Index for ba__

Ba, A.[Abdramane] * 2018: Evolution of the Performances of Radar Altimetry Missions from ERS-2 to Sentinel-3A over the Inner Niger Delta
* 2018: Full-Waveform LiDAR Pixel Analysis for Low-Growing Vegetation Mapping of Coastal Foredunes in Western France
Includes: Ba, A.[Abdramane] Ba, A.[Antoine]

Ba, D. * 2018: Multitaper Frequency-Domain Bootstrap Method, A
* 2022: Gaussian Process Convolutional Dictionary Learning
Includes: Ba, D. Ba, D.[Demba]

Ba, F.A.[Fatima Antarou] * 2023: Learning Regularization Parameter-Maps for Variational Image Reconstruction Using Deep Neural Networks and Algorithm Unrolling

Ba, J.[Jing] * 2021: Prestack Seismic Inversion With Data-Driven MRF-Based Regularization
* 2022: Wave Simulation in Partially Saturated Porothermoelastic Media
* 2023: Sequential Seismic Anisotropic Inversion for VTI Media with Simulated Annealing Algorithm Aided by Adaptive Setting of Optimization Parameters

Ba, J.L.[Jimmy Lei] * 2015: Predicting Deep Zero-Shot Convolutional Neural Networks Using Textual Descriptions

Ba, K.M.[Khalidou M.] * 2018: Hydrological Evaluation of PERSIANN-CDR Rainfall over Upper Senegal River and Bani River Basins
* 2022: Development and Assessment of Seasonal Rainfall Forecasting Models for the Bani and the Senegal Basins by Identifying the Best Predictive Teleconnection
Includes: Ba, K.M.[Khalidou M.] Bâ, K.M.[Khalidou M.]

Ba, M. * 2011: In Vivo Quantitative Mapping of Myocardial Stiffening and Transmural Anisotropy During the Cardiac Cycle
* 2017: Consistency preserving for evolving megamodels through axiomatic semantics

Ba, Q. * 2018: Characterizing Robustness and Sensitivity of Convolutional Neural Networks in Segmentation of Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* 2019: Quality Assessment of Synthetic Fluorescence Microscopy Images for Image Segmentation

Ba, Q.L.[Qin Le] * 2017: Image-based measurement of cargo traffic flow in complex neurite networks
Includes: Ba, Q.L.[Qin Le] Ba, Q.L.[Qin-Le]

Ba, Q.Q.[Qian Qian] * 2017: Improved Information Value Model Based on Gray Clustering for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, An
Includes: Ba, Q.Q.[Qian Qian] Ba, Q.Q.[Qian-Qian]

Ba, R.[Rui] * 2018: Spatiotemporal Contextual Model for Forest Fire Detection Using Himawari-8 Satellite Data, A
* 2019: 3D Layout encoding network for spatial-aware 3D saliency modelling
* 2019: Integration of Multiple Spectral Indices and a Neural Network for Burned Area Mapping Based on MODIS Data
* 2019: SmokeNet: Satellite Smoke Scene Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network with Spatial and Channel-Wise Attention
* 2020: Maskpan: Mask Prior Guided Network For Pansharpening
Includes: Ba, R.[Rui] Ba, R.

Ba, S.[Sileye] * 2013: Spatio-temporal segmentation and estimation of ocean surface currents from satellite sea surface temperature fields
* 2014: Segmentation of Mesoscale Ocean Surface Dynamics Using Satellite SST and SSH Observations
* 2015: Head pose estimation via probabilistic high-dimensional regression
* 2017: Robust Head-Pose Estimation Based on Partially-Latent Mixture of Linear Regressions
* 2017: Switching Linear Inverse-Regression Model for Tracking Head Pose
* 2021: Deep Graphics Encoder for Real-Time Video Makeup Synthesis from Example
Includes: Ba, S.[Sileye] Ba, S.

Ba, S.N.[Seydou Nourou] * 2006: Low Complexity Inter-Mode Selection for H.264
Includes: Ba, S.N.[Seydou Nourou] Ba, S.N.[Seydou-Nourou]

Ba, S.O.[Sileye O.] * 2003: implicit motion likelihood for tracking with particle filters, An
* 2004: Embedding Motion in Model-Based Stochastic Tracking
* 2004: probabilistic framework for joint head tracking and pose estimation, A
* 2005: Evaluating Multi-Object Tracking
* 2005: Using Particles to Track Varying Numbers of Interacting People
* 2006: Embedding Motion in Model-Based Stochastic Tracking
* 2007: Probabilistic Head Pose Tracking Evaluation in Single and Multiple Camera Setups
* 2008: Tracking the Visual Focus of Attention for a Varying Number of Wandering People
* 2009: Recognizing Visual Focus of Attention From Head Pose in Natural Meetings
* 2010: Variational fronts tracking in sea surface temperature images
* 2011: Multi-resolution missing data interpolation in SST image series
* 2011: Multiperson Visual Focus of Attention from Head Pose and Meeting Contextual Cues
* 2015: Tracking the Active Speaker Based on a Joint Audio-Visual Observation Model
* 2016: on-line variational Bayesian model for multi-person tracking from cluttered scenes, An
* 2016: Tracking Multiple Persons Based on a Variational Bayesian Model
* 2018: Audio-Visual Speaker Diarization Based on Spatiotemporal Bayesian Fusion
* 2018: Tracking Gaze and Visual Focus of Attention of People Involved in Social Interaction
Includes: Ba, S.O.[Sileye O.] Ba, S.O. Ba, S.O.[Silèye O.]
17 for Ba, S.O.

Ba, T.[Tu] * 2022: Geographic Knowledge Graph Attribute Normalization: Improving the Accuracy by Fusing Optimal Granularity Clustering and Co-Occurrence Analysis

Ba, W.[Wanru] * 2022: High-Precision Population Spatialization in Metropolises Based on Ensemble Learning: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* 2023: Development of an Index for Forest Fire Risk Assessment Considering Hazard Factors and the Hazard-Formative Environment

Ba, X.H.[Xiao Hui] * 2021: Matching with GUISAC-Guided Sample Consensus
Includes: Ba, X.H.[Xiao Hui] Ba, X.H.[Xiao-Hui]

Ba, Y.[Yinji] * 2022: Comparing Different Light Use Efficiency Models to Estimate the Gross Primary Productivity of a Cork Oak Plantation in Northern China

Ba, Y.H.[Yun Hao] * 2020: Deep Shape from Polarization
* 2022: MIME: Minority Inclusion for Majority Group Enhancement of AI Performance
* 2022: Not Just Streaks: Towards Ground Truth for Single Image Deraining
* 2022: Synthetic Generation of Face Videos with Plethysmograph Physiology
* 2023: Depth Estimation from Camera Image and mmWave Radar Point Cloud
* 2023: pCON: Polarimetric Coordinate Networks for Neural Scene Representations
* 2023: WeatherStream: Light Transport Automation of Single Image Deweathering
Includes: Ba, Y.H.[Yun Hao] Ba, Y.H.[Yun-Hao]
7 for Ba, Y.H.

Ba, Y.X.[Yu Xuan] * 2022: Banana Fusarium Wilt Disease Detection by Supervised and Unsupervised Methods from UAV-Based Multispectral Imagery
Includes: Ba, Y.X.[Yu Xuan] Ba, Y.X.[Yu-Xuan]

Ba, Z. * 2017: Monitoring of Vibrations for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage:the Case of the Summer Palace in Beijing
* 2019: Analysis of Jiayuguan Deformation and Its Influence Factors With The Application of Comprehensive Technology

Ba, Z.J.[Zhong Jie] * 2023: Is Imitation All You Need? Generalized Decision-Making with Dual-Phase Training
Includes: Ba, Z.J.[Zhong Jie] Ba, Z.J.[Zhong-Jie]

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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