Index for soda

Soda, G. * 1997: Links Between LVQ and Backpropagation
* 1997: Neural Based Architecture for Spot-Noisy Logo Recognition, A
* 1997: Rectangle Labelling for an Invoice Understanding System
* 1998: INFORMYS: A Flexible Invoice Like Form Reader System
* 2000: Using Physical and Logical Constraints for Invoice Understanding
* 2001: Automatic document classification and indexing in high-volume applications
* 2001: Encoding of modified X-Y trees for document classification
* 2001: serial combination of connectionist-based classifiers for OCR, A
* 2002: Retrieval by Layout Similarity of Documents Represented with MXY Trees
* 2002: Trainable table location in document images
* 2003: Analysis and understanding of multi-class invoices
* 2003: Edge-backpropagation for noisy logo recognition
* 2003: Indexing and retrieval of words in old documents
* 2003: Using tree-grammars for training set expansion in page classification
* 2004: general system for the retrieval of document images from digital libraries, A
* 2005: Artificial Neural Networks for Document Analysis and Recognition
* 2005: Layout based document image retrieval by means of XY tree reduction
* 2006: Efficient Word Retrieval by Means of SOM Clustering and PCA
* 2006: Font Adaptive Word Indexing of Modern Printed Documents
* 2006: Tree clustering for layout-based document image retrieval
* 2007: Transformation invariant SOM clustering in Document Image Analysis
* 2008: Embedded Map Projection for Dimensionality Reduction-Based Similarity Search
* 2009: Mathematical Symbol Indexing Using Topologically Ordered Clusters of Shape Contexts
* 2009: Nonlinear Embedded Map Projection for Dimensionality Reduction
* 2010: Bag of Characters and SOM Clustering for Script Recognition and Writer Identification
* 2011: Conversion of PDF Books in ePub Format
* 2011: Using Earth Mover's Distance in the Bag-of-Visual-Words Model for Mathematical Symbol Retrieval
Includes: Soda, G. Soda, G.[Giovanni]
27 for Soda, G.

Soda, J.[Josko] * 2013: Stabilising illumination variations in motion detection for surveillance applications
Includes: Soda, J.[Josko] Šoda, J.[Joško]

Soda, P.[Paolo] * 2007: Hybrid Multi-Expert Systems for HEp-2 Staining Pattern Classification, A
* 2009: Analysis and Classification of Crithidia Luciliae Fluorescent Images
* 2009: Hybrid Approach Handling Imbalanced Datasets, A
* 2010: Decomposition Methods and Learning Approaches for Imbalanced Dataset: An Experimental Integration
* 2011: Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Statistical-Like Moments
* 2011: Mitotic HEp-2 Cells Recognition under Class Skew
* 2011: multi-objective optimisation approach for class imbalance learning, A
* 2012: Biomedical Images Classification by Universal Nearest Neighbours Classifier Using Posterior Probability
* 2012: Combining video subsequences for human action recognition
* 2012: One-per-Class reconstruction rule for class imbalance learning, A
* 2012: Polichotomies on Imbalanced Domains by One-per-Class Compensated Reconstruction Rule
* 2013: Benchmarking HEp-2 Cells Classification Methods
* 2013: Slightly Supervised Approach for Positive/Negative Classification of Fluorescence Intensity in HEp-2 Images, A
* 2014: Mitotic cells recognition in HEp-2 images
* 2014: Multiple subsequence combination in human action recognition
* 2014: Special issue on the analysis and recognition of indirect immuno-fluorescence images
* 2021: Categorizing the feature space for two-class imbalance learning
* 2022: Evaluating Tumour Bounding Options for Deep Learning-based Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis Prediction in Breast Cancer
* 2022: Optimized Fusion of CNNs to Diagnose Pulmonary Diseases on Chest X-Rays
* 2022: Pareto optimization of deep networks for COVID-19 diagnosis from chest X-rays
20 for Soda, P.

Sodagar, I.[Iraj] * 1996: Zerotree Entropy Coding of Wavelet Coefficients for Very Low Bit Rate Video
* 1997: Zerotree Wavelet Video Coder, A
* 1999: Scalable Wavelet Coding for Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Images
* 2003: Apparatus and method for context-based indexing and retrieval of image sequences
* 2011: MPEG-DASH Standard for Multimedia Streaming Over the Internet, The
Includes: Sodagar, I.[Iraj] Sodagar, I.

Sodagar, Z.[Zahra] * 2023: Rapid Network Adaptation: Learning to Adapt Neural Networks Using Test-Time Feedback

Sodagari, S.[Shabnam] * 2009: Image error concealment using edge map and linear prediction residue watermarking and spatial smoothing

Sodaiezadeh, H.[Hamid] * 2021: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Heavy Metals in Arid Soils at the Catchment Scale Using Digital Soil Assessment and a Random Forest Model

Sodangi, M.[Mahmoud] * 2020: Geospatial Assessment of Soil Erosion Intensity and Sediment Yield Using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) Model

Sodango, T.H.[Terefe Hanchiso] * 2021: Modeling the Spatial Dynamics of Soil Organic Carbon Using Remotely-Sensed Predictors in Fuzhou City, China

Sodani, Y. * 2010: SVM-Based Biometric Authentication Using Intra-Body Propagation Signals

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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