Index for soub

Soubari, E.H. * 2014: CSM neural network for degraded printed character optical recognition

Soubervielle Montalvo, C.[Carlos] * 2017: Improving Identification of Areas for Ecological Restoration for Conservation by Integrating USLE and MCDA in a GIS-Environment: A Pilot Study in a Priority Region Northern Mexico
* 2019: Synthesis of Vegetation Indices Using Genetic Programming for Soil Erosion Estimation
* 2020: Deep Genetic Programming Based Methodology for Art Media Classification Robust to Adversarial Perturbations, A
Includes: Soubervielle Montalvo, C.[Carlos] Soubervielle-Montalvo, C.[Carlos]

Soubeyroux, J.M.[Jean Michel] * 2016: Re-emerging Malaria Vectors In Rural Sahel (nouna, Burkina Faso): The Paluclim Project
Includes: Soubeyroux, J.M.[Jean Michel] Soubeyroux, J.M.[Jean-Michel]

Soubies, E.[Emmanuel] * 2014: Sparse reconstruction from Multiple-Angle Total Internal Reflection fluorescence Microscopy
* 2015: Continuous Exact L_0 Penalty (CEL0) for Least Squares Regularized Problem, A
* 2016: Continuous Exact L_0 Penalty (CEL0) for Least Squares Regularized Problem, A
* 2020: Joint Angular Refinement and Reconstruction for Single-Particle Cryo-EM
* 2020: New Insights on the Optimality Conditions of the L2-L0 Minimization Problem
* 2020: On the Identifiability of Transform Learning for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* 2021: Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Through Exact Continuous l2,0-Norm Relaxation
* 2023: Map-Informed Unrolled Algorithms for Hyper-Parameter Estimation
* 2023: Sphere Refinement in Gap Safe Screening
* 2024: Automatic Tuning of Denoising Algorithms Parameters Without Ground Truth
Includes: Soubies, E.[Emmanuel] Soubies, E.
10 for Soubies, E.

Soubrane, G. * 1997: adaptive contrast method for segmentation of drusen, An

Soubret, A. * 2005: Accuracy of Fluorescent Tomography in the Presence of Heterogeneities: Study of the Normalized Born Ratio
* 2008: Surface Reconstruction for Free-Space 360 deg Fluorescence Molecular Tomography and the Effects of Animal Motion

Soubry, I.[Irini] * 2021: Systematic Review on the Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Forest and Grassland Ecosystem Health Attributes, Indicators, and Measures, A

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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