Index for valk

Valk, N.V.[Nick Vander] * 2012: Adaptive Rendering for Large-Scale Skyline Characterization and Matching
* 2013: Image to LIDAR matching for geotagging in urban environments
Includes: Valk, N.V.[Nick Vander] Valk, N.V.[N. Vander]

Valkama, M. * 2013: Blind Signal Estimation in Widely-Linear Signal Models With Fourth-Order Circularity: Algorithms and Application to Receiver I/Q Calibration
* 2014: Digital Suppression of Power Amplifier Spurious Emissions at Receiver Band in FDD Transceivers
* 2015: Entropy and Channel Capacity under Optimum Power and Rate Adaptation over Generalized Fading Conditions
* 2016: Distributed Differential Modulation Over Asymmetric Fading Channels
* 2022: Radar Scheme With Raised Reflector for NLOS Vehicle Detection
Includes: Valkama, M. Valkama, M.[Mikko]

Valkanas, A.[Antonios] * 2024: Population Monte Carlo With Normalizing Flow

Valkanou, K.[Kanella] * 2021: Assessment of Neotectonic Landscape Deformation in Evia Island, Greece, Using GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Analysis

Valkealahit, K.[Kimmo] * 1998: Reduced Multidimensional Histograms in Color Texture Description

Valkealahti, K. * 1996: Cooccurrence Map: Quantizing Multidimensional Texture Histograms
* 1997: Reduced Multidimensional Texture Histograms
* 1998: Reduced Multidimensional Cooccurrence Histograms in Texture Classification
* 1998: Texture Classification with Single and Multiresolution Cooccurrence Maps
* 2001: Texture discrimination with multidimensional distributions of signed gray-level differences
Includes: Valkealahti, K. Valkealahti, K.[Kimmo]

Valkenberg, A.J. * 2010: Advanced traffic monitoring for sustainable traffic management: Experiences and results of five years of collaborative research in the Netherlands

Valkenburg, R.[Robert] * 2006: Target Calibration and Tracking Using Conformal Geometric Algebra
* 2008: On fusion of active range data and passive stereo data for 3D scene modelling
* 2009: Accurate 3D Modelling by Fusion of Potentially Reliable Active Range and Passive Stereo Data
* 2009: Calibration of the relative poses of multiple cameras
* 2010: Fusing Large Volumes of Range and Image Data for Accurate Description of Realistic 3D Scenes
Includes: Valkenburg, R.[Robert] Valkenburg, R.

Valkenburg, R.J. * 1996: Comparison of Local Surface Geometry Estimation Methods, A
* 1997: Comparison of Local Surface Geometry Estimation Methods, A
* 1998: Accurate 3d Measurement Using A Structured Light System
* 2008: Robust calibration of the position of reference targets for a six degrees of freedom pose sensor

Valko, M.[Michal] * 2010: Online semi-supervised perception: Real-time learning without explicit feedback
* 2013: Learning from a single labeled face and a stream of unlabeled data
* 2017: Scaling the Scattering Transform: Deep Hybrid Networks
* 2018: Compressing the Input for CNNs with the First-Order Scattering Transform
* 2021: Broaden Your Views for Self-Supervised Video Learning

Valko, O.[Orsolya] * 2015: Classification of Herbaceous Vegetation Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
Includes: Valko, O.[Orsolya] Valkó, O.[Orsolya]

Valkonen, M. * 2017: Dual Structured Convolutional Neural Network with Feature Augmentation for Quantitative Characterization of Tissue Histology
* 2020: ANHIR: Automatic Non-Rigid Histological Image Registration Challenge
* 2020: Cytokeratin-Supervised Deep Learning for Automatic Recognition of Epithelial Cells in Breast Cancers Stained for ER, PR, and Ki-67

Valkonen, T.[Tuomo] * 2013: Total Generalized Variation in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* 2014: Imaging with Kantorovich-Rubinstein Discrepancy
* 2015: Asymptotic Behaviour of Total Generalised Variation
* 2015: Limiting Aspects of Nonconvex TV-phi Models
* 2016: Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Deterministic Error Bounds
* 2017: Acceleration of the PDHGM on Partially Strongly Convex Functions
* 2017: Bilevel Parameter Learning for Higher-Order Total Variation Regularisation Models
* 2020: Relaxed Gauss-Newton Methods with Applications to Electrical Impedance Tomography
Includes: Valkonen, T.[Tuomo] Valkonen, T.
8 for Valkonen, T.

Valks, P.[Pieter] * 2019: NO2 Retrieval from the Environmental Trace Gases Monitoring Instrument (EMI): Preliminary Results and Intercomparison with OMI and TROPOMI
* 2021: Estimation of Surface NO2 Concentrations over Germany from TROPOMI Satellite Observations Using a Machine Learning Method

Index for "v"

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