Bloch, G.[Gabriel]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive and Optimal Combination of Local Features for Image Retrieval
* Efficient fusion of multidimensional descriptors for image retrieval
* Ho-Kashyap classifier with early stopping for regularization
* trainable feature extractor for handwritten digit recognition, A
Includes: Bloch, G.[Gabriel] Bloch, G.[Gérard] Bloch, G.[Gerard]
Bloch, I.
Co Author Listing * 3D Reconstruction of Blood Vessels by Multi-Modality Data Fusion Using Fuzzy and Markovian Modelling
* Accurate Segmentation of Blood Vessels from 3D Medical Images
* Adaptive Anisotropic Morphological Filtering Based on Co-Circularity of Local Orientations
* Adaptive particle filtering for coronary artery segmentation from 3D CT angiograms
* ALC(F): A New Description Logic for Spatial Reasoning in Images
* Alignment and Parallelism for the Description of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Application of Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory to Unsupervised Classification in Multisource Remote Sensing
* Attributed Graphs for Tracking Multiple Objects in Structured Sports Videos
* Automated segmentation of macular layers in OCT images and quantitative evaluation of performances
* Automated Segmentation of the Left Ventricle Including Papillary Muscles in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images
* Automatic cleaning and segmentation of web images based on colors to build learning databases
* Automatic Photoreceptor Detection in In-Vivo Adaptive Optics Retinal Images: Statistical Validation
* Bipolar Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology for Spatial Reasoning
* Brain Lesion Detection in 3D PET Images Using Max-Trees and a New Spatial Context Criterion
* Brain symmetry plane computation in MR images using inertia axes and optimization
* Cellular complexes: A tool for 3d homotopic segmentation in brain images
* cellular model for multi-objects multi-dimensional homotopic deformations, A
* Computational modeling of thoracic and abdominal anatomy using spatial relationships for image segmentation
* Conciliating syntactic and semantic constraints for multi-phase and multi-channel region segmentation
* Continuous Label Bayesian Segmentation, Applications to Medical Brain Images
* Cooperative Use of Aerial Images and Maps for the Interpretation of Urban Scenes
* Coupled Parallel Snakes for Segmenting Healthy and Pathological Retinal Arteries in Adaptive Optics Images
* CT-PET Landmark-based Lung Registration Using a Dynamic Breathing Model
* Curvelet analysis of kymograph for tracking bi-directional particles in fluorescence microscopy images
* Data Ranking and Clustering via Normalized Graph Cut Based on Asymmetric Affinity
* Deep Graphics Encoder for Real-Time Video Makeup Synthesis from Example
* Denoising based on non local means for ultrasound images with simultaneous multiple noise distributions
* Detecting potential human activities using coherent change detection
* Detection of masses and architectural distortions in digital breast tomosynthesis images using fuzzy and a contrario approaches
* Directional Relative Position Between Objects in Image Processing: A Comparison Between Fuzzy Approaches
* Encoding the Latent Posterior of Bayesian Neural Networks for Uncertainty Quantification
* Estimation of Class Membership Functions for Grey-Level Based Image Fusion
* Estimation of Distribution Algorithms: A New Evolutionary Computation Approach for Graph Matching Problems
* Evaluation of the symmetry plane in 3D MR brain images
* Explanatory Reasoning for Image Understanding Using Formal Concept Analysis and Description Logics
* Explicit Incorporation of Prior Anatomical Information Into a Nonrigid Registration of Thoracic and Abdominal CT and 18-FDG Whole-Body Emission PET Images
* Exploiting temporal information to detect conversational groups in videos and predict the next speaker
* Exploring structure for long-term tracking of multiple objects in sports videos
* Extending adjacency to fuzzy sets for coping with imprecise image objects
* Feature-aided particle tracking
* First Step Toward Automatic Interpretation of SAR Images Using Evidential Fusion of Several Structure Detectors, A
* Fragments based tracking with adaptive cue integration
* From neonatal to adult brain MR image segmentation in a few seconds using 3D-like fully convolutional network and transfer learning
* Fully automatic CNN-based segmentation of retinal bifurcations in 2D adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy images
* fully automatic method for segmenting retinal artery walls in adaptive optics images, A
* Fusion of complementary detectors for improving blotch detection in digitized films
* Fusion of spatial relationships for guiding recognition, example of brain structure recognition in 3D MRI
* Fuzzy 'Along' Spatial Relation in 3D. Application to Anatomical Structures in Maxillofacial CBCT
* Fuzzy classification for multi-modality image fusion
* Fuzzy Connectivity and Mathematical Morphology
* Fuzzy mathematical morphologies: A comparative study
* Fuzzy Relative Position Between Objects in Image Processing: A Morphological Approach
* Fuzzy relative position between objects in images: A morphological approach
* Fuzzy spatial constraints and ranked partitioned sampling approach for multiple object tracking
* Fuzzy Spatial Relationships for Image Processing and Interpretation: A Review
* Geodesic balls in a fuzzy set and fuzzy geodesic mathematical morphology
* Graph Fuzzy Homomorphism Interpreted as Fuzzy Association Graphs
* Handling Inter-object Occlusion for Multi-object Tracking Based on Attraction Force Constraint
* Hausdorff Distances Between Distributions Using Optimal Transport and Mathematical Morphology
* Image Classification Using Marginalized Kernels for Graphs
* Improving mine recognition through processing and Dempster-Shafer fusion of ground-penetrating radar data
* Inexact graph matching by means of estimation of distribution algorithms
* Inexact graph matching for model-based recognition: Evaluation and comparison of optimization algorithms
* Inexact graph matching using stochastic optimization techniques for facial feature recognition
* Inference of Directional Spatial Relationship Between Points: A Probabilistic Approach
* Information Combination Operators for Data Fusion: A Comparative Review with Classification
* Information Fusion in Signal and Image Processing
* Integration of Fuzzy Spatial Information in Tracking Based on Particle Filtering
* Integration of fuzzy spatial relations in deformable models: Application to brain MRI segmentation
* Interactive image segmentation by matching attributed relational graphs
* Introducing Fuzzy Spatial Constraints in a Ranked Partitioned Sampling for Multi-object Tracking
* Introduction of neighborhood information in evidence theory and application to data fusion of radar and optical images with partial cloud cover
* Is the U-NET Directional-Relationship Aware?
* Joined segmentation of cortical surface and brain volume in MRI using a homotopic deformable cellular model
* Kernel Fusion for Image Classification Using Fuzzy Structural Information
* Local Reasoning in Fuzzy Attribute Graphs for Optimizing Sequential Segmentation
* Manifold Learning via Linear Tangent Space Alignment (LTSA) for Accelerated Dynamic MRI With Sparse Sampling
* Mathematical morphology on hypergraphs, application to similarity and positive kernel
* Mathematical Morphology on Hypergraphs: Preliminary Definitions and Results
* Meta-learners for few-shot weakly-supervised medical image segmentation
* Model-based inexact graph matching on top of DNNs for semantic scene understanding
* Modeling a parallelism constraint in active contours. Application to the segmentation of eye vessels and retinal layers
* Modeling and measuring the spatial relation along: Regions, contours and fuzzy sets
* Morphological Links Between Formal Concepts and Hypergraphs
* Morphological source separation for particle tracking in complex biological environments
* MRF Based Random Graph Modelling the Human Cortical Topography, A
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking for Cluttered Biological Image Sequences
* Multiple hypothesis tracking in cluttered condition
* Multiscale Measures in Linear Scale-Space for Characterizing Cerebral Functional Activations in 3D PET Difference Images
* New Entropy for Hypergraphs, A
* New Fuzzy Connectivity Class Application to Structural Recognition in Images, A
* New Fuzzy Connectivity Measure for Fuzzy Sets: And Associated Fuzzy Attribute Openings, A
* On fuzzy distances and their use in image processing under imprecision
* On links between mathematical morphology and rough sets
* On the implementation of the multi-phase region segmentation, solving the hidden phase problem
* On the Ternary Spatial Relation Between
* Parallel Double Snakes. Application to the segmentation of retinal layers in 2D-OCT for pathological subjects
* Particle filtering with fuzzy spatial relations for object tracking
* Particle tracking in fluorescent microscopy images improved by morphological source separation
* Possibilistic Versus Belief Function Fusion for Antipersonnel Mine Detection
* primal sketch of the cortex mean curvature: a morphogenesis based approach to study the variability of the folding patterns, A
* Realistic Models of Children Heads from 3D-MRI Segmentation and Tetrahedral Mesh Construction
* Recursive head reconstruction from multi-view video sequences
* Regularized Reconstruction of 3d High-resolution Magnetic Resonance Images from Acquisitions of Anisotropically Degraded Resolutions
* Segmentation and size estimation of tomatoes from sequences of paired images
* Segmentation of 3D Head MR Images Using Morphological Reconstruction Under Constraints and Automatic Selection of Markers
* Segmentation of Retinal Arterial Bifurcations in 2D Adaptive Optics Ophthalmoscopy Images
* Segmentation of Retinal Arteries in Adaptive Optics Images
* Segmentation of retinal vessels in adaptive optics images for assessment of vasculitis
* Segmentation of the Skull Using Deformable Model and Taking Partial Volume Effect into Account
* Segmentation par modele deformable des regions osseuses de la tete dans les volume IRM
* Segmentation, Tracking, 3D Modelling and Matching of the Inner Ear Based on MRI Data
* Segmenting internal structures in 3D MR images of the brain by Markovian relaxation on a watershed based adjacency graph
* Semantic image segmentation based on spatial relationships and inexact graph matching
* Sensor fusion in anti-personnel mine detection using a two-level belief function model
* Sequential model-based segmentation and recognition of image structures driven by visual features and spatial relations
* Similarity between Hypergraphs Based on Mathematical Morphology
* Some Aspects of Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory for Classification of Multimodality Medical Images Taking Partial Volume Effect into Account
* Spatial entropy: a tool for controlling contextual classification convergence
* Spatial Reasoning with Incomplete Information on Relative Positioning
* Spatio-temporal Approach for Multiple Object Detection in Videos Using Graphs and Probability Maps, A
* Structural Image Segmentation with Interactive Model Generation
* Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Segmentation in Whole-Body MRI of Children
* Tetrahedral 3D finite element meshes of head tissues from MRI for the MEG/EEG forward problem
* Topological Relations Between Bipolar Fuzzy Sets Based on Mathematical Morphology
* Topologically controlled segmentation of 3D magnetic resonance images of the head by using morphological operators
* Tracking Hundreds of People in Densely Crowded Scenes With Particle Filtering Supervising Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Tradi: Tracking Deep Neural Network Weight Distributions
* Tropical and Morphological Operators for Signals on Graphs
* Unifying Quantitative, Semi-quantitative and Qualitative Spatial Relation Knowledge Representations Using Mathematical Morphology
* Using anatomical knowledge expressed as fuzzy constraints to segment the heart in CT images
* Visual tracking by fusing multiple cues with context-sensitive reliabilities
Includes: Bloch, I. Bloch, I.[Isabelle]
132 for Bloch, I.
Bloch, J.J.
Co Author Listing * Comparison of GENIE and conventional supervised classifiers for multispectral image feature extraction
* Optimizing Digital Hardware Perceptrons for Multi-Spectral Image Classification
Includes: Bloch, J.J. Bloch, J.J.[Jeffrey J.]
Bloch, K.M.[K. Markenroth]
Co Author Listing * Model Based Cardiac Motion Tracking Using Velocity Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Spline-Based Cardiac Motion Tracking Using Velocity-Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Bloch, L.
Co Author Listing * Why is the Winner the Best?
Bloch, M.
Co Author Listing * Simultaneous Seismic Sources Separation Based on Matrioshka Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, Application in Oil and Gas Exploration
Blocher, T.
Co Author Listing * Enhancing Remote-PPG Pulse Extraction in Disturbance Scenarios Utilizing Spectral Characteristics
Includes: Blocher, T. Blöcher, T. (Maybe also Bloecher, T.)
Blochin, J.[Jegor]
Co Author Listing * Deciphering Circular Anthropogenic Anomalies in PALSAR Data: Using L-Band SAR for Analyzing Archaeological Features on the Steppe
Blochin, J.K.[Jegor K.]
Co Author Listing * Remotely Sensing the Invisible-Thermal and Magnetic Survey Data Integration for Landscape Archaeology
Block, A.
Co Author Listing * distributed online learning tracking algorithm, A
Block, H.U.[Hans Ulrich]
Co Author Listing * In-House Mail Distribution by Automatic Address and Content Interpretation
Block, J.[Jessica]
Co Author Listing * Multimodal Wildland Fire Smoke Detection
Block, K.T.
Co Author Listing * Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Radial Fast Spin-Echo MRI
Block, M.[Marco]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Exposure Document Fusion Based on Edge-Intensities
* Quantile Linear Algorithm for Robust Binarization of Digitalized Letters
* Robust Document Warping with Interpolated Vector Fields
Includes: Block, M.[Marco] Block, M.
Block, S.[Sebastian]
Co Author Listing * Using Google Earth Surface Metrics to Predict Plant Species Richness in a Complex Landscape
Includes: Block, S.[Sebastian] Block, S.[Sebastián]
Block, T.[Tom]
Co Author Listing * On Line Validation Exercise (OLIVE): A Web Based Service for the Validation of Medium Resolution Land Products. Application to FAPAR Products
* Optimal Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature from AMSR-E
* passive real-time gaze estimation system for human-machine interfaces, A
Includes: Block, T.[Tom] Block, T.
Block, W.[Wolfgang]
Co Author Listing * Optical Flow-Guided Cine MRI Segmentation With Learned Corrections
Block, W.F.
Co Author Listing * Fast Realistic MRI Simulations Based on Generalized Multi-Pool Exchange Tissue Model
* Generation and Visualization of Four-Dimensional MR Angiography Data Using an Undersampled 3-D Projection Trajectory
Blocker, C.J.
Co Author Listing * Blind Unitary Transform Learning for Inverse Problems in Light-Field Imaging
* Low-Rank Plus Sparse Tensor Models for Light-field Reconstruction from Focal Stack Data
Blocksom, J.T.[Jonathan T.]
Co Author Listing * Large-scale urban environment modeling from videos using image content segmentation and alignment