Index for cele

Celebi, A.[Anil] * 2008: All Binary Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation Approach and its Hardware Architecture, An
* 2009: Efficient Hardware Implementations of Low Bit Depth Motion Estimation Algorithms
* 2009: Low-Complexity Approach for the Color Display of Hyperspectral Remote-Sensing Images Using One-Bit-Transform-Based Band Selection, A
Includes: Celebi, A.[Anil] Celebi, A.

Celebi, A.T.[Aysun Tasyapi] * 2010: Empirical mode decomposition based visual enhancement of underwater images

Celebi, E.[Erbug] * 2015: watermarking algorithm based on chirp z-transform, discrete wavelet transform, and singular value decomposition, A
Includes: Celebi, E.[Erbug] Çelebi, E.[Erbug]

Celebi, H. * 1998: Colorimetric restoration of digital images

Celebi, M.E.[M. Emre] * 2009: Bayesian image segmentation with mean shift
* 2009: Contrast enhancement in dermoscopy images by maximizing a histogram bimodality measure
* 2009: Cost-effective implementation of order-statistics-based vector filters using minimax approximations
* 2009: Distance measures for reduced ordering-based vector filters
* 2009: Effective initialization of k-means for color quantization
* 2009: Fast color quantization using weighted sort-means clustering
* 2009: Fast implementation of vector directional filters
* 2009: Localization of Lesions in Dermoscopy Images Using Ensembles of Thresholding Methods
* 2009: Real-time implementation of order-statistics-based directional filters
* 2009: Skin lesion extraction in dermoscopic images based on colour enhancement and iterative segmentation
* 2010: Accelerating color space transformations using numerical approximations
* 2010: Automated color normalization for dermoscopy images
* 2010: Fast colour space transformations using minimax approximations
* 2010: new family of order-statistics based switching vector filters, A
* 2010: Robust border detection in dermoscopy images using threshold fusion
* 2011: Color quantization using c-means clustering algorithms
* 2011: Improving the performance of k-means for color quantization
* 2011: On Euclidean norm approximations
* 2012: Accurate genomic signal recovery using compressed sensing
* 2012: Batch Neural Gas with Deterministic Initialization for Color Quantization
* 2012: Comments on On approximating Euclidean metrics by weighted t-cost distances in arbitrary dimension
* 2012: Robust texture retrieval of compressed images
* 2013: Color Medical Image Analysis
* 2013: Mean shift based gradient vector flow for image segmentation
* 2013: Melanoma Classification Using Dermoscopy Imaging and Ensemble Learning
* 2013: Pattern classification of dermoscopy images: A perceptually uniform model
* 2014: Computer Vision Techniques for the Diagnosis of Skin Cancer
* 2014: Improved Segmentation Method for Non-melanoma Skin Lesions Using Active Contour Model, An
* 2014: Improving dermoscopy image analysis using color constancy
* 2015: Building of Readable Decision Trees for Automated Melanoma Discrimination
* 2015: Color Detection in Dermoscopy Images Based on Scarce Annotations
* 2015: effective real-time color quantization method based on divisive hierarchical clustering, An
* 2015: Special issue on real-time color image processing
* 2016: Clinically inspired analysis of dermoscopy images using a generative model
* 2017: Development of a clinically oriented system for melanoma diagnosis
* 2017: Local Features Applied to Dermoscopy Images: Bag-of-Features versus Sparse Coding
* 2017: WN-based approach to melanoma diagnosis from dermoscopy images
* 2019: Diverse Adversarial Network for Image Super-Resolution
* 2020: Sparse Wavelet Networks
* 2021: Advances in domain adaptation for computer vision
* 2021: Explainable skin lesion diagnosis using taxonomies
Includes: Celebi, M.E.[M. Emre] Celebi, M.E. Celebi, M.E.[Mehmet Emre]
41 for Celebi, M.E.

Celebi, M.S. * 2014: approach for chest tube detection in chest radiographs, An

Celebi, N.[Numan] * 2020: low-cost UAV framework towards ornamental plant detection and counting in the wild, A

Celebi, O.[Onur] * 2021: Low Bandwidth Video-Chat Compression using Deep Generative Models

Celebi, T.[Tahir] * 2004: Peer-to-peer multipoint videoconferencing
* 2005: Peer-to-peer multipoint videoconferencing on the Internet
Includes: Celebi, T.[Tahir] Çelebi, T.[Tahir]

Celedon Pattichis, S. * 2018: Context-Sensitive Human Activity Classification in Collaborative Learning Environments
* 2018: Robust Head Detection in Collaborative Learning Environments Using AM-FM Representations
* 2020: Importance of the Instantaneous Phase for Face Detection using Simple Convolutional Neural Networks, The
* 2021: Bilingual Speech Recognition by Estimating Speaker Geometry from Video Data
* 2021: Facial Recognition in Collaborative Learning Videos
* 2021: Fast Hand Detection in Collaborative Learning Environments
* 2021: Talking Detection in Collaborative Learning Environments
* 2023: Teaching Computer Programming with Mathematics for Generating Digital Videos and Machine Learning Optimization
Includes: Celedon Pattichis, S. Celedón-Pattichis, S. Celedón-Pattichis, S.[Sylvia]
8 for Celedon Pattichis, S.

Celeghin, L. * 1996: Statistical Based Motion Estimation for Video Coding

Celemin, J.P.[Juan Pablo] * 2020: Evaluating the Performance of Three Popular Web Mapping Libraries: A Case Study Using Argentina's Life Quality Index
Includes: Celemin, J.P.[Juan Pablo] Celemín, J.P.[Juan Pablo]

Celenk, M. * 1986: Color Image Segmentation by Clustering and Parametric-Histogramming Technique
* 1988: Recursive Clustering Technique for Color Picture Segmentation, A
* 1990: Color Clustering Technique for Image Segmentation, A
* 1995: Analysis of Color Images of Natural Scenes
* 1996: Color Scene Recognition Using Relational Distance Measurement
* 2001: Higher-order spectra (HOS) invariants for shape recognition
* 2001: Implementation of 2D-DCT on XC4000 Series FPGA Using DFT-based DSFG and DA Architectures
* 2002: Equal-intensity map texture modeling for natural scene segmentation
* 2003: Natural scene synthesis using multiple eigenspaces
* 2004: Facial event mining using coupled hidden markov models
* 2006: Digital Video Watermarking using Singular Value Decomposition and 2D Principal Component Analysis
* 2006: Lesion Detection Using Morphological Watershed Segmentation and Modelbased Inverse Filtering
* 2006: Object Detection and Recognition via Deformable Illumination and Deformable Shape
* 2007: Kalman Filtering Approach to 3-D IR Scene Prediction using Single-Camera Range Video, A
* 2007: Non-linear IR Scene Prediction for Range Video Surveillance
* 2008: hybrid block-matching approach to motion estimation with adaptive search area, A
* 2008: new adaptive Kalman filtering method for block-based motion estimation, A
* 2009: Fast binary partition tree based variable-size block-matching for video coding
* 2016: Performance Assessment of Predictive Lane Boundary Detection for Non-uniformly Illuminated Roadway Driving Assistance
* 2016: Road-Geometry-Based Risk Estimation Model for Horizontal Curves
* 2017: Road Scene Content Analysis for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Driving
Includes: Celenk, M. Celenk, M.[Mehmet]
21 for Celenk, M.

Celentano, A. * 1998: Feature Integration and Relevance Feedback Analysis in Image Similarity Evaluation
* 2013: Using multiple sensors for reliable markerless identification through supervised learning
* 2015: Evaluating stereo vision and user tracking in mixed reality tasks!
Includes: Celentano, A. Celentano, A.[Augusto]

Celentano, P.[Paolo] * 2021: Connectivity Analysis Applied to Mesoscale Eddies in the Western Mediterranean Basin

Celes, C.[Clayson] * 2021: Mobility Trace Analysis for Intelligent Vehicular Networks: Methods, Models, and Applications

Celes, W. * 2008: Accelerated Corner-Detector Algorithms
* 2011: Fast and versatile texture-based wireframe rendering
* 2011: Volume rendering of unstructured hexahedral meshes
* 2018: Multiresolution visualization of massive black oil reservoir models
Includes: Celes, W. Celes, W.[Waldemar]

Celeste, G.[Giuseppe] * 2019: Classification of Skin Lesions by Combining Multilevel Learnings in a DenseNet Architecture
* 2021: Systematic Investigation on Deep Architectures for Automatic Skin Lesions Classification, A

Celesti, M.[Marco] * 2016: Analysis of Red and Far-Red Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Their Ratio in Different Canopies Based on Observed and Modeled Data
* 2019: High-Performance Airborne Imaging Spectrometer HyPlant: From Raw Images to Top-of-Canopy Reflectance and Fluorescence Products: Introduction of an Automatized Processing Chain, The
* 2019: Hyplant-Derived Sun-Induced Fluorescence: A New Opportunity to Disentangle Complex Vegetation Signals from Diverse Vegetation Types
* 2019: Spectral Fitting Algorithm to Retrieve the Fluorescence Spectrum from Canopy Radiance, A
* 2019: Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence III: Benchmarking Retrieval Methods and Sensor Characteristics for Proximal Sensing
* 2020: Multi-Scale Evaluation of Drone-Based Multispectral Surface Reflectance and Vegetation Indices in Operational Conditions
* 2020: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) Retrieval with Non-Imaging Spectrometers: State of the Art
* 2022: Adjusting solar-induced fluorescence to nadir-viewing provides a better proxy for GPP
* 2022: Evaluation of the Spatial Representativeness of In Situ SIF Observations for the Validation of Medium-Resolution Satellite SIF Products
9 for Celesti, M.

Celestino, J.[Jose] * 2023: 2D Image head pose estimation via latent space regression under occlusion settings
Includes: Celestino, J.[Jose] Celestino, J.[José]

Celetto, L. * 2004: Polyphase spatial subsampling multiple description coding of video streams with h264
* 2005: Bit Allocation and Quantizer Optimization in Multiple Description Coding with Oversampled Filterbanks
* 2008: Accurate Low-Complexity Rate Control Algorithm Based on (rho,q)-Domain, An
* 2009: IPTV-P2P Clients at Home
* 2009: Multiple description for robust Scalable Video Coding
* 2010: Error concealment of H.264/AVC inter-coded video frames
* 2011: Embracing semantics in zoomable user interface
* 2014: Live Key Frame Extraction in User Generated Content Scenarios for Embedded Mobile Platforms
Includes: Celetto, L. Celetto, L.[Luca]
8 for Celetto, L.

Celeux, G.[Gilles] * 1995: Gaussian parsimonious clustering models
* 1999: improvement of the NEC criterion for assessing the number of clusters in a mixture model, An
* 2000: Assessing a Mixture Model for Clustering with the Integrated Completed Likelihood
* 2003: EM procedures using mean field-like approximations for Markov model-based image segmentation
* 2004: Learning switching dynamic models for objects tracking
* 2006: Selection of Generative Models in Classification
* 2011: Intrinsic dimension estimation by maximum likelihood in isotropic probabilistic PCA
7 for Celeux, G.

Index for "c"

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