Index for bucc

Buccella, A.[Agustina] * 2019: Taxonomy-Oriented Domain Analysis of GIS: A Case Study for Paleontological Software Systems

Bucchi, E.[Enrico] * 2021: Proximal Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy: An Effective Tool to Discern Rain from Irrigation

Bucchi, F. * 2015: How the Autonomic Nervous System and Driving Style Change With Incremental Stressing Conditions During Simulated Driving

Bucchiarone, A.[Antonio] * 2021: Agent-Based Framework for Self-Organization of Collective and Autonomous Shuttle Fleets
* 2021: Autonomous Shuttle-as-a-Service (ASaaS): Challenges, Opportunities, and Social Implications
* 2021: Guest Editorial Diversification in Urban Transportation Systems and Beyond: Integrating People and Goods for the Future of Mobility
* 2023: Play&Go Corporate: An End-to-End Solution for Facilitating Urban Cyclability
Includes: Bucchiarone, A.[Antonio] Bucchiarone, A.

Bucchignani, E.[Edoardo] * 2021: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Products through Disdrometers in Italy

Bucci, F.[Francesca] * 2021: Texture enhanced Statistical Region Merging with application to automatic knee bones segmentation from CT

Bucci, G. * 1994: Robust Tracking of 3D Motion, A
* 2015: Padus, Sandalus, Gens Fadiena. Underwater Surveys in Palaeo-Watercourses (Ferrara District Italy)
* 2018: Remote Sensing and Geo-Archaeological Data: Inland Water Studies for the Conservation of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Ferrara District, Italy
Includes: Bucci, G. Bucci, G.[Giovanna]

Bucci, L.[Lisa] * 2018: Airborne Doppler Wind Lidar Observations of the Tropical Cyclone Boundary Layer

Bucci, M.G.[Monica Giona] * 2022: Tectono-Geomorphic Analysis in Low Relief, Low Tectonic Activity Areas: Case Study of the Temiskaming Region in the Western Quebec Seismic Zone (WQSZ), Eastern Canada

Bucci, O.M. * 2016: On the Design of Phased Arrays for Medical Applications

Bucci, P.[Paul] * 2023: Discerning Affect From Touch and Gaze During Interaction With a Robot Pet

Bucci, S.[Silvia] * 2019: Domain Generalization by Solving Jigsaw Puzzles
* 2019: Tackling Partial Domain Adaptation with Self-supervision
* 2020: Comparison of ISS-CATS and CALIPSO-CALIOP Characterization of High Clouds in the Tropics
* 2020: On the Effectiveness of Image Rotation for Open Set Domain Adaptation
* 2020: One-shot Unsupervised Cross-Domain Detection
* 2021: Multi-Modal RGB-D Scene Recognition Across Domains
* 2022: Distance-based Hyperspherical Classification for Multi-source Open-Set Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Self-Supervised Learning Across Domains
* 2022: Semantic Novelty Detection via Relational Reasoning
9 for Bucci, S.

Bucciarelli, M. * 2010: Multistatic and MIMO Distributed ISAR for Enhanced Cross-Range Resolution of Rotating Targets
* 2016: Spatial Resolution Improvement in GNSS-Based SAR Using Multistatic Acquisitions and Feature Extraction

Bucciarelli, S.[Stefano] * 2021: Scaling digital screen reading with one-shot learning and re-identification

Bucciero, A.[Alberto] * 2013: Model-Driven Generation of Collaborative Virtual Environments for Cultural Heritage

Buccigrossi, R.W. * 1997: Embedded Wavelet Image Compression Based on a Joint Probability Model
* 1997: Progressive Wavelet Image Coding Based on a Conditional Probability Model
* 1999: Image Compression via Joint Statistical Characterization in the Wavelet Domain

Buccino, D.[Dustin] * 2022: Low-SNR Doppler Data Processing for the InSight Radio Science Experiment

Buccola, C.S.[Charles S.] * 1994: Automatically adjustable and self-testing dual technology intrusion detection system for minimizing false alarms

Buccolieri, F. * 2005: Human posture recognition using active contours and radial basis function neural network
* 2005: texture-based approach for shadow detection, A
* 2006: shadow elimination approach in video-surveillance context, A
Includes: Buccolieri, F. Buccolieri, F.[Francesco]

Buccolieri, R.[Riccardo] * 2020: Recurrence Analysis of Vegetation Indices for Highlighting the Ecosystem Response to Drought Events: An Application to the Amazon Forest

Buccolini, M.[Marcello] * 2021: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping by Comparing GIS-Based Bivariate Methods: A Focus on the Geomorphological Implication of the Statistical Results

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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