Arabic Handwritten Word ...
12 for Khoury, I.

Khoury, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kaur, J.: Efficient Random Access Light Field Video Compression Utiliz...
     with: Luo, S.R.: Efficient Random Access Light Field Video Compression Utili...
     with: Mehajabin, N.: Efficient Random Access Light Field Video Compression U...
     with: Pourazad, M.T.: Efficient Random Access Light Field Video Compression ...
     with: Yu, H.W.: Efficient Random Access Light Field Video Compression Utiliz...

Khoury, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Koltun, V.: Learning Compact Geometric Features
     with: Zhou, Q.Y.: Learning Compact Geometric Features

Khoury, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bergler, S.: Language Identification of On-Line Documents Using Word S...
     with: Firrincieli, A.: UAV-Based LiDAR for High-Throughput Determination of ...
     with: Gay, A.: UAV-Based LiDAR for High-Throughput Determination of Plant He...
     with: Harfouche, A.: UAV-Based LiDAR for High-Throughput Determination of Pl...
     with: Maesano, M.: UAV-Based LiDAR for High-Throughput Determination of Plan...
     with: Nakhle, F.: UAV-Based LiDAR for High-Throughput Determination of Plant...
     with: Nobile, N.: Language Identification of On-Line Documents Using Word Sh...
     with: Suen, C.Y.: Language Identification of On-Line Documents Using Word Sh...
     with: Tauro, F.: UAV-Based LiDAR for High-Throughput Determination of Plant ...
9 for Khoury, S.

Khouyaoui, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aboumaria, K.: Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazards in South Atlant...
     with: El Moussaoui, S.: Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazards in South Atl...
     with: El Talibi, H.: Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazards in South Atlant...
     with: Fajri, Z.: Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazards in South Atlantic C...
     with: Outiskt, M.: Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazards in South Atlantic...

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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