Sans, X.G.[Xavier Gonzalez]
Co Author Listing * Variation of Ionospheric Narrowband and Wideband Performance for a 12,760 km Transequatorial Link and Its Dependence on Solar and Ionospheric Activity
Sansal, B.
Co Author Listing * Compound PCA-ICA Neural Network Model for Enhancement and Feature Extraction of Multi-frequency Polarimetric SAR Imagery
* Statistical characterisation and modelling of SAR images
Includes: Sansal, B. Sansal, B.[Boualem]
Sansao, J.P.H.[Joao P. H.]
Co Author Listing * Effects of Color Quantization on JPEG Compression
Sanseverino, A.[Anna]
Co Author Listing * HBIM Methodology for the Accurate and Georeferenced Reconstruction of Urban Contexts Surveyed by UAV: The Case of the Castle of Charles V, An
Sansevero, J.B.B.[Jeronimo Boelsums Barreto]
Co Author Listing * Biodiversity from the Sky: Testing the Spectral Variation Hypothesis in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Includes: Sansevero, J.B.B.[Jeronimo Boelsums Barreto] Sansevero, J.B.B.[Jerônimo Boelsums Barreto]
Sansigre, G.
Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Error Signal of the LMS Algorithm
Sansivero, F.[Fabio]
Co Author Listing * Processing Thermal Infrared Imagery Time-Series from Volcano Permanent Ground-Based Monitoring Network. Latest Methodological Improvements to Characterize Surface Temperatures Behavior of Thermal Anomaly Areas
* Surface Temperature Multiscale Monitoring by Thermal Infrared Satellite and Ground Images at Campi Flegrei Volcanic Area (Italy)
* Twenty Years of Thermal Infrared Observations (2004-2024) at Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy) by the Permanent Surveillance Ground Network of INGV-Osservatorio Vesuviano
Sansiviero, M.[Manuela]
Co Author Listing * New Approach for Monitoring the Terra Nova Bay Polynya through MODIS Ice Surface Temperature Imagery and Its Validation during 2010 and 2011 Winter Seasons, A
Sansli, D.B.[D. Bugdayci]
Co Author Listing * Backward compatible enhancement of chroma format in HEVC
* Improved weighted prediction based color gamut scalability in SHVC
* IN-Loop Filter for Object Mask Coding in Versatile Video Coding
* Inter-view motion vector prediction in multiview HEVC
Includes: Sansli, D.B.[D. Bugdayci] Sansli, D.B. Sansli, D.B.[Done Bugdayci]
Sanso, B.
Co Author Listing * Performance Analysis of Adaptive Modulation in Multiuser Selection Diversity Systems With OSTBC Over Time-Varying Channels
Sansoe, C.
Co Author Listing * PAPRICA-3: a real-time morphological image processor
Sansom, A.[Andrew]
Co Author Listing * Spatial Pyramid Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Sansom, B.J.[Brandon J.]
Co Author Listing * Hyperspectral Image Transects during Transient Events in Rivers (HITTER): Framework Development and Application to a Tracer Experiment on the Missouri River, USA
Sansom, C.[Carrie]
Co Author Listing * Attaining Human-Level Performance with Atlas Location Autocontext for Anatomical Landmark Detection in 3D CT Data
Sanson, H.
Co Author Listing * Combined mesh based image representation and motion estimation, application to video coding
* Differential methods for the identification of 2D and 3D motion models in image sequences
* Hierarchical Segmentation of Video Sequences for Content Manipulation and Adaptive Coding
* Image Approximation by Minimization of a Geometric Distance Applied to a 3D Finite Elements Based Model
* Iterative unsupervised object detection system
* Limitation of triangles overlapping in mesh-based motion estimation using augmented Lagrangian
* Relative depth estimation of video objects for image interpolation
* Robust Motion Estimation Using Connected Operators
* Robust Segmentation of Moving Image Sequences
* Shape distances for contour tracking and motion estimation
* Toward a robust parametric identification of motion on regions of arbitrary shape by nonlinear optimization
Includes: Sanson, H. Sanson, H.[Henri]
11 for Sanson, H.
Sansone, C.[Carlo]
Co Author Listing * 3TP-CNN: Radiomics and Deep Learning for Lesions Classification in DCE-MRI
* adaptive reject option for LVQ classifiers, An
* Adversarial liveness detector: Leveraging adversarial perturbations in fingerprint liveness detection
* Anomaly-Based Detection of IRC Botnets by Means of One-Class Support Vector Classifiers
* Assessing the Performance of a Graph-Based Clustering Algorithm
* Attacking the triangle test in sensor-based camera identification
* Benchmarking graph-based clustering algorithms
* Breast Segmentation in MRI via U-Net Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Breast segmentation using Fuzzy C-Means and anatomical priors in DCE-MRI
* Cell image classification by a scale and rotation invariant dense local descriptor
* Character Recognition by Geometrical Moments on Structural Decompositions
* Classification reliability and its use in multi-classifier systems
* Classifying audio of movies by a multi-expert system
* Combining Genetic-Based Misuse and Anomaly Detection for Reliably Detecting Intrusions in Computer Networks
* Combining perspiration- and morphology-based static features for fingerprint liveness detection
* Combining statistical and structural approaches for handwritten character description
* Combining visual and textual features for filtering spam emails
* Comparative Analysis of Forgery Detection Algorithms, A
* Comprehensive computer-aided diagnosis for breast T1-weighted DCE-MRI through quantitative dynamical features and spatio-temporal local binary patterns
* DAE-CNN: Exploiting and disentangling contrast agent effects for breast lesions classification in DCE-MRI
* deep learning approach for iris sensor model identification, A
* Deep learning in the ultrasound evaluation of neonatal respiratory status
* Definition and Validation of a Distance Measure Between Structural Primitives
* Developing a Smart PACS: CBIR System Using Deep Learning
* Efficient Algorithm for the Inexact Matching of ARG Graphs Using a Contextual Transformational Model, An
* Evaluating Classification Reliability for Combining Classifiers
* Evaluating Impacts of Motion Correction on Deep Learning Approaches for Breast DCE-MRI Segmentation and Classification
* Evaluating Tumour Bounding Options for Deep Learning-based Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis Prediction in Breast Cancer
* Evaluation of Residual-Based Local Features for Camera Model Identification
* Experimental Comparison of Different Methods for Combining Biometric Identification Systems, An
* Fast Graph Matching for Detecting CAD Image Components
* Fead-d: Facial Expression Analysis in Deepfake Detection
* Fingerprint Adversarial Presentation Attack in the Physical Domain
* Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Machine Learning Ensembles: Active Learning Strategies for Model Transfer and Field Sampling Reduction
* Graph matching applications in pattern recognition and image processing
* Graph Matching: A Fast Algorithm and its Evaluation
* Graph-Based Clustering Method and Its Applications, A
* Graph-Based Method for Detecting and Classifying Clusters in Mammographic Images, A
* Hierarchical Image Analysis Using Radon Transform: An Application to Error Concealment
* Impact of Reliability Evaluation on a Semi-supervised Learning Approach, The
* Improved Algorithm for Anchor Shot Detection, An
* Improving Performance of Network Traffic Classification Systems by Cleaning Training Data
* Improving the Accuracy of a Score Fusion Approach Based on Likelihood Ratio in Multimodal Biometric Systems
* Introduction to the special issue on robustness, security and regulation aspects in current biometric systems (RSRA-BS)
* Investigation of Deep Learning for Lesions Malignancy Classification in Breast DCE-MRI, An
* Iris liveness detection for mobile devices based on local descriptors
* large database of graphs and its use for benchmarking graph isomorphism algorithms, A
* LBP-TOP for Volume Lesion Classification in Breast DCE-MRI
* Learning structural shape descriptions from examples
* LessonAble: Leveraging Deep Fakes in MOOC Content Creation
* Leveraging CycleGAN in Lung CT Sinogram-free Kernel Conversion
* Local contrast phase descriptor for fingerprint liveness detection
* Multi-expert Approach for Shot Classification in News Videos, A
* Multi-stage Approach for Anchor Shot Detection, A
* Multiclassification: reject criteria for the Bayesian combiner
* Multiple Classifier Approach for Detecting Naked Human Bodies in Images, A
* Multiple Classifier System for Classification of Breast Lesions Using Dynamic and Morphological Features in DCE-MRI, A
* Neural Machine Registration for Motion Correction in Breast DCE-MRI
* On the Importance of Temporal Features in Domain Adaptation Methods for Action Recognition
* On the transferability of adversarial perturbation attacks against fingerprint based authentication systems
* Pattern Recognition Approaches for Classifying IP Flows
* Performance evaluation of the VF graph matching algorithm
* PRNU-Based Forgery Localization in a Blind Scenario
* Prototyping Structural Shape Descriptions by Inductive Learning
* real-time text-independent speaker identification system, A
* Reliability of explainable Artificial Intelligence in Adversarial Perturbation Scenarios
* Selection of Suspicious ROIs in Breast DCE-MRI
* Shape Normalizing and Tracking Dancing Worms
* Signature Verification: Increasing Performance by a Multi-Stage System
* Skin Lesions Classification: A Radiomics Approach with Deep CNN
* Sub)Graph Isomorphism Algorithm for Matching Large Graphs, A
* Survey About the Cyberbullying Problem on Social Media by Using Machine Learning Approaches, A
* Toward a System for Post-Earthquake Safety Evaluation of Masonry Buildings
* Unsupervised Algorithm for Anchor Shot Detection, An
* Using iris and sclera for detection and classification of contact lenses
Includes: Sansone, C.[Carlo] Sansone, C. Sansone, C.[Carmine]
75 for Sansone, C.
Sansone, E.[Emanuele]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Synchronization of Multi-user Photo Galleries
* Efficient Training for Positive Unlabeled Learning
Sansone, M.[Mario]
Co Author Listing * 3TP-CNN: Radiomics and Deep Learning for Lesions Classification in DCE-MRI
* Breast Segmentation in MRI via U-Net Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Breast segmentation using Fuzzy C-Means and anatomical priors in DCE-MRI
* Comprehensive computer-aided diagnosis for breast T1-weighted DCE-MRI through quantitative dynamical features and spatio-temporal local binary patterns
* DAE-CNN: Exploiting and disentangling contrast agent effects for breast lesions classification in DCE-MRI
* Evaluating Impacts of Motion Correction on Deep Learning Approaches for Breast DCE-MRI Segmentation and Classification
* Investigation of Deep Learning for Lesions Malignancy Classification in Breast DCE-MRI, An
* LBP-TOP for Volume Lesion Classification in Breast DCE-MRI
* Multiple Classifier System for Classification of Breast Lesions Using Dynamic and Morphological Features in DCE-MRI, A
* Selection of Suspicious ROIs in Breast DCE-MRI
Includes: Sansone, M.[Mario] Sansone, M.
10 for Sansone, M.
Sansonetti, A.
Co Author Listing * Integrated Survey Techniques: Preliminary Studies for The Conservation Of Villa Galvagnina
Sansonetti, G.[Giuseppe]
Co Author Listing * Integrated System for Automatic Face Recognition, An
Sansoni, G.
Co Author Listing * 3D Imager for Dimensional Gauging of Industrial Workpieces
* 3D shape recovery and registration based on the projection of non-coherent structured light
* Hand Gesture Recognition for Collaborative Workstations: A Smart Command System Prototype
Includes: Sansoni, G. Sansoni, G.[Giovanna]
Sansonnet, J.P.[Jean Paul]
Co Author Listing * Towards Interactive Web-Based Virtual Signers: First Step, a Platform for Experimentation Design
Includes: Sansonnet, J.P.[Jean Paul] Sansonnet, J.P.[Jean-Paul]
Sansores, C.[Candelaria]
Co Author Listing * Agent-based modelling and simulation for the analysis of social patterns
Sansosti, E.
Co Author Listing * Digital elevation model generation using ascending and descending ERS-1/ERS-2 tandem data
* Geodetic Model of the March 2021 Thessaly Seismic Sequence Inferred from Seismological and InSAR Data
* Geometrical SAR Image Registration
* High Performance Computing in Satellite SAR Interferometry: A Critical Perspective
* Multithreading Based Parallel Processing for Image Geometric Coregistration in SAR Interferometry
* new algorithm for surface deformation monitoring based on small baseline differential SAR interferograms, A
* Phase Difference-Based Multichannel Phase Unwrapping
* Satellite Radar and Camera Time Series Reveal Transition from Aligned to Distributed Crater Arrangement during the 2021 Eruption of Cumbre Vieja, La Palma (Spain)
* Slope-Scale Evolution Categorization of Deep-Seated Slope Deformation Phenomena with Sentinel-1 Data
* Spotlight SAR data focusing based on a two-step processing approach
* Suitability Assessment of X-Band Satellite SAR Data for Geotechnical Monitoring of Site Scale Slow Moving Landslides
* Two-Dimensional Region Growing Least Squares Phase Unwrapping Algorithm for Interferometric SAR Processing, A
* Use of Massive Deformation Datasets for the Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Mauna Loa Volcano (Hawai'i), The
* Volcanic Processes Monitoring and Hazard Assessment Using Integration of Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Techniques
Includes: Sansosti, E. Sansosti, E.[Eugenio]
14 for Sansosti, E.
Sansrimahachai, P.
Co Author Listing * Blind source separation of instantaneous MIMO systems based on the least-squares Constant Modulus Algorithm