Index for wilb

Wilber, K. * 2019: Understanding Image Quality and Trust in Peer-to-Peer Marketplaces
* 2021: Benchmarking Representation Learning for Natural World Image Collections
* 2022: Exploring Fine-Grained Audiovisual Categorization with the SSW60 Dataset
* 2022: On Label Granularity and Object Localization
* 2022: When Does Contrastive Visual Representation Learning Work?
* 2024: PolyMaX: General Dense Prediction with Mask Transformer
Includes: Wilber, K. Wilber, K.[Kimberly]

Wilber, M. * 2017: Sketching with Style: Visual Search with Sketches and Aesthetic Context

Wilber, M.J.[Michael J.] * 2012: PRIVV: Private remote iris-authentication with Vaulted Verification
* 2012: Secure remote matching with privacy: Scrambled support vector vaulted verification (S2V3)
* 2013: Animal recognition in the Mojave Desert: Vision tools for field biologists
* 2013: Issues in Rotational (Non-)invariance and Image Preprocessing
* 2014: Exemplar codes for facial attributes and tattoo recognition
* 2014: Good recognition is non-metric
* 2015: Learning Concept Embeddings with Combined Human-Machine Expertise
* 2016: Can we still avoid automatic face detection?
* 2017: BAM! The Behance Artistic Media Dataset for Recognition Beyond Photography
Includes: Wilber, M.J.[Michael J.] Wilber, M.J.
9 for Wilber, M.J.

Wilberg, J.[Jens] * 2019: Gradient Product Transform: An Image Filter for Symmetry Detection, The
* 2019: TriplClust: An Algorithm for Curve Detection in 3D Point Clouds

Wilbert, A.[Alwin] * 2018: Multi-view photometric stereo using surface deformation

Wilbert, S.[Stefan] * 2019: Atmospheric Transmittance Model Validation for CSP Tower Plants
* 2019: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager Derived Irradiance Nowcasts
* 2022: Analyzing Spatial Variations of Cloud Attenuation by a Network of All-Sky Imagers

Wilbrink, J.[Jurg] * 2020: Combining UAV Imagery, Volunteered Geographic Information, and Field Survey Data to Improve Characterization of Rural Water Points in Malawi

Wilbrink, M.[Marc] * 2020: Adaptive transitions for automation in cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles
* 2020: Towards affect-aware vehicles for increasing safety and comfort: recognising driver emotions from audio recordings in a realistic driving study

Wilbur, R.B.[Ronnie B.] * 2014: Seeing is Worse than Believing: Reading People's Minds Better than Computer-Vision Methods Recognize Actions
* 2021: Object classification from randomized EEG trials
* 2021: Perils and Pitfalls of Block Design for EEG Classification Experiments, The
* 2022: Confounds in the Data: Comments on Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features
* 2023: Still an Ineffective Method With Supertrials/ERPs: Comments on Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features

Wilburn, B.[Bennett] * 2004: High-speed videography using a dense camera array
* 2004: Using plane + parallax for calibrating dense camera arrays
* 2005: Synthetic Aperture Focusing using a Shear-Warp Factorization of the Viewing Transform
* 2007: Penrose Pixels Super-Resolution in the Detector Layout Domain
* 2008: LED-only BRDF measurement device, An
* 2008: Radiometric calibration using temporal irradiance mixtures
* 2008: Stereo reconstruction with mixed pixels using adaptive over-segmentation
* 2009: Video-Based Modeling of Dynamic Hair
* 2010: Photometric Stereo for Dynamic Surface Orientations
* 2011: High-quality shape from multi-view stereo and shading under general illumination
* 2011: Penrose Pixels for Super-Resolution
* 2012: Edge-preserving photometric stereo via depth fusion
Includes: Wilburn, B.[Bennett] Wilburn, B.
12 for Wilburn, B.

Wilburn, J. * 1998: Developments in Generalized Ranked-Order Filters

Wilburn, J.B.[John Bart] * 2002: Development of the local maximum variety of ranked-order filters

Wilby, M.R. * 2014: Modeling and Detecting Aggressiveness From Driving Signals
* 2016: Bluetooth Traffic Monitoring Systems for Travel Time Estimation on Freeways
* 2022: Prediction of On-Street Parking Level of Service Based on Random Undersampling Decision Trees
* 2022: Short-Term Prediction of Level of Service in Highways Based on Bluetooth Identification
Includes: Wilby, M.R. Wilby, M.R.[Mark Richard]

Index for "w"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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