Index for boun

Bounab, A.[Ali] * 2022: Suitability of UAV-Derived DSMs and the Impact of DEM Resolutions on Rockfall Numerical Simulations: A Case Study of the Bouanane Active Scarp, Tetouan, Northern Morocco, The

Bounab, Y.[Yazid] * 2020: Impact of Quality Of Images On Users Behavior On Social Media
* 2020: Reconciling Image Captioning and User's Comments for Urban Tourism

Bounareli, S.[Stella] * 2023: HyperReenact: One-Shot Reenactment via Jointly Learning to Refine and Retarget Faces
* 2023: StyleMask: Disentangling the Style Space of StyleGAN2 for Neural Face Reenactment

Boundev, L.[Lubomir] * 2015: Web scale photo hash clustering on a single machine

Bounds, M.[Matthew] * 2016: Integrated Cyber-Physical Immersive Virtual Reality Framework with Applications to Telerobotics, An

Bounhir, A.[Aziza] * 2022: Aerosol Distributions and Sahara Dust Transport in Southern Morocco, from Ground-Based and Satellite Observations

Bounid, S.[Samira] * 2022: Advanced Financial Data Processing and Labeling Methods for Machine Learning

Bouniol, D. * 2020: Homogenization of Geostationary Infrared Imager Channels for Cold Cloud Studies Using Megha-Tropiques/ScaRaB

Bouniot, Q. * 2020: Vulnerability of Person Re-Identification Models to Metric Adversarial Attacks
* 2021: Optimal Transport as a Defense Against Adversarial Attacks
* 2022: Improving Few-Shot Learning Through Multi-task Representation Learning Theory
* 2023: Robust Semantic Segmentation UNCV2023 Challenge Results, The
* 2023: Towards Few-Annotation Learning for Object Detection: Are Transformer-based Models More Efficient?
Includes: Bouniot, Q. Bouniot, Q.[Quentin]

Bounou, O.[Oumayma] * 2021: Large-Scale Historical Watermark Recognition: dataset and a new consistency-based approach
* 2022: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for Heritage Image Analysis

Bounoua, A. * 2009: filter banks design using a multiobjecive genetic algorithm for an image coding scheme, A

Bounoua, L.[Lahouari] * 2016: Using Landsat, MODIS, and a Biophysical Model to Evaluate LST in Urban Centers
* 2023: Using Satellite Data to Characterize Land Surface Processes in Morocco

Bounsiar, A.[Abdenour] * 2008: General solution and learning method for binary classification with performance constraints

Bountos, N.I.[Nikolaos Ioannis] * 2022: Hephaestus: A large scale multitask dataset towards InSAR understanding
* 2023: Benchmarking and scaling of deep learning models for land cover image classification
* 2023: TeleViT: Teleconnection-driven Transformers Improve Subseasonal to Seasonal Wildfire Forecasting

Bountouri, L.[Lina] * 2017: Digital Preservation: How to Be Trustworthy

Bounyong, S. * 2020: Analysis of Pulse Transit Time Derived from Imaging Photoplethysmography and Microwave Sensor-based Ballistocardiography

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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