Index for berj

Berja, G.B.[Glorie Belle] * 2014: Towards an Operational SAR-Based Rice Monitoring System in Asia: Examples from 13 Demonstration Sites across Asia in the RIICE Project

Berjisian, E.[Elmira] * 2023: Evaluation of map-matching algorithms for smartphone-based active travel data

Berjon Eriz, G.[Gorka] * 2012: Next generation of broadcast multimedia services to mobile receivers in urban environments
Includes: Berjon Eriz, G.[Gorka] Berjon-Eriz, G.[Gorka]

Berjon, A.[Alberto] * 2020: Column Integrated Water Vapor and Aerosol Load Characterization with the New ZEN-R52 Radiometer
Includes: Berjon, A.[Alberto] Berjón, A.[Alberto]

Berjon, D.[Daniel] * 2013: Automatic system for virtual human reconstruction with 3D mesh multi-texturing and facial enhancement
* 2013: Objective and subjective evaluation of static 3D mesh compression
* 2016: Fast feature matching for detailed point cloud generation
* 2017: Detection of Stationary Foreground Objects Using Multiple Nonparametric Background-Foreground Models on a Finite State Machine
* 2018: Real-time nonparametric background subtraction with tracking-based foreground update
* 2022: FVV Live: A Real-Time Free-Viewpoint Video System With Consumer Electronics Hardware
* 2022: Grass band detection in soccer images for improved image registration
* 2023: Soccer line mark segmentation and classification with stochastic watershed transform
Includes: Berjon, D.[Daniel] Berjón, D.[Daniel] Berjón, D.
8 for Berjon, D.

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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