Index for bely

Bely, A.[Alexander] * 2011: Grid-based SAH BVH construction on a GPU

Belyaev, A.[Alexander] * 2003: Dynamic mesh optimization for polygonized implicit surfaces with sharp features
* 2006: Adaptive Fourier-Based Surface Reconstruction
* 2006: Feature-preserving denoising of time-varying range data
* 2007: On stochastic methods for surface reconstruction
* 2008: Image Compression with Anisotropic Diffusion
* 2008: Mean Value Bézier Maps
* 2011: On Implicit Image Derivatives and Their Applications
* 2013: Implicit Image Differentiation and Filtering with Applications to Image Sharpening
* 2013: Improving Robustness and Precision in GEI + HOG Action Recognition
* 2013: Towards Robust Gait Recognition
* 2014: Dynamic Distance-Based Shape Features for Gait Recognition
* 2015: On covariate factor detection and removal for robust gait recognition
* 2018: Adaptive Curvature-Guided Image Filtering for Structure + Texture Image Decomposition
Includes: Belyaev, A.[Alexander] Belyaev, A.
13 for Belyaev, A.

Belyaev, A.G.[Alexander G.] * 2022: Black-box image deblurring and defiltering

Belyaev, E.[Evgeny] * 2012: efficient multiplication-free and look-up table-free adaptive binary arithmetic coder, An
* 2013: Low-Complexity Bit-Plane Entropy Coding and Rate Control for 3-D DWT Based Video Coding, A
* 2013: Use of Automotive Radars in Video-Based Overtaking Assistance Applications, The
* 2015: Efficient Adaptive Binary Range Coder and Its VLSI Architecture, An
* 2017: Adaptive Multialphabet Arithmetic Coding Based on Generalized Virtual Sliding Window, An
* 2017: Low-complexity compression of high dynamic range infrared images with JPEG compatibility
* 2018: Drone HDR Infrared Video Coding via Aerial Map Prediction
* 2018: Tensor-based linear dynamical systems for action recognition from 3D skeletons
* 2019: Efficient Storage of Infrared Video of Drone Inspections via Iterative Aerial Map Construction, An
* 2020: Compressive Sensed Video Coding Having JPEG Compatibility
* 2020: Compressive sensed video recovery via iterative thresholding with random transforms
* 2020: RTL3D: real-time LIDAR-based 3D object detection with sparse CNN
* 2023: Adaptive Binary rANS With Probability Estimation in Reverse Order, An
Includes: Belyaev, E.[Evgeny] Belyaev, E.
13 for Belyaev, E.

Belyaev, M.[Mikhail] * 2018: Ensembling Neural Networks for Digital Pathology Images Classification and Segmentation
* 2019: Standardized Assessment of Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities and Results of the WMH Segmentation Challenge
* 2022: Entropy Approximation by Machine Learning Regression: Application for Irregularity Evaluation of Images in Remote Sensing
Includes: Belyaev, M.[Mikhail] Belyaev, M. Belyaev, M.[Maksim]

Belyaeva, N.[Nadezhda] * 2021: Spatiotemporal Modeling of Coniferous Forests Dynamics along the Southern Edge of Their Range in the Central Russian Plain
* 2023: Environmental Performance of Regional Protected Area Network: Typological Diversity and Fragmentation of Forests

Belykh, E.[Evgenii] * 2018: Convolutional neural networks: Ensemble modeling, fine-tuning and unsupervised semantic localization for neurosurgical CLE images

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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