Index for sogi

Sogi, N. * 2018: Action Recognition Method Based on Sets of Time Warped ARMA Models
* 2019: Gait Recognition Based on Constrained Mutual Subspace Method with CNN Features
* 2020: Fingerspelling Recognition with Two-steps Cascade Process of Spotting and Classification
* 2020: Interface between Grassmann manifolds and vector spaces, An
* 2020: Metric Learning with A-based Scalar Product for Image-set Recognition
* 2022: Analysis of Temporal Tensor Datasets on Product Grassmann Manifold
* 2022: Constrained mutual convex cone method for image set based recognition
* 2023: Discriminant Feature Extraction by Generalized Difference Subspace
* 2023: Visually explaining 3D-CNN predictions for video classification with an adaptive occlusion sensitivity analysis
Includes: Sogi, N. Sogi, N.[Naoya]
9 for Sogi, N.

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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