JEI( Vol No. )
* *Journal of Electronic Imaging
* Static signature recognition based on left-to-right Hidden Markov Models
* Finite Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Applications to Image and Video Foreground Segmentation
* Model-Based Algorithm for Designing Suboptimal Morphological Filters for Restoring Subtractive-Noise-Corrupted Images, A
* simple technique for enhancing the performance of lossy plus lossless image compression schemes, A
* Image processing for three-dimensional scans generated by time-of-flight range cameras
* Fast Algorithm for Locating Head Boundaries
* Analysis of Color Images of Natural Scenes
* Optimal Single-Stage Restoration of Subtractive Noise Corrupted Images by a Morphological Closing
* Adaptive Reconstructive Tau-Openings: Convergence and the Steady-State Distribution
* Adaptive Scaled Mean-Square Error Filtering by Neural Networks
* Classification and Overview of Research in Real-Time Imaging
* Comparative-Study of Skew Detection Algorithms
* Comparison of Video Shot Boundary Detection Techniques
* Design and Development Issues for Multimedia Information-Systems
* Design and Development Issues for Multimedia Information-Systems
* Design and Development Issues for Multimedia Information-Systems
* Detail-Preserving Smoothing with Morphology and Fuzzy-Reasoning
* Detection and Location of Multicharacter Sequences in Lines of Imaged Text
* Detection of Courtesy Amount Block on Bank Checks
* Digital Adaptive Robust Algorithms for Radar Image Filtering
* Digital Document Imaging
* Dynamic-Programming-Based Handwritten Word Recognition Using the Choquet Fuzzy Integral as the Match Function
* Efficient Nonlinear Transform Methods for Image-Processing
* Efficient Transmission of Half-Tones via Facsimile
* Extraction of Text Words in Document Images Based on a Statistical Characterization
* Foreground-Background Segmentation of Optical Character-Recognition Labels by a Single Layer Recurrent Neural-Network
* Generalized Image-Contrast Enhancement Technique Based on the Heinemann Contrast Discrimination Model
* Image Scalability Using Wavelet Vector Quantization
* Improving Optical Character-Recognition Accuracy Using Adaptive Image Restoration
* Markov Source Model for Printed Music Decoding
* Morphological Partitioning of Multispectral Images
* Morphological Pseudo Bandpass Image Decompositions
* Morphological Scale-Space Preserving Transforms in Many Dimensions
* Motion-Compensated Visual-Pattern Image Sequence Coding for Full-Motion Multisession Videoconferencing on Multimedia Workstations
* Multimedia Systems
* Nonlinear Multiresolution Decomposition with Applications in Image Restoration
* Nonlinear Unsharp Masking Methods for Image-Contrast Enhancement
* Perceived Noise Versus Display Noise in Temporally Filtered Image Sequences
* Progressive Technique for Human Face Archiving and Retrieval
* Pyramidal Approach to License Plate Segmentation
* Real-Time Inspection by Submarine Images
* Real-Time Pedestrian Counting by Active Linear Cameras
* Restoration of Images Scanned in the Presence of Vibrations
* Scanline Algorithms in the JPEG Discrete Cosine Transform Compressed Domain
* Set Operations on Closed Intervals and Their Applications to the Automatic Programming of Morphological Machines
* Set-Theoretic Estimation in Color Scanner Characterization
* Special Section on Nonlinear Image-Processing: Guest Editorial
* Special Section on Real-Time Imaging
* Training-Based Optimization of Soft Morphological Filters
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* 2-Stage High-Precision Visual Inspection of Surface Mount Devices
* 3-Dimensional Imaging System with Structured Lighting and Practical Constraints
* Adaptive Feature Enhancement for Mammographic Images with Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis
* Approximation of the Frame Coefficients Using Finite-Dimensional Methods
* Architecture for Computer Vision Application Development within the Horus System
* Automatic Programming of Binary Morphological Machines by Design of Statistically Optimal Operators in the Context of Computational Learning Theory
* Color and Printer Models for Color Half Toning
* Constrained Least Squares Regression in Color Spaces
* Design of a Handprint Recognition System
* Digital-Filters Associated with Bivariate Box Spline-Wavelets
* Discrete Morphological Size Distributions and Densities: Estimation Techniques and Applications
* Equicontinuous Random Functions
* Error Diffusion Algorithm with Homogenous Response in Highlight and Shadow Areas
* Error Diffusion Without Contouring Effect
* Estimating the Crowding Level with a Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier
* Fingerprint Classification Using Fuzzy Cerebellar Model Arithmetic Computer Neural Networks
* Generalized Support Constraint for 3-Dimensional Reconstruction from Incomplete Fourier Spectra
* Image Segmentation Through Operators Based on Topology
* Improving the Visual Quality of JPEG-Encoded Images via Companding
* Learning Object Models from Graph Templates
* Lossless Compression of Continuous Tone Images by Combined Inter-Bit-Plane Decorrelation and Jbig Coding
* Maximum Area Triangle Operator For Edge-Detection
* Methods for Generating Blue Noise Dither Matrices for Digital Half-Toning
* Modular Expert Network Approach to Histogram Thresholding
* Neurodynamics of Learning and Network Performance
* New Algorithm for Nonlinear Vector Based Up Conversion with Center Weighted Medians
* Nonlinear Locally Adaptive and Iterative Algorithms of Image Restoration
* Nonlinear Operators For Error Diffusion
* Novel Nonlinear Predictive Image Coding Algorithm
* Parallel Genetic Algorithms in the Optimization of Morphological Filters: A General Design Tool
* Postprocessing of Transform Coded Images via Histogram Based Edge Classification
* Practical Considerations on Color Image Enhancement Using Homomorphic Filtering
* Predicting the Image Quality of Color Overhead Transparencies Using a Color Appearance Model
* Processing of Noisy and Small Detailed Gray Scale Images Using Cellular Neural Networks
* Pyramidal Piecewise Uniform Lattice Quantization in the Wavelet Transform Domain for Image Coding
* Random Texture Simulation By Multispecies Lattice-Gas Models
* Recognition of Hand Printed Latin Characters Based on a Structural Approach with a Neural Network Classifier
* Selecting Appropriate Difference Operators for Digital Images by Local Feature Detection
* Simulation of Rough Surfaces by Morphological Random Functions
* Special Section on Advances in Mathematical Imaging
* Special Section on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic for Imaging Applications
* Special Section On Random Models In Imaging
* Statistical, Connectionist, and Fuzzy Inference Techniques for Image Classification
* Transform Coding of Signals Using Approximate Trigonometric Expansions
* Wavelet Based Feature-Adaptive Adaptive Resonance Theory Neural Network for Texture Identification
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* Adaptive Regularization in Image Restoration by Unsupervised Learning
* Autoassociative Segmentation for Real Time Object Recognition in Realistic Outdoor Images
* Cellular Neural Network Architecture for Gibbs Random Field Based Image Segmentation
* Content-Based Navigation from Images
* Digital Watermarking of Color Images Using Amplitude Modulation
* Directional Adaptive Deformable Models For Segmentation
* Edge-Based Motion Estimation and Region Based Contour Tracing for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Efficient Spatial Domain Implementation of a Multiscale Image Representation Based on Gabor Functions
* Fast Encryption of Image Data Using Chaotic Kolmogorov Flows
* Fast One Pass Knowledge Based System for Thinning
* Fast Segmentation of the JPEG Compressed Documents
* Feature Integration and Relevance Feedback Analysis in Image Similarity Evaluation
* Filtering Multiplicative Noise in Images Using Adaptive Region Based Statistics
* Generation of Arbitrarily Focused Images by Using Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Hierarchical Neural Networks for Learning 3-Dimensional Objects from Range Images
* Illumination Invariant Image Indexing Using Moments and Wavelets
* Image Segmentation By Multigrid Markov Random Field Optimization and Perceptual Considerations
* Indexing and Retrieval of the MPEG Compressed Video
* Length Estimation of Digit Strings Using a Neural Network with Structure Based Features
* Linear Neural Network for the Solution of Limited Angle Problems in Computer Aided Tomography
* Man Made Object Recognition Based on Visual Perception
* Maximum a Posteriori Restoration of Blurred Images Using Self-Organization
* MMACH: A Mathematical Morphology Toolbox for the Khoros System
* Multifringe Pattern Analysis of Circular Zone Plates
* New Approach to Image Encryption
* Optimizing Block Size in Motion Compensated Video Coding
* Rate Constrained Block Matching Algorithm for Video Coding
* Rational Unsharp Masking Technique
* Robustness of Optimal Binary Filters
* Self-Organizing Tree Map for Eliminating Impulse Noise with Random Intensity Distributions
* Shape Reconstruction System Integrating Stereo Vision and Shape from Shading with Evolutionary Programming
* Special Section on Computational Intelligence in Image Processing
* Special Section on Image and Video Databases
* Special Section on the 1997 Visual Communications and Image Processing Award Papers
* Structure Adaptive Image Filtering Using Order Statistics
* Texture Classification Using a Fuzzy Texture Spectrum and Neural Networks
* Two Improved Codebook Search Methods of Vector Quantization Based on Orthogonal Checking and Fixed Range Search
* Validation of Machine Learning Techniques: Decision Trees and Finite Training Set
* Visual Speech Recognition by Recurrent Neural Networks
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* FLIR ATR Using Location Uncertainty