Index for krey

Krey, C. * 1997: Hierarchical Region Detection Based on Gradient Image

Krey, P.[Philipp] * 2008: Extending H.264/AVC with a background sprite prediction mode

Kreyling, J.[Jurgen] * 2021: Identification and Measurement of Individual Roots in Minirhizotron Images of Dense Root Systems
* 2023: Tracking Growth and Decay of Plant Roots in Minirhizotron Images
Includes: Kreyling, J.[Jurgen] Kreyling, J.[Jürgen]

Kreylos, O. * 2001: High-Quality Volume Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data
* 2008: Design and Implementation of a Foveal Projection Display
* 2008: Environment-Independent VR Development
* 2008: Immersive Visualization and Analysis of LiDAR Data
* 2011: High-Quality Visualization for Geographically Distributed 3-D Teleimmersive Applications
Includes: Kreylos, O. Kreylos, O.[Oliver]

Kreymer, S.[Shay] * 2022: Approximate Expectation-Maximization for Two-Dimensional Multi-Target Detection, An

Kreyszig, H.E.[Herbert E.] * 1990: Descriptors for Textures
* 1990: Texture Descriptors Based on Co-occurrence Matrices

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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