Index for kubo

Kubo, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Yamaba, K.: Considerations of the Affective Factors for Appreciating a...
     with: Yamagishi, M.: Considerations of the Affective Factors for Appreciatin...

Kubo, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cavazza, M.: Decentralized Multi-Agent Path Finding for UAV Traffic Ma...
     with: Geraldes, R.: Decentralized Multi-Agent Path Finding for UAV Traffic M...
     with: Goncalves, A.: Decentralized Multi-Agent Path Finding for UAV Traffic ...
     with: Ho, F.: Decentralized Multi-Agent Path Finding for UAV Traffic Managem...
     with: Prendinger, H.: Decentralized Multi-Agent Path Finding for UAV Traffic...
     with: Rigault, B.: Decentralized Multi-Agent Path Finding for UAV Traffic Ma...
     with: Sportich, B.: Decentralized Multi-Agent Path Finding for UAV Traffic M...
7 for Kubo, D.

Kubo, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Funaoka, C.: Labeling board based on boundary tracking
     with: Ishiyama, Y.: Labeling board based on boundary tracking
     with: Ishiyama, Y.: Object tracking apparatus, object tracking method and re...
     with: Sumi, Y.S.: Object tracking apparatus, object tracking method and reco...
     with: Takahashi, H.: Labeling board based on boundary tracking
     with: Tomita, F.: Labeling board based on boundary tracking
     with: Tomita, F.: Object tracking apparatus, object tracking method and reco...
7 for Kubo, F.

Kubo, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aoto, T.: Non-rigid registration of serial section images by blending ...
     with: Asada, S.: Simultaneous Reproduction of Reflectance and Transmittance ...
     with: Caron, G.: Eliminating Temporal Illumination Variations in Whisk-broom...
     with: Chandran, S.: Learning-based Spotlight Position Optimization for Non-L...
     with: Delmotte, A.: Blind 3D-Printing Watermarking Using Moment Alignment an...
     with: Delmotte, A.: Blind Watermarking for 3-D Printed Objects by Locally Mo...
     with: Funatomi, T.: Blind 3D-Printing Watermarking Using Moment Alignment an...
     with: Funatomi, T.: Blind Watermarking for 3-D Printed Objects by Locally Mo...
     with: Funatomi, T.: Eliminating Temporal Illumination Variations in Whisk-br...
     with: Funatomi, T.: Material Classification from Time-of-Flight Distortions
     with: Funatomi, T.: Material Classification Using Frequency-and Depth-Depend...
     with: Funatomi, T.: Non-rigid registration of serial section images by blend...
     with: Funatomi, T.: Recovering Transparent Shape from Time-of-Flight Distort...
     with: Funatomi, T.: Simultaneous Reproduction of Reflectance and Transmittan...
     with: Funatomi, T.: Time-Resolved Far Infrared Light Transport Decomposition...
     with: Funatomi, T.: Time-Resolved Light Transport Decomposition for Thermal ...
     with: Funatomi, T.: Visibility Enhancement by Integrating Refocusing and Dir...
     with: Hara, T.: Fast-accurate 3D face model generation using a single video ...
     with: Ikeya, N.: Time-Resolved Far Infrared Light Transport Decomposition fo...
     with: Ikeya, N.: Time-Resolved Light Transport Decomposition for Thermal Pho...
     with: Iwaguchi, T.: Specular Object Reconstruction Behind Frosted Glass by D...
     with: Jayasuriya, S.: Learning-based Spotlight Position Optimization for Non...
     with: Kadambi, A.: Time-Resolved Far Infrared Light Transport Decomposition ...
     with: Kadambi, A.: Time-Resolved Light Transport Decomposition for Thermal P...
     with: Kajihara, T.: Non-rigid registration of serial section images by blend...
     with: Kanedal, K.: Layered optical tomography of multiple scattering media w...
     with: Kato, Y.O.: Visibility Enhancement by Integrating Refocusing and Direc...
     with: Kawasaki, H.: Specular Object Reconstruction Behind Frosted Glass by D...
     with: Kuniyoshi, F.: Visibility Enhancement by Integrating Refocusing and Di...
     with: Kushida, T.: Layered optical tomography of multiple scattering media w...
     with: Maejima, A.: Fast-accurate 3D face model generation using a single vid...
     with: Makishima, H.: Non-rigid registration of serial section images by blen...
     with: Matsushita, Y.: Eliminating Temporal Illumination Variations in Whisk-...
     with: Matsushita, Y.: Material Classification from Time-of-Flight Distortions
     with: Matsushita, Y.: Material Classification Using Frequency-and Depth-Depe...
     with: Matsushita, Y.: Recovering Inner Slices of Layered Translucent Objects...
     with: Matsushita, Y.: Recovering inner slices of translucent objects by mult...
     with: Matsushita, Y.: Recovering Transparent Shape from Time-of-Flight Disto...
     with: Miura, J.: Tracking players in highly complex scenes in broadcast socc...
     with: Morishima, S.: Event-Based Camera Simulation Using Monte Carlo Path Tr...
     with: Morishima, S.: Fast-accurate 3D face model generation using a single v...
     with: Mouaddib, E.: Eliminating Temporal Illumination Variations in Whisk-br...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Blind 3D-Printing Watermarking Using Moment Alignment a...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Blind Watermarking for 3-D Printed Objects by Locally M...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Eliminating Temporal Illumination Variations in Whisk-b...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Layered optical tomography of multiple scattering media...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Material Classification from Time-of-Flight Distortions
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Material Classification Using Frequency-and Depth-Depen...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Non-rigid registration of serial section images by blen...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Recovering Inner Slices of Layered Translucent Objects ...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Recovering inner slices of translucent objects by multi...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Recovering Transparent Shape from Time-of-Flight Distor...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Simultaneous Reproduction of Reflectance and Transmitta...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Time-Resolved Far Infrared Light Transport Decompositio...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Time-Resolved Light Transport Decomposition for Thermal...
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Visibility Enhancement by Integrating Refocusing and Di...
     with: Ogawa, T.: Eliminating Temporal Illumination Variations in Whisk-broom...
     with: Pilet, J.: Video Retrieval Based on Tracked Features Quantization
     with: Ravi, V.: Time-Resolved Far Infrared Light Transport Decomposition for...
     with: Ravi, V.: Time-Resolved Light Transport Decomposition for Thermal Phot...
     with: Raytchev, B.: Layered optical tomography of multiple scattering media ...
     with: Saitoh, H.: Video Retrieval Based on Tracked Features Quantization
     with: Satoh, S.: Video Retrieval Based on Tracked Features Quantization
     with: Sawada, Y.: Visibility Enhancement by Integrating Refocusing and Direc...
     with: Takatani, T.: Time-Resolved Far Infrared Light Transport Decomposition...
     with: Takatani, T.: Time-Resolved Light Transport Decomposition for Thermal ...
     with: Tamaki, T.: Layered optical tomography of multiple scattering media wi...
     with: Tanaka, K.: Blind 3D-Printing Watermarking Using Moment Alignment and ...
     with: Tanaka, K.: Blind Watermarking for 3-D Printed Objects by Locally Modi...
     with: Tanaka, K.: Eliminating Temporal Illumination Variations in Whisk-broo...
     with: Tanaka, K.: Material Classification from Time-of-Flight Distortions
     with: Tanaka, K.: Material Classification Using Frequency-and Depth-Dependen...
     with: Tanaka, K.: Recovering Inner Slices of Layered Translucent Objects by ...
     with: Tanaka, K.: Recovering inner slices of translucent objects by multi-fr...
     with: Tanaka, K.: Recovering Transparent Shape from Time-of-Flight Distortion
     with: Tanaka, K.: Time-Resolved Far Infrared Light Transport Decomposition f...
     with: Tanaka, K.: Time-Resolved Light Transport Decomposition for Thermal Ph...
     with: Tsuji, Y.: Event-Based Camera Simulation Using Monte Carlo Path Tracin...
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Material Classification from Time-of-Flight Distortions
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Material Classification Using Frequency-and Depth-Dependen...
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Recovering Inner Slices of Layered Translucent Objects by ...
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Recovering inner slices of translucent objects by multi-fr...
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Recovering Transparent Shape from Time-of-Flight Distortion
     with: Yamada, S.: Non-rigid registration of serial section images by blendin...
     with: Yatagawa, T.: Event-Based Camera Simulation Using Monte Carlo Path Tra...
     with: Yatagawa, T.: Learning-based Spotlight Position Optimization for Non-L...
     with: Yuan, B.Z.: Layered optical tomography of multiple scattering media wi...
87 for Kubo, H.

Kubo, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eguchi, K.: Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multidetec...
     with: Eguchi, K.: Bias Field Correction of Chest Thin Section CT Images
     with: Eguchi, K.: Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on H...
     with: Eguchi, K.: Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from HRCT Images Based on...
     with: Eguchi, K.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cance...
     with: Kakinuma, R.: Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multidet...
     with: Kakinuma, R.: Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from HRCT Images Based ...
     with: Kakinuma, R.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Can...
     with: Kanazawa, K.: Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on...
     with: Kaneko, M.: Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multidetec...
     with: Kaneko, M.: Bias Field Correction of Chest Thin Section CT Images
     with: Kaneko, M.: Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from HRCT Images Based on...
     with: Kaneko, M.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cance...
     with: Kanuma, A.: VLSI Processor for Image Processing
     with: Kawata, Y.: Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multidetec...
     with: Kawata, Y.: Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on H...
     with: Kawata, Y.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cance...
     with: Kubota, K.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cance...
     with: Kusumoto, M.: Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multidet...
     with: Kusumoto, M.: Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from HRCT Images Based ...
     with: Mori, K.: Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multidetecto...
     with: Mori, K.: Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from HRCT Images Based on S...
     with: Moriyama, N.: Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multidet...
     with: Moriyama, N.: Bias Field Correction of Chest Thin Section CT Images
     with: Moriyama, N.: Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on...
     with: Moriyama, N.: Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from HRCT Images Based ...
     with: Moriyama, N.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Can...
     with: Muramoto, K.I.: 2D Feature Space for Snow Particle Classification into...
     with: Muramoto, K.I.: Continuous Analysis of Sea Ice Distribution by Geometr...
     with: Nakagawa, S.: Bias Field Correction of Chest Thin Section CT Images
     with: Niki, N.: Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multidetecto...
     with: Niki, N.: Bias Field Correction of Chest Thin Section CT Images
     with: Niki, N.: Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on Hel...
     with: Niki, N.: Computer Aided Diagnosis System with Functions to Assist Com...
     with: Niki, N.: Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from HRCT Images Based on S...
     with: Niki, N.: Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Thin-section CT Images...
     with: Niki, N.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cancer ...
     with: Nishiyama, H.: Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multide...
     with: Nishiyama, H.: Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from HRCT Images Based...
     with: Nurzynska, K.: 2D Feature Space for Snow Particle Classification into ...
     with: Ohmatsu, H.: Automatic Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from Multidete...
     with: Ohmatsu, H.: Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on ...
     with: Omatsu, H.: Bias Field Correction of Chest Thin Section CT Images
     with: Omatsu, H.: Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from HRCT Images Based on...
     with: Omatsu, H.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cance...
     with: Satoh, H.: Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on He...
     with: Sugai, M.: VLSI Processor for Image Processing
     with: Suzuki, K.: VLSI Processor for Image Processing
     with: Toshioka, S.: Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on...
     with: Tozaki, T.: Bias Field Correction of Chest Thin Section CT Images
     with: Ukai, Y.: Computer Aided Diagnosis System with Functions to Assist Com...
     with: Yamaguchi, N.: Bias Field Correction of Chest Thin Section CT Images
     with: Yamaguchi: Extraction of Pulmonary Fissures from HRCT Images Based on ...
     with: Yamamoto, T.: Computer Aided Diagnosis System with Functions to Assist...
54 for Kubo, M.

Kubo, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, J.P.: Initial Positioning Assessment of BDS New Satellites and N...
     with: Ebinuma, T.: Seamless Navigation Using Various Sensors: An Overview of...
     with: El Mowafy, A.: Integrity monitoring for Positioning of intelligent tra...
     with: Gao, G.X.: Protecting GNSS Receivers From Jamming and Interference
     with: Honji, K.: Semi-automated Cloud/shadow Removal And Land Cover Change D...
     with: Kawaguchi, T.: Seamless Navigation Using Various Sensors: An Overview ...
     with: Lu, M.: Protecting GNSS Receivers From Jamming and Interference
     with: Nakagawa, M.: Seamless Navigation Using Various Sensors: An Overview o...
     with: Namie, H.: Seamless Navigation Using Various Sensors: An Overview of T...
     with: Sah, A.K.: Semi-automated Cloud/shadow Removal And Land Cover Change D...
     with: Sah, B.P.: Semi-automated Cloud/shadow Removal And Land Cover Change D...
     with: Senthil, S.: Semi-automated Cloud/shadow Removal And Land Cover Change...
     with: Sgammini, M.: Protecting GNSS Receivers From Jamming and Interference
     with: Wang, H.: Initial Positioning Assessment of BDS New Satellites and New...
     with: Wang, J.X.: Initial Positioning Assessment of BDS New Satellites and N...
     with: Yamada, Y.: Seamless Navigation Using Various Sensors: An Overview of ...
     with: Yasuda, A.: Seamless Navigation Using Various Sensors: An Overview of ...
     with: Yoshida, M.: Seamless Navigation Using Various Sensors: An Overview of...
     with: Zhang, Y.Z.: Initial Positioning Assessment of BDS New Satellites and ...
19 for Kubo, N.

Kubo, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akiyama, Y.: Knee Pain Patient Simulation for Recommendation of Sit-to...
     with: Okamoto, S.: Knee Pain Patient Simulation for Recommendation of Sit-to...
     with: Yamada, N.: Knee Pain Patient Simulation for Recommendation of Sit-to-...
     with: Yamada, Y.: Knee Pain Patient Simulation for Recommendation of Sit-to-...
     with: Yamakawa, K.: Knee Pain Patient Simulation for Recommendation of Sit-t...

Kubo, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Iwasawa, Y.: UVTON: UV Mapping to Consider the 3D Structure of a Human...
     with: Matsuo, Y.: UVTON: UV Mapping to Consider the 3D Structure of a Human ...
     with: Suzuki, M.: UVTON: UV Mapping to Consider the 3D Structure of a Human ...

Kubo, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Homma, K.: Image correction processing method and apparatus
     with: Iida, T.: Flare Transformer: Solar Flare Prediction Using Magnetograms...
     with: Kaneda, K.: Flare Transformer: Solar Flare Prediction Using Magnetogra...
     with: Komura, F.: Image correction processing method and apparatus
     with: Mizuno, H.: Image correction processing method and apparatus
     with: Nishizuka, N.: Flare Transformer: Solar Flare Prediction Using Magneto...
     with: Seto, Y.: Image correction processing method and apparatus
     with: Sugiura, K.: Flare Transformer: Solar Flare Prediction Using Magnetogr...
     with: Wada, Y.: Flare Transformer: Solar Flare Prediction Using Magnetograms...
     with: Yamagata, S.: Image correction processing method and apparatus
10 for Kubo, Y.

Kubokawa, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Iwasaki, M.: Two features combination with gated recurrent unit for vi...
     with: Saitoh, T.: SSSD: Speech Scene database by Smart Device for Visual Spe...
     with: Saitoh, T.: Two features combination with gated recurrent unit for vis...

Kubon, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blazek, A.: Comparative Study for Known Item Visual Search Using Posit...
     with: Blazek, A.: Multi-sketch Semantic Video Browser
     with: Blazek, A.: Video Hunter at VBS 2017
     with: Lokoc, J.: Comparative Study for Known Item Visual Search Using Positi...
     with: Lokoc, J.: Multi-sketch Semantic Video Browser
     with: Lokoc, J.: Video Hunter at VBS 2017
     with: Skopal, T.: Multi-sketch Semantic Video Browser
7 for Kubon, D.

Kubota, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aizawa, K.: All-focused Image Generation and 3d Modeling of Microscopi...
     with: Aizawa, K.: Arbitrary view and focus image generation: rendering objec...
     with: Aizawa, K.: Direct Filtering Method for Image based rendering
     with: Aizawa, K.: Image Content Manipulation by Fusing Multiple Differently ...
     with: Aizawa, K.: Implicit 3D Approach to Image Generation: Object-Based Vis...
     with: Aizawa, K.: Inverse Filters for Reconstruction of Arbitrarily Focused ...
     with: Aizawa, K.: New Approach to Depth Range Detection by Producing Depth-d...
     with: Aizawa, K.: novel image-based rendering method by linear filtering of ...
     with: Aizawa, K.: Producing Object-Based Special Effects by Fusing Multiple ...
     with: Aizawa, K.: Reconstructing Arbitrarily Focused Images From Two Differe...
     with: Aizawa, K.: Reconstructing Dense Light Field From Array of Multifocus ...
     with: Aizawa, K.: Registration and Blur Estimation Methods for Multiple Diff...
     with: Aizawa, K.: Virtual view generation by linear processing of two differ...
     with: Aizawa, K.: Virtual view synthesis through linear processing without g...
     with: Chen, T.: Reconstructing Dense Light Field From Array of Multifocus Im...
     with: Chen, T.: Virtual view synthesis through linear processing without geo...
     with: Chen, T.H.: Direct Filtering Method for Image based rendering
     with: Chen, T.H.: Special issue on multi-view image processing and its appli...
     with: Cheung, G.: Transform domain sparsification of depth maps using iterat...
     with: Hamanaka, T.: View Interpolation using defocused stereo images: A spac...
     with: Hatori, M.: Registration and Blur Estimation Methods for Multiple Diff...
     with: Hatori, Y.: Deconvolution Method for View Interpolation Using Multiple...
     with: Hatori, Y.: Image-Based Refocusing by 3D Filtering
     with: Hatori, Y.: View Interpolation using defocused stereo images: A space-...
     with: Ishida, J.: Transform domain sparsification of depth maps using iterat...
     with: Ito, A.: Cauchy Aperture and Perfect Reconstruction Filters for Extend...
     with: Ito, A.: Filter Bank for Perfect Reconstruction of Light Field from It...
     with: Izawa, I.: Robust reconstruction of arbitrarily deformed Bokeh from or...
     with: Kasai, K.: Robust and Efficient Homography Estimation Using Directiona...
     with: Kato, O.: Fusion-Based Edge and Color Recovery Using Weighted Near-Inf...
     with: Kawakita, K.: Robust and Efficient Homography Estimation Using Directi...
     with: Kodama, K.: Cauchy Aperture and Perfect Reconstruction Filters for Ext...
     with: Kodama, K.: Deconvolution Method for View Interpolation Using Multiple...
     with: Kodama, K.: Efficient Reconstruction of All-in-Focus Images Through Sh...
     with: Kodama, K.: Filter Bank for Perfect Reconstruction of Light Field from...
     with: Kodama, K.: Free Iris Scene Re-Focusing Based on a Three-Dimensional F...
     with: Kodama, K.: Image Content Manipulation by Fusing Multiple Differently ...
     with: Kodama, K.: Image-Based Refocusing by 3D Filtering
     with: Kodama, K.: Implicit 3D Approach to Image Generation: Object-Based Vis...
     with: Kodama, K.: Linear view/image restoration for dense light fields
     with: Kodama, K.: Producing Object-Based Special Effects by Fusing Multiple ...
     with: Kodama, K.: Registration and Blur Estimation Methods for Multiple Diff...
     with: Kodama, K.: Robust reconstruction of arbitrarily deformed Bokeh from o...
     with: Mo, H.: Free Iris Scene Re-Focusing Based on a Three-Dimensional Filte...
     with: Naemura, T.: focus measure for light field rendering, A
     with: Ortega, A.: Transform domain sparsification of depth maps using iterat...
     with: Saito, T.: Variational Recovery Method for Virtual View Synthesis, A
     with: Sugano, M.: Robust and Efficient Homography Estimation Using Direction...
     with: Takahashi, K.: focus measure for light field rendering, A
     with: Tamura, D.: Filter Bank for Perfect Reconstruction of Light Field from...
     with: Tsubaki, Y.: All-focused Image Generation and 3d Modeling of Microscop...
     with: Tsurusaki, H.: Robust and Efficient Homography Estimation Using Direct...
     with: Watanabe, R.: Robust and Efficient Homography Estimation Using Directi...
53 for Kubota, A.

Kubota, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hiroi, T.: Precise visual inspection for LSI wafer patterns using subp...
     with: Kuno, Y.: Vision Processor System for Moving-Object Analysis
     with: Maeda, S.: Precise visual inspection for LSI wafer patterns using subp...
     with: Mizoguchi, H.: Vision Processor System for Moving-Object Analysis
     with: Nakagawa, Y.: Precise visual inspection for LSI wafer patterns using s...
     with: Okamoto, Y.: Vision Processor System for Moving-Object Analysis
     with: Ono, M.: 3D Shape and Pose Estimation of Deformable Tapes from Multipl...
     with: Saito, H.: 3D Shape and Pose Estimation of Deformable Tapes from Multi...
     with: Takeshi, M.: 3D Shape and Pose Estimation of Deformable Tapes from Mul...
     with: Watanabe, K.: Precise visual inspection for LSI wafer patterns using s...
10 for Kubota, H.

Kubota, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arakawa, H.: Document Understanding System
     with: Doi, S.: Real-Time Remote File System for Multimedia Application
     with: Eguchi, K.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cance...
     with: Itoh, Y.: Real-Time Remote File System for Multimedia Application
     with: Iwaki, O.: Document Understanding System
     with: Kakinuma, R.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Can...
     with: Kaneko, M.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cance...
     with: Kawata, Y.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cance...
     with: Kubo, M.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cancer ...
     with: Moriyama, N.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Can...
     with: Niki, N.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cancer ...
     with: Omatsu, H.: Results in the Clinical Trial of CAD System for Lung Cance...
     with: Tanaka, T.: Real-Time Remote File System for Multimedia Application
     with: Tsuji, A.: Real-Time Remote File System for Multimedia Application
14 for Kubota, K.

Kubota, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Yamashita, Y.: Imaging of Elastic Modulus of Incompressible Biological...

Kubota, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Botzheim, J.: Biologically Inspired Control System for 3-D Locomotion ...
     with: Saputra, A.A.: Biologically Inspired Control System for 3-D Locomotion...
     with: Sulistijono, I.A.: Biologically Inspired Control System for 3-D Locomo...

Kubota, P.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alvim, D.S.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Simu...
     with: Alvim, D.S.: Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterization f...
     with: Boian, C.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Simula...
     with: Capistrano, V.B.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth...
     with: Chiquetto, J.B.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth ...
     with: Correa, S.M.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Sim...
     with: d'Amelio, M.T.S.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth...
     with: Figueroa, S.N.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth S...
     with: Figueroa, S.N.: Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterizatio...
     with: Frassoni, A.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Sim...
     with: Gomes, H.B.: Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterization f...
     with: Herdies, D.L.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Si...
     with: Herdies, D.L.: Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterization...
     with: Khalid, B.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Simul...
     with: Krishna, R.P.M.: Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterizati...
     with: Nobre, P.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Simula...
     with: Nobre, P.: Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterization for...
     with: Pendharkar, J.: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth S...
     with: Pendharkar, J.: Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterizatio...
     with: Schuch, D.: Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterization fo...
     with: Vara Vela, A.: Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterization...
     with: Vendrasco, E.P.: Towards Unified Online-Coupled Aerosol Parameterizati...
22 for Kubota, P.Y.

Kubota, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aso, T.: Color Quantization Based on Vector Error Diffusion and Partic...
     with: Cha, B.: Color Quantization Based on Vector Error Diffusion and Partic...
     with: Kawano, H.: Color Quantization Based on Vector Error Diffusion and Par...
     with: Suetake, N.: Color Quantization Based on Vector Error Diffusion and Pa...
     with: Suetake, N.: Threshold Tuning of Switching Median Filter Employing Dis...
     with: Tamukoh, H.: Color Quantization Based on Vector Error Diffusion and Pa...

Kubota, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ito, S.: Cat face detection with two heterogeneous features
     with: Ito, S.: Large Margin Discriminant Hashing for Fast k-Nearest Neighbor...
     with: Ito, S.: Object Classification Using Heterogeneous Co-Occurrence Featu...
     with: Ito, S.: Point Proposal Based Instance Segmentation with Rectangular M...
     with: Ito, S.: Random ensemble metrics for object recognition
     with: Kawamura, N.: Sample-Dependent Distance for 1: N Identification via Di...
     with: Kozakaya, T.: Cat face detection with two heterogeneous features
     with: Kozakaya, T.: Random ensemble metrics for object recognition
     with: Kurosawa, Y.: discriminative learning criterion for the overall optimi...
     with: Mizutani, H.: discriminative learning criterion for the overall optimi...
     with: Nakai, T.: Fast and Memory Efficient Online Handwritten Strokes Retrie...
     with: Shibata, T.: Fast and Memory Efficient Online Handwritten Strokes Retr...
     with: Shibata, T.: Large Margin Discriminant Hashing for Fast k-Nearest Neig...
     with: Susaki, J.: Automatic Assessment of Green Space Ratio in Urban Areas f...
     with: Tonouchi, Y.: Fast and Memory Efficient Online Handwritten Strokes Ret...
     with: Yamaguchi, O.: Cat face detection with two heterogeneous features
     with: Yamaji, Y.: Fast and Memory Efficient Online Handwritten Strokes Retri...
18 for Kubota, S.

Kubota, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alford, C.O.: Computation of Orientational Filters for Real-Time Compu...
     with: Alford, C.O.: Vision System with Real Time Feature Extractor and Relax...
     with: Awatsuji, Y.: Removal of non-diffraction wave in optical-path-length-s...
     with: Espinal, F.: Reaction-diffusion Systems for Hypothesis Propagation
     with: Espinal, F.: Wavelet-Based Fractal Signature Analysis for Automatic T...
     with: Furukawa, K.: Calibration of the Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar On...
     with: Guan, H.Y.: Automatic Hot Spot Detection and Segmentation in Whole Bod...
     with: Hagihara, Y.: Assessments of Doppler Velocity Errors of EarthCARE Clou...
     with: Hanado, H.: Overview of the End-of-Mission Observation Experiments of ...
     with: Horie, H.: Assessments of Doppler Velocity Errors of EarthCARE Cloud P...
     with: Huang, X.L.: Automatic Hot Spot Detection and Segmentation in Whole Bo...
     with: Huntsberger, T.L.: Adaptive Pattern-Recognition System for Scene Segme...
     with: Huntsberger, T.L.: Edge Based Probabilistic Relaxation for Sub-pixel C...
     with: Huntsberger, T.L.: Integrated Vision/control System for Autonomous Pla...
     with: Huntsberger, T.L.: Vision System with Real Time Feature Extractor and ...
     with: Huntsberger, T.L.: Wavelet-Based Fractal Signature Analysis for Autom...
     with: Iguchi, T.: Calibration of the Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar Onbo...
     with: Iguchi, T.: Estimates of Spaceborne Precipitation Radar Pulsewidth and...
     with: Iguchi, T.: Improvements in the Beam-Mismatch Correction of Precipitat...
     with: Iguchi, T.: Overview of the End-of-Mission Observation Experiments of ...
     with: Jawerth, B.D.: Wavelet-Based Fractal Signature Analysis for Automatic...
     with: Kachi, M.: Gauge-Adjusted Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation
     with: Kanemaru, K.: Calibration of the Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar On...
     with: Kanemaru, K.: Estimates of Spaceborne Precipitation Radar Pulsewidth a...
     with: Kanemaru, K.: Improvements in the Beam-Mismatch Correction of Precipit...
     with: Kanemaru, K.: Overview of the End-of-Mission Observation Experiments o...
     with: Ma, X.Y.: nondestructive automated defect detection system for silicon...
     with: Martin, J.: Imaging Near-surface Buried Structure with High-resolution...
     with: Martin, J.T.: Edge Based Probabilistic Relaxation for Sub-pixel Contou...
     with: Masaki, T.: Calibration of the Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar Onbo...
     with: Masaki, T.: Estimates of Spaceborne Precipitation Radar Pulsewidth and...
     with: Masaki, T.: Vegetation Mapping by Using GPM/DPR over the Mongolian Land
     with: Matoba, O.: Removal of non-diffraction wave in optical-path-length-shi...
     with: Mega, T.: Gauge-Adjusted Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation
     with: Nakagawa, K.: Overview of the End-of-Mission Observation Experiments o...
     with: Nakamura, H.: Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in m...
     with: Nakamura, K.: Overview of the End-of-Mission Observation Experiments o...
     with: Nakanishi, K.: Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in ...
     with: Nasahara, K.N.: Vegetation Mapping by Using GPM/DPR over the Mongolian...
     with: Nio, T.: Overview of the End-of-Mission Observation Experiments of Pre...
     with: Nishii, T.: Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in mag...
     with: Nishio, K.: Removal of non-diffraction wave in optical-path-length-shi...
     with: Nyamsuren, B.: Vegetation Mapping by Using GPM/DPR over the Mongolian ...
     with: Ochi, T.: Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in magne...
     with: Ohno, Y.: Assessments of Doppler Velocity Errors of EarthCARE Cloud Pr...
     with: Okada, K.: Estimating Diameters of Pulmonary Nodules with Competition-...
     with: Oki, R.: Assessments of Doppler Velocity Errors of EarthCARE Cloud Pro...
     with: Oki, R.: Calibration of the Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar Onboard...
     with: Oki, R.: Gauge-Adjusted Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation
     with: Oki, R.: Overview of the End-of-Mission Observation Experiments of Pre...
     with: Richardson, T.: Shape correspondence through landmark sliding
     with: Roh, W.: Assessments of Doppler Velocity Errors of EarthCARE Cloud Pro...
     with: Rose, J.: Integrated Vision/control System for Autonomous Planetary Ro...
     with: Saavedra, O.: Development of a Combined Satellite-Based Precipitation ...
     with: Sato, Y.: Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in magne...
     with: Satoh, M.: Assessments of Doppler Velocity Errors of EarthCARE Cloud P...
     with: Shimozato, Y.: Removal of non-diffraction wave in optical-path-length-...
     with: Siskind, J.M.: Salient Closed Boundary Extraction with Ratio Contour
     with: Sudarshan, T.S.: nondestructive automated defect detection system for ...
     with: Sugano, N.: Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in mag...
     with: Tahara, T.: Removal of non-diffraction wave in optical-path-length-shi...
     with: Takahashi, N.: Overview of the End-of-Mission Observation Experiments ...
     with: Takahiro, M.: Gauge-Adjusted Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation
     with: Talekar, P.: nondestructive automated defect detection system for sili...
     with: Tamura, S.: Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in mag...
     with: Tanaka, H.: Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in mag...
     with: Turk, M.: Automatic Hot Spot Detection and Segmentation in Whole Body ...
     with: Ura, S.: Removal of non-diffraction wave in optical-path-length-shifti...
     with: Urena, J.: Development of a Combined Satellite-Based Precipitation Dat...
     with: Ushio, T.: Gauge-Adjusted Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation
     with: Wang, J.: From Fragments to Salient Closed Boundaries: An In-Depth Study
     with: Wang, J.: Salient Closed Boundary Extraction with Ratio Contour
     with: Wang, S.: From Fragments to Salient Closed Boundaries: An In-Depth Study
     with: Wang, S.: Salient Closed Boundary Extraction with Ratio Contour
     with: Wang, S.: Shape correspondence through landmark sliding
     with: Yamamoto, M.K.: Implementation of a Rainfall Normalization Module for ...
     with: Yoshida, N.: Calibration of the Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar Onb...
     with: Yoshida, N.: Overview of the End-of-Mission Observation Experiments of...
     with: Yoshikawa, H.: Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in ...
     with: Zhou, X.S.: Automatic Hot Spot Detection and Segmentation in Whole Bod...
80 for Kubota, T.

Kubotani, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, F.W.B.: Geometric Features Informed Multi-person Human-Object Inte...
     with: Men, Q.H.: Geometric Features Informed Multi-person Human-Object Inter...
     with: Morishima, S.: Geometric Features Informed Multi-person Human-Object I...
     with: Qiao, T.: Geometric Features Informed Multi-person Human-Object Intera...
     with: Shum, H.P.H.: Geometric Features Informed Multi-person Human-Object In...

Kubowicz Grajewska, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fogarin, S.: Spatial and Temporal Changes of Tidal Inlet Using Object-...
     with: Janowski, L.: Spatial and Temporal Changes of Tidal Inlet Using Object...
     with: Kruss, A.: Spatial and Temporal Changes of Tidal Inlet Using Object-Ba...
     with: Madricardo, F.: Spatial and Temporal Changes of Tidal Inlet Using Obje...
     with: Molinaroli, E.: Spatial and Temporal Changes of Tidal Inlet Using Obje...
     with: Tegowski, J.: Spatial and Temporal Changes of Tidal Inlet Using Object...

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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