Index for sobo

Sobocinski, A. * 2007: Simple Way of Increasing Estimation Accuracy of Generalized Adaptive Notch Filters, A

Sobol Mark, M. * 2020: Unsupervised Learning From Video With Deep Neural Embeddings

Sobol Shikler, T.[Tal] * 2010: Classification of Complex Information: Inference of Co-Occurring Affective States from Their Expressions in Speech
Includes: Sobol Shikler, T.[Tal] Sobol-Shikler, T.[Tal]

Sobol, R.W. * 2017: Constrained Inversion and Spectral Unmixing in Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography

Sobol, S. * 2020: High Precision Fully Integrated Airborne Digital Mapping Systems - State of the Art and Performance Analysis

Sobolev, K.[Konstantin] * 2020: Stable Low-rank Tensor Decomposition for Compression of Convolutional Neural Network

Sobolevskii, A.N. * 2005: Patterns of macroeconomic indicators preceding the unemployment rise in Western Europe and the USA

Sobolevsky, S.[Stanislav] * 2019: Modeling Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Urban Crowd Flows

Sobolewski, T. * 2015: Contourlet image preprocessing for enhanced control point selection in airborne image registration

Sobota, I.[Ireneusz] * 2022: Surface Characteristics, Elevation Change, and Velocity of High-Arctic Valley Glacier from Repeated High-Resolution UAV Photogrammetry
* 2022: UAV and GPR Data Integration in Glacier Geometry Reconstruction: A Case Study from Irenebreen, Svalbard

Sobotkova, J.[Julie] * 2022: Using UAV to Identify the Optimal Vegetation Index for Yield Prediction of Oil Seed Rape (Brassica napus L.) at the Flowering Stage
Includes: Sobotkova, J.[Julie] Sobotková, J.[Julie]

Sobottka, G.[Gerrit] * 2004: Photo-Realistic Rendering of Blond Hair

Sobottka, K.[Karin] * 1996: Extraction of Facial Regions and Features Using Color and Shape Information
* 1996: Face Localization and Facial Feature Extraction Based on Shape and Color Information
* 1996: Segmentation and tracking of faces in color images
* 1998: novel method for automatic face segmentation, facial feature extraction and tracking, A
* 1999: Text Extraction from Colored Book and Journal Covers
* 2001: Text extraction from color documents-clustering approaches in three and four dimensions
* 2002: Investigating Anytime Algorithms for Future Distance Warning Systems
Includes: Sobottka, K.[Karin] Sobottka, K.
7 for Sobottka, K.

Index for "s"

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