Index for kuch

Kuch, J.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huang, T.S.: Vision Based Hand Modeling and Tracking for Virtual Telec...

Kuch, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lehnert, L.W.: Land Cover Classification using Google Earth Engine and...
     with: Phan, T.N.: Land Cover Classification using Google Earth Engine and Ra...

Kuchar, J.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Yamada, K.: Preliminary study of behavioral and safety effects of driv...

Kuchar, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asamer, H.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Balhar, J.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Boettcher, M.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The De...
     with: Brito, F.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Develo...
     with: Esch, T.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Develop...
     with: Hirner, A.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Marconcini, M.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The D...
     with: Mathot, E.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Metz, A.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Develop...
     with: Permana, H.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Deve...
     with: Soukop, T.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Stanek, F.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Zeidler, J.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Deve...
13 for Kuchar, S.

Kucharczak, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Bouallegue, F.: Confidence Interval Constraint-Based Regularizatio...
     with: Comby, F.: Regularized selection: A new paradigm for inverse based reg...
     with: Mariano Goulart, D.: Confidence Interval Constraint-Based Regularizati...
     with: Mariano Goulart, D.: Regularized selection: A new paradigm for inverse...
     with: Mory, C.: Regularized selection: A new paradigm for inverse based regu...
     with: Strauss, O.: Confidence Interval Constraint-Based Regularization Frame...
     with: Strauss, O.: Regularized selection: A new paradigm for inverse based r...
7 for Kucharczak, F.

Kucharczakr, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Destruel, C.: Copy Sensitive Graphical Code Quality Improvement Using ...
     with: Puech, W.: Copy Sensitive Graphical Code Quality Improvement Using a S...
     with: Strauss, O.: Copy Sensitive Graphical Code Quality Improvement Using a...
     with: Tkachenko, I.: Copy Sensitive Graphical Code Quality Improvement Using...

Kucharczyk, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ghaffarian, S.: Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis: A Primer and F...
     with: Hay, G.J.: Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis: A Primer and Future...
     with: Hugenholtz, C.H.: Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis: A Primer and...

Kucharik, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berg, E.: Dynamic Relationship between Air and Land Surface Temperatur...

Kucharik, C.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Booth, E.G.: Combining Evapotranspiration and Soil Apparent Electrical...
     with: Cummings, C.R.: Combining Evapotranspiration and Soil Apparent Electri...
     with: Loheide, S.P.: Combining Evapotranspiration and Soil Apparent Electric...
     with: Nocco, M.A.: Combining Evapotranspiration and Soil Apparent Electrical...
     with: Zipper, S.C.: Combining Evapotranspiration and Soil Apparent Electrica...

Kucharova, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chaloupka, J.: Using Various Types of Multimedia Resources to Train Sy...
     with: Nouza, J.: Using Various Types of Multimedia Resources to Train System...

Kucharski, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Appleby, G.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured...
     with: Bianco, G.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured ...
     with: Brodzicki, A.: Skin_hair Dataset: Setting the Benchmark for Effective ...
     with: Carman, R.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured ...
     with: Cassidy, B.: Skin_hair Dataset: Setting the Benchmark for Effective Ha...
     with: Dmytrotsa, A.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measur...
     with: Fan, C.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured by ...
     with: Feng, Q.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured by...
     with: Fu, L.: Giraffe: A Genetic Programming Algorithm To Build Deep Learnin...
     with: Grunwaldt, L.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measur...
     with: Jaworek Korjakowska, J.: Skin_hair Dataset: Setting the Benchmark for ...
     with: Kawa, J.: Giraffe: A Genetic Programming Algorithm To Build Deep Learn...
     with: Kendrick, C.: Skin_hair Dataset: Setting the Benchmark for Effective H...
     with: Kirchner, G.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measure...
     with: Koidl, F.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured b...
     with: Lin, W.D.: Giraffe: A Genetic Programming Algorithm To Build Deep Lear...
     with: Lip, Y.H.G.: Giraffe: A Genetic Programming Algorithm To Build Deep Le...
     with: Makeyev, A.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured...
     with: Medvedskij, M.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measu...
     with: Moore, C.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured b...
     with: Nalepa, J.: Giraffe: A Genetic Programming Algorithm To Build Deep Lea...
     with: Ploner, M.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured ...
     with: Suzuki, M.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured ...
     with: Torre, J.M.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured...
     with: Wijata, A.M.: Giraffe: A Genetic Programming Algorithm To Build Deep L...
     with: Wojcicka, A.: Skin_hair Dataset: Setting the Benchmark for Effective H...
     with: Xue, Y.: Giraffe: A Genetic Programming Algorithm To Build Deep Learni...
     with: Yap, M.H.: Skin_hair Dataset: Setting the Benchmark for Effective Hair...
     with: Zhang, Z.P.: Attitude and Spin Period of Space Debris Envisat Measured...
     with: Zheng, Y.L.: Giraffe: A Genetic Programming Algorithm To Build Deep Le...
30 for Kucharski, D.

Kucharski, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bober, M.: Dual LDA: An effective feature space reduction method for f...
     with: Bober, M.: Face Recognition by Fisher and Scatter Linear Discriminant ...
     with: Bober, M.: Feature Space Reduction for Face Recognition with Dual Line...
     with: Skarbek, W.: Dual LDA: An effective feature space reduction method for...
     with: Skarbek, W.: Face Recognition by Fisher and Scatter Linear Discriminan...
     with: Skarbek, W.: Feature Space Reduction for Face Recognition with Dual Li...
     with: Skarbek, W.: Image Object Localization by AdaBoost Classifier
7 for Kucharski, K.

Kuchcinski, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arslan, M.A.: Code generation for a SIMD architecture with custom memo...
     with: Gruian, F.: Code generation for a SIMD architecture with custom memory...
     with: Karlsson, A.: Code generation for a SIMD architecture with custom memo...

Kuchenbecker, J.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Greenwald, S.H.: Cone-isolating ON-OFF electroretinogram for studying ...
     with: Neitz, J.: Cone-isolating ON-OFF electroretinogram for studying chroma...
     with: Neitz, M.: Cone-isolating ON-OFF electroretinogram for studying chroma...

Kuchenbecker, K.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Black, M.J.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguisti...
     with: Choi, S.: Vibrotactile Display: Perception, Technology, and Applications
     with: Choutas, V.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguisti...
     with: Forte, M.P.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguisti...
     with: Gurari, N.: Perception of Springs With Visual and Proprioceptive Motio...
     with: Huang, C.H.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguisti...
     with: Kulits, P.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguistic...
     with: Okamura, A.M.: Perception of Springs With Visual and Proprioceptive Mo...
     with: Tzionas, D.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguisti...
9 for Kuchenbecker, K.J.

Kucher, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bek, A.: Detection of Changes in Arable Chernozemic Soil Health Based ...
     with: Chendev, Y.: Detection of Changes in Arable Chernozemic Soil Health Ba...
     with: Dokukin, P.: Detection of Changes in Arable Chernozemic Soil Health Ba...
     with: Prudnikova, E.: Detection of Changes in Arable Chernozemic Soil Health...
     with: Savin, I.: Detection of Changes in Arable Chernozemic Soil Health Base...

Kucher, D.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fadl, M.E.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Cover (...
     with: Jimenez Ballesta, R.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/La...
     with: Kucher, O.D.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Cover...
     with: Moursy, A.R.A.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Cov...
     with: Mozgeris, G.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Cover...
     with: Mustafa, A.R.A.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Co...
     with: Selmy, S.A.H.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Cove...
7 for Kucher, D.E.

Kucher, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Casseau, E.: Surround the Nonlinearity: Inserting Foldable Convolution...
     with: Chali, S.: Improving Normalizing Flows with the Approximate Mass for O...
     with: Delezoide, B.: Comprehensive Study of Transfer Learning under Constrai...
     with: Duranton, M.: Improving Normalizing Flows with the Approximate Mass fo...
     with: Klein, J.O.: Improving Normalizing Flows with the Approximate Mass for...
     with: Lorrain, V.: Surround the Nonlinearity: Inserting Foldable Convolution...
     with: Pegeot, T.: Comprehensive Study of Transfer Learning under Constraints...
     with: Popescu, A.: Comprehensive Study of Transfer Learning under Constraint...
     with: Rossigneux, B.: Surround the Nonlinearity: Inserting Foldable Convolut...
9 for Kucher, I.

Kucher, O.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fadl, M.E.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Cover (...
     with: Jimenez Ballesta, R.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/La...
     with: Kucher, D.E.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Cover...
     with: Moursy, A.R.A.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Cov...
     with: Mozgeris, G.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Cover...
     with: Mustafa, A.R.A.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Co...
     with: Selmy, S.A.H.: Detecting, Analyzing, and Predicting Land Use/Land Cove...
7 for Kucher, O.D.

Kuchhold, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eiselein, V.: Scale-Adaptive Real-Time Crowd Detection and Counting fo...
     with: Sikora, T.: Scale-Adaptive Real-Time Crowd Detection and Counting for ...
     with: Simon, M.: Scale-Adaptive Real-Time Crowd Detection and Counting for D...

Kuchi, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ashique, S.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Short...
     with: Chakraborty, S.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streami...
     with: Chakraborty, S.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long S...
     with: Channappayya, S.S.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Stre...
     with: Channappayya, S.S.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Lon...
     with: Eswara, N.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streaming Ov...
     with: Eswara, N.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Short-...
     with: Kommineni, A.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streaming...
     with: Kumar, A.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streaming Ove...
     with: Kumar, A.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Short-T...
     with: Manasa, K.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streaming Ov...
     with: Panchbhai, A.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Sho...
     with: Sethuram, H.P.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streamin...
     with: Sethuram, H.P.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Sh...
14 for Kuchi, K.

Kuchibhotla, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banergee, S.: Enhancing the Filtering-Out of the Back-to-Front Interfe...
     with: Banerjee, S.: Paper widgets: Visually aesthetic smarts for document im...
     with: Banerjee, S.: Real-time embedded skew detection and frame removal
     with: Banerjee, S.: Real-time optimal-memory image rotation for embedded sys...
     with: da Silva, J.M.M.: Enhancing the Filtering-Out of the Back-to-Front Int...
     with: Lins, R.D.: Enhancing the Filtering-Out of the Back-to-Front Interfere...
     with: Munnangi, K.: Paper widgets: Visually aesthetic smarts for document im...
     with: Noushath, S.: Real-time embedded skew detection and frame removal
     with: Parikh, P.: Real-time embedded skew detection and frame removal
     with: Pereira e Silva, G.D.: Enhancing the Filtering-Out of the Back-to-Fron...
     with: Ramachandrula, S.: Real-time embedded skew detection and frame removal
     with: Sankarasubramaniam, Y.: Paper widgets: Visually aesthetic smarts for d...
     with: Sharma, A.: Real-time embedded skew detection and frame removal
     with: Thielo, M.: Enhancing the Filtering-Out of the Back-to-Front Interfere...
14 for Kuchibhotla, A.

Kuchibhotla, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gupta, C.: Nested conformal prediction and quantile out-of-bag ensembl...
     with: Ramdas, A.: Nested conformal prediction and quantile out-of-bag ensemb...

Kuchibhotla, H.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balasubramanian, V.N.: Unseen Classes at a Later Time? No Problem
     with: Chandhok, S.: Unseen Classes at a Later Time? No Problem
     with: Malagi, S.S.: Unseen Classes at a Later Time? No Problem

Kuchin, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abayev, N.: Estimation of the Water Level in the Ili River from Sentin...
     with: Amirgaliyev, Y.: Estimation of the Water Level in the Ili River from S...
     with: Gopejenko, V.: Estimation of the Water Level in the Ili River from Sen...
     with: Mukhamediev, R.I.: Estimation of the Water Level in the Ili River from...
     with: Popova, Y.: Estimation of the Water Level in the Ili River from Sentin...
     with: Sagatdinova, G.: Estimation of the Water Level in the Ili River from S...
     with: Symagulov, A.: Estimation of the Water Level in the Ili River from Sen...
     with: Terekhov, A.: Estimation of the Water Level in the Ili River from Sent...
8 for Kuchin, Y.

Kuchinke, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dickmann, F.: Reduction of Map Information Regulates Visual Attention ...
     with: Edler, D.: Reduction of Map Information Regulates Visual Attention wit...
     with: Keil, J.: Reduction of Map Information Regulates Visual Attention with...
     with: Mocnik, F.B.: Reduction of Map Information Regulates Visual Attention ...

Kuchinskaia, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bordulev, I.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polarizat...
     with: Bryukhanov, I.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polariz...
     with: Bryukhanova, V.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polari...
     with: Doroshkevich, A.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polar...
     with: Kirillov, N.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polarizat...
     with: Kostyukhin, V.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polariz...
     with: Ni, E.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polarization La...
     with: Penzin, M.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polarizatio...
     with: Pustovalov, K.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polariz...
     with: Samokhvalov, I.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polari...
     with: Stykon, A.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polarizatio...
     with: Zhivotenyuk, I.: ERA5 Reanalysis for the Data Interpretation on Polari...
12 for Kuchinskaia, O.

Kuchitsu, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ikeda, T.: Kyushu Decorative Tumuli Project: From e-Heritage to Cyber-...
     with: Ikeuchi, K.: Illumination Simulation for Archaeological Investigation
     with: Ikeuchi, K.: Kyushu Decorative Tumuli Project: From e-Heritage to Cybe...
     with: Ikeuchi, K.: Sunlight Illumination Simulation for Archaeological Inves...
     with: Kamakura, M.: Kyushu Decorative Tumuli Project: From e-Heritage to Cyb...
     with: Kawano, K.: Kyushu Decorative Tumuli Project: From e-Heritage to Cyber...
     with: Masuda, T.: Illumination Simulation for Archaeological Investigation
     with: Masuda, T.: Sunlight Illumination Simulation for Archaeological Invest...
     with: Morimoto, T.: Kyushu Decorative Tumuli Project: From e-Heritage to Cyb...
     with: Yamada, Y.: Illumination Simulation for Archaeological Investigation
     with: Yamada, Y.: Sunlight Illumination Simulation for Archaeological Invest...
11 for Kuchitsu, N.

Kuchler, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ehlers, M.: Potential of Digital Sensors for Land Cover and Tree Speci...
     with: Jung, A.: Potential of Digital Sensors for Land Cover and Tree Species...
     with: Jutte, K.: Evaluating the Potential of WorldView-2 Data to Classify Tr...
     with: Klonus, S.: Potential of Digital Sensors for Land Cover and Tree Speci...
     with: Stampfer, T.: Evaluating the Potential of WorldView-2 Data to Classify...
     with: Waser, L.T.: Evaluating the Potential of WorldView-2 Data to Classify ...
     with: Waser, L.T.: Potential of Digital Sensors for Land Cover and Tree Spec...
7 for Kuchler, M.

Kuchler, P.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arvor, D.: Monitoring Complex Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems at Reg...
     with: Begue, A.: Monitoring Complex Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems at Reg...
     with: de Almeida Machado, P.L.O.: Monitoring Complex Integrated Crop-Livesto...
     with: Ferraz, R.: Monitoring Complex Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems at Re...
     with: Gaetano, R.: Monitoring Complex Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems at R...
     with: Rosa, M.: Monitoring Complex Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems at Regi...
     with: Simoes, M.: Monitoring Complex Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems at Re...
7 for Kuchler, P.C.

Kuchly, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alavinapanah, S.: Mangroves of the Zambezi Delta: Increase in Extent O...
     with: Bandeira, S.: Mangroves of the Zambezi Delta: Increase in Extent Obser...
     with: Shapiro, A.C.: Mangroves of the Zambezi Delta: Increase in Extent Obse...
     with: Trettin, C.C.: Mangroves of the Zambezi Delta: Increase in Extent Obse...

Kuchment, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Terzioglu, F.: Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction from Compton Cam...

Kuchnio, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Capson, D.: GPU-Accelerated Foveation for Video Frame Rate Tracking
     with: Capson, D.W.: parallel mapping of optical flow to Compute Unified Devi...

Kuchukhidze, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Butz, K.: Can SPHARM-Based Features from Automated or Manually Segment...
     with: Holler, Y.: Can SPHARM-Based Features from Automated or Manually Segme...
     with: Liedlgruber, M.: Can SPHARM-Based Features from Automated or Manually ...
     with: Taylor, A.: Can SPHARM-Based Features from Automated or Manually Segme...
     with: Thomschevski, A.: Can SPHARM-Based Features from Automated or Manually...
     with: Tomasi, O.: Can SPHARM-Based Features from Automated or Manually Segme...
     with: Trinka, E.: Can SPHARM-Based Features from Automated or Manually Segme...
     with: Uhl, A.: Can SPHARM-Based Features from Automated or Manually Segmente...
8 for Kuchukhidze, G.

Kuchynka, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Centonze, F.: Extraction of breathing features using MS Kinect for sle...
     with: Prochazka, A.: Extraction of breathing features using MS Kinect for sl...
     with: Prochazka, A.: Sleep scoring using polysomnography data features
     with: Sanei, S.: Sleep scoring using polysomnography data features
     with: Schatz, M.: Extraction of breathing features using MS Kinect for sleep...
     with: Schatz, M.: Sleep scoring using polysomnography data features
     with: Valis, M.: Extraction of breathing features using MS Kinect for sleep ...
     with: Valis, M.: Sleep scoring using polysomnography data features
     with: Vysata, O.: Extraction of breathing features using MS Kinect for sleep...
     with: Vysata, O.: Sleep scoring using polysomnography data features
     with: Yadollahi, M.: Sleep scoring using polysomnography data features
11 for Kuchynka, J.

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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