Index for beze

Bezerianos, A. * 2001: Novel Bayesian multiscale method for speckle removal in medical ultrasound images
* 2001: Wavelet-based Ultrasound Image Denoising Using an Alpha-stable Prior Probability Model
* 2003: SAR image denoising via Bayesian wavelet shrinkage based on heavy-tailed modeling
* 2007: Biomarker Selection System, Employing an Iterative Peak Selection Method, for Identifying Biomarkers Related to Prostate Cancer
* 2007: Comments on A closed-form nonparametric Bayesian estimator in the wavelet domain of images using an approximate [alpha]-stable prior
* 2021: On the channel density of EEG signals for reliable biometric recognition
* 2022: Differential Impact of Autonomous Vehicle Malfunctions on Human Trust
* 2022: Multikernel Capsule Network for Schizophrenia Identification
* 2023: E-Key: An EEG-Based Biometric Authentication and Driving Fatigue Detection System
Includes: Bezerianos, A. Bezerianos, A.[Anastasios]
9 for Bezerianos, A.

Bezerra da Silva, W.[Wyllian] * 2020: No-reference video quality assessment method based on spatio-temporal features using the ELM algorithm

Bezerra, B. * 2007: Efficient Thresholding Algorithm for Brazilian Bank Checks, An
* 2015: FSSGR: Feature Selection System to Dynamic Gesture Recognition
Includes: Bezerra, B. Bezerra, B.[Byron]

Bezerra, B.G.[Bergson Guedes] * 2022: Analysis of the Influence of Deforestation on the Microphysical Parameters of Clouds in the Amazon
* 2022: Seasonal Ecosystem Productivity in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest (Caatinga) Using Flux Tower Measurements and Remote Sensing Data
* 2022: WUE and CO2 Estimations by Eddy Covariance and Remote Sensing in Different Tropical Biomes
Includes: Bezerra, B.G.[Bergson Guedes] Bezerra, B.G.[Bergson G.]

Bezerra, B.L.D. * 2006: Heuristic Binarization Algorithm for Documents with Complex Background, A
* 2008: new technique to threshold the courtesy amount of Brazilian bank checks, A
* 2017: dynamic gesture recognition and prediction system using the convexity approach, A
* 2019: Deep learning approach to generate offline handwritten signatures based on online samples
* 2020: HU-PageScan: A fully convolutional neural network for document page crop
* 2022: robust handwritten recognition system for learning on different data restriction scenarios, A
Includes: Bezerra, B.L.D. Bezerra, B.L.D.[Byron L.D.] Bezerra, B.L.D.[Byron Leite Dantas]

Bezerra, D.X.[Diego X.] * 2023: Marine Environmental Impact on CFAR Ship Detection as Measured by Wave Age in SAR Images

Bezerra, F.N. * 2009: Evaluation of retinal vessel segmentation methods for microaneurysms detection
* 2009: Iterative self-dual reconstruction on radar image recovery
* 2013: Multiscale Corner Detection in Planar Shapes
* 2015: Genetic Seam Carving: A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Content-Aware Image Retargeting
* 2019: Parameter optimization of a multiscale descriptor for shape analysis on healthcare image datasets
Includes: Bezerra, F.N. Bezerra, F.N.[Francisco N.]

Bezerra, G.M.[Gabriel M.] * 2021: novel feature extractor for human action recognition in visual question answering, A

Bezerra, H.[Heliana] * 2010: Comparative Analysis between Wavelets for the Identification of Pathological Voices

Bezerra, H.G. * 2015: 3-D Stent Detection in Intravascular OCT Using a Bayesian Network and Graph Search

Bezerra, M.A.[Murilo A.] * 2015: Contributions to empirical analysis of keystroke dynamics in passwords
Includes: Bezerra, M.A.[Murilo A.] Bezerra, Jr., M.A.[Murilo A.]

Bezerra, N.[Nivando] * 2013: Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Grayscale Images, A

Index for "b"

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