Index for sepa

Sepahvand, M. * 2017: Evolutionary Metric-Learning-Based Recognition Algorithm for Online Isolated Persian/Arabic Characters, Reconstructed Using Inertial Pen Signals

Sepanj, M.H.[M. Hadi] * 2019: Unsupervised Deep Shape from Template

Sepas Moghaddam, A.[Alireza] * 2015: Face recognition in JPEG compressed domain: A novel coefficient selection approach
* 2016: Light field denoising: exploiting the redundancy of an epipolar sequence representation
* 2017: Light field local binary patterns description for face recognition
* 2018: Ear recognition in a light field imaging framework: a new perspective
* 2018: Face spoofing detection using a light field imaging framework
* 2020: Double-Deep Spatio-Angular Learning Framework for Light Field-Based Face Recognition, A
* 2020: Face recognition: a novel multi-level taxonomy based survey
* 2021: CapsField: Light Field-Based Face and Expression Recognition in the Wild Using Capsule Routing
* 2021: Face Trees for Expression Recognition
* 2021: Gait Recognition using Multi-Scale Partial Representation Transformation with Capsules
* 2021: Multi-Perspective LSTM for Joint Visual Representation Learning
* 2021: Teacher-Student Adversarial Depth Hallucination to Improve Face Recognition
* 2021: Two-Level Attention-based Fusion Learning for RGB-D Face Recognition
* 2023: Deep Gait Recognition: A Survey
Includes: Sepas Moghaddam, A.[Alireza] Sepas-Moghaddam, A.[Alireza] Sepas-Moghaddam, A.
14 for Sepas Moghaddam, A.

Sepasgozar, S.[Samad] * 2021: Urban Overheating Assessment through Prediction of Surface Temperatures: A Case Study of Karachi, Pakistan

Sepasgozar, S.M.E.[Samad M. E.] * 2019: Spatial Analysis Using Temporal Point Clouds in Advanced GIS: Methods for Ground Elevation Extraction in Slant Areas and Building Classifications
* 2020: Digital Twin and CyberGIS for Improving Connectivity and Measuring the Impact of Infrastructure Construction Planning in Smart Cities
* 2023: Dielectric Fluctuation and Random Motion over Ground Model (DF-RMoG): An Unsupervised Three-Stage Method of Forest Height Estimation Considering Dielectric Property Changes

Sepasian, M. * 2008: Image enhancement for minutiae-based fingerprint identification

Sepasian, N.[Neda] * 2008: ray tracing method for geodesic based tractography in diffusion tensor images, A
* 2012: Multivalued Geodesic Ray-Tracing for Computing Brain Connections Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Includes: Sepasian, N.[Neda] Sepasian, N.

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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