Index for vlas

Vlasenko, A.[Andrey] * 2008: Physically Consistent Variational Denoising of Image Fluid Flow Estimates
* 2009: Superresolution and Denoising of 3D Fluid Flow Estimates
* 2010: Physically Consistent and Efficient Variational Denoising of Image Fluid Flow Estimates

Vlasenko, B. * 2010: Cross-Corpus Acoustic Emotion Recognition: Variances and Strategies

Vlasenko, I. * 2015: Smart-Condo: Optimizing Sensor Placement for Indoor Localization, The

Vlasic, D. * 2018: Unsupervised Training for 3D Morphable Model Regression
* 2019: Learning Shape Templates With Structured Implicit Functions
* 2021: AutoFlow: Learning a Better Training Set for Optical Flow
* 2021: Differentiable Surface Rendering via Non-Differentiable Sampling
* 2022: Identifying Document Images with Glare Using Global and Localized Feature Fusion
Includes: Vlasic, D. Vlasic, D.[Daniel]

Vlasic, T.[Tin] * 2020: Spline-like Chebyshev polynomial model for compressive imaging
* 2022: Single-pixel compressive imaging in shift-invariant spaces via exact wavelet frames
Includes: Vlasic, T.[Tin] Vlašic, T.[Tin]

Vlaski, S. * 2019: Regularization Framework for Learning Over Multitask Graphs, A
* 2020: Tracking Performance of Online Stochastic Learners
Includes: Vlaski, S. Vlaski, S.[Stefan]

Vlasopoulos, O. * 2020: 3d Reconstruction and Mesh Optimization of Underwater Spaces For Virtual Reality

Vlasov, V.V.[Vitaly V.] * 2015: Few-Views Image Reconstruction with SMART and an Allowance for Contrast Structure Shadows

Vlasselaer, J. * 2017: BEHAVE: Behavioral Analysis of Visual Events for Assisted Living Scenarios

Vlassenbroeck, J. * 2010: Multiresolution Approach to Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms in X-Ray Computed Tomography, A

Vlassis, G.[Georgios] * 2023: CLIP-Guided Vision-Language Pre-training for Question Answering in 3D Scenes

Vlassis, N. * 2001: probabilistic model for appearance-based robot localization, A
* 2002: k-segments algorithm for finding principal curves, A
* 2003: global k-means clustering algorithm, The
* 2006: Gaussian fields for semi-supervised regression and correspondence learning
Includes: Vlassis, N. Vlassis, N.[Nikos]

Vlassis, S. * 2000: Analog implementation of erosion/dilation, median and order statistics filters
* 2001: Floating Gate CMOS Euclidean Distance Calculator and Its Application to Hand-written Digit Recognition, A

Vlassopoulos, N. * 2008: real-time H.264/AVC VLSI encoder architecture, A
* 2008: real-time motion estimation FPGA architecture, A
Includes: Vlassopoulos, N. Vlassopoulos, N.[Nikolaos]

Vlassopoulos, V. * 1990: Adaptive Polygonization of Parametric Surfaces

Vlassov, V.[Vladimir] * 2022: Scalable Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation Data Using Hopsworks

Vlassova, L.[Lidia] * 2014: Analysis of the Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Wildfire Severity in a Series of Landsat Images
* 2014: Assessment of Methods for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat-5 TM Images Applicable to Multiscale Tree-Grass Ecosystem Modeling

Vlastelica, M. * 2020: Optimizing Rank-Based Metrics With Blackbox Differentiation

Index for "v"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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