Index for badd

Baddam, S. * 2007: Invariant Road Sign Recognition with Fuzzy ARTMAP and Zernike Moments

Baddar, W.J.[Wissam J.] * 2015: Feature extraction from bilateral dissimilarity in digital breast tomosynthesis reconstructed volume
* 2015: Human action recognition using time-invariant key-trajectories describing spatio-temporal salient motion
* 2016: Collaborative expression representation using peak expression and intra class variation face images for practical subject-independent emotion recognition in videos
* 2016: deep facial landmarks detection with facial contour and facial components constraint, A
* 2017: Learning Features Robust to Image Variations with Siamese Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* 2018: Convolution with Logarithmic Filter Groups for Efficient Shallow CNN
* 2018: Teacher and Student Joint Learning for Compact Facial Landmark Detection Network
* 2019: Multi-Objective Based Spatio-Temporal Feature Representation Learning Robust to Expression Intensity Variations for Facial Expression Recognition
* 2020: Encoding features robust to unseen modes of variation with attentive long short-term memory
* 2022: On-the-Fly Facial Expression Prediction Using LSTM Encoded Appearance-Suppressed Dynamics
Includes: Baddar, W.J.[Wissam J.] Baddar, W.J.
10 for Baddar, W.J.

Baddeley, A.J.[Adrian J.] * 1992: Object recognition using Markov spatial processes
* 1997: New Metric for Gray-Scale Image Comparison, A
* 1998: Averaging of Random Sets Based on Their Distance Functions
* 1999: Averaging feature maps
Includes: Baddeley, A.J.[Adrian J.] Baddeley, A.J.

Baddeley, B. * 2005: Architecture and Performance of the HI-Space Projector-Camera Interface

Baddeley, R. * 1997: Optimal, Unsupervised Learning in Invariant Object Recognition
* 1998: Insights Into Motion Perception By Observer Modeling
* 2016: On the Optimal Presentation Duration for Subjective Video Quality Assessment
* 2016: Support for reduced presentation durations in subjective video quality assessment
* 2016: What's on TV: A large scale quantitative characterisation of modern broadcast video content
* 2018: BVI-HD: A Video Quality Database for HEVC Compressed and Texture Synthesized Content
Includes: Baddeley, R. Baddeley, R.[Roland]

Baddour, R. * 2015: Redundant GNSS-INS Low-Cost UAV Navigation Solution for Professional Applications, A

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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