Bhale, A.N.[Aparna Narendra]
Co Author Listing * Enhancement of Screen Film Mammogram up to a Level of Digital Mammogram: Experimental Analysis
Bhalekar, S.[Sachin]
Co Author Listing * Dynamical analysis of fractional order Uçar prototype delayed system
* On the Uçar prototype model with incommensurate delays
* Stability analysis of Uçar prototype delayed system
Bhalerao, A.[Abhir]
Co Author Listing * Active shape model unleashed with multi-scale local appearance
* Cross-Modal Prototype Driven Network for Radiology Report Generation
* Deep Passenger State Monitoring Using Viewpoint Warping
* Estimating scene flow using an interconnected patch surface model with belief-propagation inference
* Lane Change Classification and Prediction with Action Recognition Networks
* Loglet SIFT for Part Description in Deformable Part Models: Application to Face Alignment
* Person Re-Identification Using Partial Least Squares Appearance Modelling
* QuadTree Image Representation for Computational Pathology, A
8 for Bhalerao, A.
Bhalerao, A.H.
Co Author Listing * Affine Invariant Image Segmentation
* Affine Symmetric Image Model and Its Applications, An
* Analysis of Retinal Vasculature Using a Multiresolution Hermite Model
* bayesian approach to inferring vascular tree structure from 2d imagery, A
* Bhattacharyya space for feature selection and its application to texture segmentation, The
* Discriminant Feature Selection for Texture Classification
* Fourier Approach to 3D Local Feature Estimation from Volume Data, A
* Kernel Designs for Efficient Multiresolution Edge Detection and Orientation Estimation
* Local Affine Image Matching and Synthesis Based on Structural Patterns
* Local Shape Modelling Using Warplets
* Minimum Entropy Light and Shading Approximation
* Model Based Segmentation for Retinal Fundus Images
* Multi-frame Scene-flow Estimation Using a Patch Model and Smooth Motion Prior
* Robust Detection of Microaneurysms for Sight Threatening Retinopathy Screening
* Robust modelling of local image structures and its application to medical imagery
* smooth 6DOF motion prior for efficient 3D surface tracking, A
* Structural Texture Segmentation using Affine Symmetry
* Surface Reconstruction of Rotating Objects from Monocular Video
* Unsupervised image segmentation combining region and boundary estimation
* Unsupervised Learning of Shape Manifolds
* Using Local 3D Structure for Segmentation of Bone from Computer Tomography Images
* Volumetric Texture Segmentation by Discriminant Feature Selection and Multiresolution Classification
Includes: Bhalerao, A.H. Bhalerao, A.H.[Abhir H.]
22 for Bhalerao, A.H.
Bhalerao, M.[Megh]
Co Author Listing * Improving Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation Using Effective Target Selection and Semantics
Bhalerao, R.H.
Co Author Listing * Scan line optimization for Tri stereo planetary images
Bhalerao, S.[Siddharth]
Co Author Listing * reversible and multipurpose ECG data hiding technique for telemedicine applications, A
Bhalerao, S.V.[Shailesh Vitthalrao]
Co Author Listing * Automated Classification of Cognitive Visual Objects Using Multivariate Swarm Sparse Decomposition From Multichannel EEG-MEG Signals
Bhalgat, Y.[Yash]
Co Author Listing * 3d-aware Instance Segmentation and Tracking in Egocentric Videos
* Dynamic Iterative Refinement for Efficient 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Light Touch Approach to Teaching Transformers Multi-view Geometry, A
* LSQ+: Improving low-bit quantization through learnable offsets and better initialization
* N2F2: Hierarchical Scene Understanding with Nested Neural Feature Fields
* Neural Refinement for Absolute Pose Regression with Feature Synthesis
Includes: Bhalgat, Y.[Yash] Bhalgat, Y.
Bhalla, G.[Gurman]
Co Author Listing * DIG: Discrete Iso-contour Geodesics for Topological Analysis of Voxelized Objects
Bhalla, I.
Co Author Listing * Scattering Transform for Matching Surgically Altered Face Images
Bhalla, K.[Kanika]
Co Author Listing * fuzzy convolutional neural network for enhancing multi-focus image fusion, A
Bhalla, R.[Rakesh]
Co Author Listing * Acoustic Modality Based Hybrid Deep 1D CNN-BiLSTM Algorithm for Moving Vehicle Classification
* Fast inverse synthetic aperture radar image simulation of complex targets using ray shooting
Includes: Bhalla, R.[Rakesh] Bhalla, R.
Bhalla, V.[Vandna]
Co Author Listing * Novel Hybrid CNN-AIS Visual Pattern Recognition Engine, A
Bhalodia, R.[Riddhish]
Co Author Listing * dpvaes: Fixing Sample Generation for Regularized VAEs
Bhalodia, V.[Viral]
Co Author Listing * Anomaly detection in crowded scenes