Index for szek

Szekely, B.[Balazs] * 2013: Landslide Displacement Monitoring Using 3D Range Flow on Airborne and Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* 2014: Categorizing Grassland Vegetation with Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning: A Feasibility Study for Detecting Natura 2000 Habitat Types
* 2021: DTM-Based Morphometric Analysis of Scoria Cones of the Chaîne des Puys (France): The Classic and a New Approach
* 2022: DTM-Based Comparative Geomorphometric Analysis of Four Scoria Cone Areas: Suggestions for Additional Approaches
* 2023: Analysis of Short-Term Drought Episodes Using Sentinel-3 SLSTR Data under a Semi-Arid Climate in Lower Eastern Kenya
* 2023: Challenges and Opportunities in Remote Sensing for Soil Salinization Mapping and Monitoring: A Review
* 2024: LiDAR-Based Morphometry of Dolines in Aggtelek Karst (Hungary) and Slovak Karst (Slovakia)
Includes: Szekely, B.[Balazs] Székely, B.[Balázs]
7 for Szekely, B.

Szekely, E.[Eva] * 2023: Casual chatter or speaking up? Adjusting articulatory effort in generation of speech and animation for conversational characters
Includes: Szekely, E.[Eva] Székely, E.[Eva]

Szekely, G. * 1993: Analysis of MR angiography volume data leading to the structural description of the cerebral vessel tree
* 1993: Estimating Shortest Paths and Minimal Distances on Digitized Three-Dimensional Surfaces
* 1994: Initializing Snakes
* 1994: Making Snakes Converge from Minimal Initialization
* 1994: Making Snakes Converge from Minimal Initialization
* 1994: Ziplock Snakes
* 1995: Deformable Velcro(TM) Surfaces
* 1995: From Ziplock Snakes to Velcro(TM) Surfaces
* 1995: Multiscale Detection of Curvilinear Structures in 2D and 3D Image Data
* 1995: Segmentation of 3D Objects from MRI Volume Data Using Constrained Elastic Deformations of Flexible Fourier Surface Models
* 1996: Characterization and Recognition of 3D Organ Shape in Medical Image Analysis Using Skeletonization
* 1997: 3D Voronoi Skeletons and Their Usage for the Characterization and Recognition of 2D Organ Shape
* 1997: Velcro Surfaces: Fast Initialization of Deformable Models
* 1997: Ziplock Snakes
* 1999: Elastic model-based segmentation of 3-D neuroradiological data sets
* 2000: Model-Based Initialisation for Segmentation
* 2000: Parameterization of Closed Surfaces for Parametric Surface Description
* 2003: Enhancing human-computer interaction in medical segmentation
* 2003: Multiscale Medial Loci and Their Properties
* 2005: Submillimeter Measurement of Cup Migration in Clinical Standard Radiographs
* 2006: Local Intensity Mapping for Hierarchical Non-rigid Registration of Multi-modal Images Using the Cross-Correlation Coefficient
* 2007: Correspondence Establishment in Statistical Modeling of Shapes with Arbitrary Topology
* 2012: Confidence Regions for Statistical Model Based Shape Prediction From Sparse Observations
* 2012: Oblique Random Forests for 3-D Vessel Detection Using Steerable Filters and Orthogonal Subspace Filtering
* 2012: Semi-supervised Segmentation Using Multiple Segmentation Hypotheses from a Single Atlas
* 2013: Estimation of affine transformations directly from tomographic projections in two and three dimensions
* 2014: Multi-atlas Segmentation and Landmark Localization in Images with Large Field of View
* 2014: Registration Fusion Using Markov Random Fields
* 2014: Simultaneous Segmentation and Multiresolution Nonrigid Atlas Registration
* 2015: Multimodal Brain Tumor Image Segmentation Benchmark (BRATS), The
* 2016: Generative Probabilistic Model and Discriminative Extensions for Brain Lesion Segmentation: With Application to Tumor and Stroke, A
* 2017: Isotropic Total Variation Regularization of Displacements in Parametric Image Registration
* 2019: Bayesian Framework for the Analog Reconstruction of Kymographs From Fluorescence Microscopy Data, A
* 2019: Modeling Point Spread Function in Fluorescence Microscopy With a Sparse Gaussian Mixture: Tradeoff Between Accuracy and Efficiency
Includes: Szekely, G. Székely, G. Székely, G.[Gabor] Szekely, G.[Gabor] Székely, G.[Gábor]
34 for Szekely, G.

Szekely, P.[Pedro] * 2014: How Linked Open Data Can Help in Locating Stolen or Looted Cultural Property
* 2019: IM-Net for High Resolution Video Frame Interpolation
Includes: Szekely, P.[Pedro] Szekely, P.[Pablo]

Index for "s"

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