Index for fell

Fell, F.[Frank] * 2019: GEWEX Water Vapor Assessment: Overview and Introduction to Results and Recommendations, The
* 2019: Long-Term High-Resolution Sediment and Sea Surface Temperature Spatial Patterns in Arctic Nearshore Waters Retrieved Using 30-Year Landsat Archive Imagery
* 2020: Assessment of the Zero-Bias Line Homogenization Method for Microwave Radiometers Using Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B Tandem Phase
* 2022: Contrast Minimization Approach to Remove Sun Glint in Landsat 8 Imagery, A

Fellah, C.[Clementine] * 2017: Morphological Characterization of Graphene Plans Stacking
Includes: Fellah, C.[Clementine] Fellah, C.[Clémentine]

Fellbaum, C.D.[Christiane D.] * 2014: Seeing is Worse than Believing: Reading People's Minds Better than Computer-Vision Methods Recognize Actions

Fellenz, W.A. * 1996: Preattentive Grouping and Attentive Selection for Early Visual Computation
* 1997: active vision system for obtaining high resolution depth information, An

Felletti, F. * 2021: Validation of a UAV-derived Point Cloud By Semantic Classification and Comparison with TLS Data

Fellgett, P.B. * 1955: On the Assessment of Optical Images

Fellgiebel, A.[Andreas] * 2012: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using a Large European Multicenter Dataset

Fellin, W.[Wolfgang] * 2021: Engineering-Geological Analysis of a Subaerial Landslide in Taan Fiord, Alaska

Fellman, A.[Anna] * 2009: Visual measurement and tracking in laser hybrid welding

Fellner, D. * 1998: On Spatial Quantization of Color Images
* 2000: On Spatial Quantization of Color Images
* 2009: CityFit: High-quality urban reconstructions by fitting shape grammars to images and derived textured point clouds
* 2011: Interactive deformable models with quadratic bases in Bernstein-Bézier-form
* 2012: Irregular lattices for complex shape grammar facade parsing
* 2013: Adaptive Semantic Visualization for Bibliographic Entries
* 2014: Potential of 3D Internet in the Cultural Heritage Domain, The
* 2014: Procedural Shape Modeling in Digital Humanities: Potentials and Issues
* 2015: Built by Algorithms: State of the Art Report on Procedural Modeling
Includes: Fellner, D. Fellner, D.[Dieter]
9 for Fellner, D.

Fellner, D.W.[Dieter W.] * 2010: SemaTime: Timeline Visualization of Time-Dependent Relations and Semantics
* 2011: Developing Parametric Building Models: The Gandis Use Case
* 2011: Generative Object Definition And Semantic Recognition
* 2011: Genetic B-Spline approximation on combined B-reps
* 2011: Variance Analysis and Comparison in Computer-Aided Design
* 2013: Creating Procedural Windowbuilding Blocks Using the Generative Fact Labeling Method
* 2013: Filtering noise in progressive stochastic ray tracing
* 2014: Procedural architecture using deformation-aware split grammars
* 2015: Automatic Texture and Orthophoto Generation from Registered Panoramic Views
* 2020: Automatic procedural model generation for 3D object variation
* 2022: Structure From Motion Pipeline for Orthographic Multi-View Images, A
Includes: Fellner, D.W.[Dieter W.] Fellner, D.W.
11 for Fellner, D.W.

Fellner, I.[Irene] * 2017: Turn Left after the WC, and Use the Lift to Go to the 2nd Floor Generation of Landmark-Based Route Instructions for Indoor Navigation

Fellous, J.M.[Jean Marc] * 1997: Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching
* 1997: Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching
* 1997: Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching
* 1997: Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching
Includes: Fellous, J.M.[Jean Marc] Fellous, J.M.[Jean-Marc]

Fellow, L. * 2003: Optical imaging through clouds and fog

Fellows, C.E.[Carlos Eduardo] * 2022: First Lidar Campaign in the Industrial Sites of Volta Redonda-RJ and Lorena-SP, Brazil

Fellows, M. * 2004: On the variability of manual spike sorting

Fellows, T.C.[Todd C.] * 1994: Optical inspection system utilizing dynamic analog-to-digital thresholding

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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