Journals starting with asco

Ascona01 * 3D Building Reconstruction from High-Resolution Ikonos Stereo-Imagery
* 3D Data Reconstruction and Modeling for Urban Scene Analysis
* Ascender II: A Framework for Reconstruction of Scenes from Aerial Images
* Automated Extraction and Reconstruction of Buildings in Laser Scanning Data for Disaster Management
* Automated Mapping of Surface Roughness and Landuse from Simulated and Spaceborne 1M Data
* Automated Update of Building Information in Maps Using Medium-Scale Imagery
* Automatic Building Detection Analysing Multiple Curve Data
* Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Image, III
* Automatic Extraction of Trees for 3D City Models from Images and Height Data
* Building Detection and Roof Extraction in Laser Scanning Data
* Building Extraction at the State Research Institute of Aviation Systems (GosNIIAS)
* Building Reconstruction from Synthetic Aperature Radar Images and Interferometry
* Building Reconstruction in Urban Environment: A Graph-Based Approach
* Extraction of Buildings from High-Resolution Satellite Data
* From Image Sequences to 3D Models
* From Imagery to GIS Applications
* Generation of 3D City Models in Japan: An Overview
* IKONOS Satellite Imagery and Its Use in Automated Road Extraction
* Invariant Color Features for Matching and Target Recognition
* Knowledge Based System for the Interpretation of Complex Scenes
* Map Based Building Reconstruction from Laser Data and Images
* Model-Based Approach for Multi-View Complex Building Description, A
* Multi-Image 3D Feature and DSM Extraction for Change Detection and Building Reconstruction
* New Applications of Semi-Automatic Building Acquisition
* News from CyberCity-Modeler
* Probabilistic Approach to Roof Patch Extraction and Reconstruction, A
* Requirements of Users from a Public Mapping Organisation
* Research into a Framework for Automatic Linear Feature Identification and Extraction
* Road Extraction Focussing on Urban Areas
* Segmentation of LIDAR and InSAR Elevation Data for Building Reconstruction
* Semi-Automated Building Extraction from Stereo Image Pairs
* Some More Steps Towards 3D Reconstruction of Urban Areas from Multiple Views
* Statistical Interpretation of DEM and Image Data for Building Extraction
* Suitability for Airborne Laser Scanner Data for Automatic 3D Object Reconstruction, The
* Topological and Geometrical Models for Building Reconstruction from Multiple Images
* Towards Fully Automated 3D City Model Generation
* Updating of Cartographic Road Databases by Image Analysis
* Virtual Habitat: Models of the Urban Outdoors
38 for Ascona01

Ascona95 * *Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Images
* 3-D Reconstructions of Urban Scenes from Sequence of Images
* Automatic Extraction adn Structuring of Objects form Scanned Topographic Maps: An Alternative to the Extraction from Aerial and Space Images?
* Automatic Extraction of Buildings and Terrain from Aerial Images
* Automatic Matching of 3-D Models to Imagery
* Building Extraction and Verification from Spaceborne and Aerial Imagery Using Image Understanding Fusion Techniques
* Building Extraction from Stereo Pairs of Aerial Images: Accuracy and Productivity Constraint of a Topographic Production Line
* Cooperative Use of Aerial Images and Maps for the Interpretation of Urban Scenes
* Data Fusion for the Detection and Reconstruction of Buildings
* Detection of Buildings from Monocular Images
* From Ziplock Snakes to Velcro(TM) Surfaces
* Geometric versus Texture Detail in 3-D Models of Real World Buildings
* High-Resolution Stereo for the Detection of Buildings
* Inferring Homogeneous Regions from Rich Image Attributes
* Information Extraction from Digital Images: A KTH Approach
* Layered Abduction Model of Building Recognition, A
* Linear Feature Extraction with Dynamic Programming and Globally Enforced Least Squares Matching
* Map-Based Semantic Modeling for the Extraction of Objects from Aerial Images
* Mid-Level Vision Processes for Automatic Building Extraction
* Model Registration and Validation
* Model-Based Road Extraction from Images
* New Geometric Stochastic Technology for Finding and Recognizing Roads and Their Features in Aerial Images
* Road Tracing by Profile Matching and Kalman Filtering
* Semi-Automatic Detection and Extraction of Man-Made Objects in Multispectral Aerial and Satellite Images
* Semi-Automatic Feature Extraction by Snakes
* Stereo Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Structural 3D-Analysis of Aerial Images with a Blackboard-Based Production System
* Tracking Roads in Satellite Images by Playing Twenty Questions
* Use of DTMs/DSMs and Ortohimages to Support Building Extraction
* Using Context to Control Computer Vision Algorithms
30 for Ascona95

Ascona97 * *Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Images, II
* 3-D Building Reconstruction with Aruba: A Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation
* Above-Ground Objects in Urban Scenes from Medium Scale Aerial Imagery
* Application of Semi-Automatic Building Acquisition
* Approach for the Extraction of Settlement Areas, An
* Artificial Intelligence in 3-D Feature Extraction
* Assessment of the Effects of Resolution on Automated DEM and Building Extraction
* Automated Building Extraction from Digital Stereo Imagery
* Context-Supported Road Extraction
* Crestlines Contribution to the Automatic Building Extraction
* Digital Surface Models for Building Extraction
* Extracting Artificial Surface Objects from Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Extraction of Polygonal Features form Satellite Images for Automatic Registration: The ARCHANGEL Project
* Fast Robust Tracking of Curvy Partially Occluded Roads in Clutter in Aerial Images
* From Large-Scale DTM Extraction to Feature Extraction
* Image-Based Reconstruction of Informal Settlements
* Interpretation of Urban Surface Models Using 2d Building Information
* Least Squares Matching for Three Dimensional Building Reconstruction
* Linear Feature Extraction with 3-D LSB-Snakes
* Managing Large 3D Urban Database Contents Supporting Phototexture and Levels of Detail
* Model Driven Approach to Extract Buildings from Multi-View Aerial Imagery, A
* MOSES: A Structural Approach to Aerial Image Understanding
* On the Integration of Object Modeling and Image Modeling in Automated Building Extraction for Aerial Images
* On the Reconstruction of Urban House Roofs from Aerial Images
* Overview of DARPA's Research Program in Automatic Population of Geospatial Databases, An
* Recognizing Buildings in Aerial Images
* Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Reconstruction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial Images, The
* Role of Grouping for Road Extraction, The
* Scene Reconstruction Research: Towards an Automatic System
* Semantic Modelling of Man-Made Objects by Production Nets
* Set of Visualization Data Needs in Urban Environmental Planning and Design for Photogrammetric Data, A
* System for Building Detection from Aerial Images, A
* Testbed for the Evaluation of Feature Extraction Techniques in a Time Constrained Environment, A
* Three-Dimensional Description of Dense Urban Areas Using Maps and Aerial Images
* TOBAGO: A Topology Builder for the Automated Generation of Building Models
* Updating Road Maps by Contextual Reasoning
* Virtual Reality Model of a Major International Airport, A
37 for Ascona97

Index for "a"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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