Index for sack

Sack, H.[Harald] * 2015: If We Did Not Have ImageNet: Comparison of Fisher Encodings and Convolutional Neural Networks on Limited Training Data
* 2015: What Image Classifiers Really See: Visualizing Bag-of-Visual Words Models
* 2016: Fine tuning CNNS with scarce training data: Adapting imagenet to art epoch classification
* 2017: Exploring Large Movie Collections: Comparing Visual Berrypicking and Traditional Browsing
Includes: Sack, H.[Harald] Sack, H.

Sack, I. * 2019: Fast Robust Dejitter and Interslice Discontinuity Removal in MRI Phase Acquisitions: Application to Magnetic Resonance Elastography
* 2023: Displacement and Pressure Reconstruction from Magnetic Resonance Elastography Images: Application to an In Silico Brain Model
Includes: Sack, I. Sack, I.[Ingolf]

Sack, J.R.[Jorg Rudiger] * 2009: meeting scheduling problem respecting time and space, A
Includes: Sack, J.R.[Jorg Rudiger] Sack, J.R.[Jörg-Rüdiger]

Sack, M. * 1984: OCR in the United States Postal Service: Present Status and Future Needs

Sack, M.C.[Martijn C.] * 2014: Evaluating feedback devices for time-continuous mobile multimedia quality assessment

Sackinger, E. * 1994: Comparison of classifier methods: a case study in handwritten digit recognition

Sackov, I.[Ivan] * 2019: Comparison of Two Tree Detection Methods for Estimation of Forest Stand and Ecological Variables from Airborne LiDAR Data in Central European Forests, A
* 2019: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Abandoned Agricultural Land Identification with Focus on Central and Eastern Europe, A
* 2020: Mapping Aboveground Woody Biomass on Abandoned Agricultural Land Based on Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* 2021: Woody Above-Ground Biomass Estimation on Abandoned Agriculture Land Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data

Sacks, E.[Elisha] * 2002: Algorithmic issues in modeling motion
* 2003: Modelcamera: A Hand-Held Device for Interactive Modeling, The
* 2004: Interactive modeling from dense color and sparse depth
* 2006: Efficient Error-Bounded General Camera Model, An
Includes: Sacks, E.[Elisha] Sacks, E.

Sacks, E.J.[Erik J.] * 2022: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Exploit High-Spatial- and -Temporal-Resolution Aerial Imagery to Phenotype Key Traits in Miscanthus

Sacks, F. * 2017: SMAP L-Band Microwave Radiometer: Instrument Design and First Year on Orbit

Sacks, J.[Jack] * 1980: Pattern recognition apparatus and method

Sacks, J.M.[Jacob M.] * 1980: Scene tracker using multiple independent correlators
* 1986: Target discrimination utilizing median filters
* 1988: Target acquisition system and method
* 1990: Signal processing for autonomous acquisition of objects in cluttered background
* 1991: Apparatus and method for tracking a target
* 1992: Moving target detection method using two-frame subtraction and a two quadrant multiplier
* 1992: Segmentation method for use against moving objects
Includes: Sacks, J.M.[Jacob M.] Sacks, J.M.[Jack M.]
7 for Sacks, J.M.

Sacks, M.S.[Michael S.] * 2015: Comprehensive Framework for the Characterization of the Complete Mitral Valve Geometry for the Development of a Population-Averaged Model, A
* 2015: Framework for Determination of Heart Valves' Mechanical Properties Using Inverse-Modeling Approach, A
* 2017: Modeling of Myocardium Compressibility and its Impact in Computational Simulations of the Healthy and Infarcted Heart
* 2021: High-Fidelity 3D Micromechanical Model of Ventricular Myocardium, A
* 2021: High-Speed Simulation of the 3D Behavior of Myocardium Using a Neural Network PDE Approach
* 2021: On the Interrelationship Between Left Ventricle Infarction Geometry and Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation Grade

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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