Index for gerd

Gerdelan, A.[Anton] * 2009: CA-LOD: Collision Avoidance Level of Detail for Scalable, Controllable Crowds

Gerdes, H.H.[Hans Hermann] * 2007: Level Set Methods for Watershed Image Segmentation
* 2009: Four-Color Theorem and Level Set Methods for Watershed Segmentation
* 2009: Unified Framework for Automated 3-D Segmentation of Surface-Stained Living Cells and a Comprehensive Segmentation Evaluation, A
Includes: Gerdes, H.H.[Hans Hermann] Gerdes, H.H.[Hans-Hermann] Gerdes, H.H.

Gerdes, J.C. * 2016: Shared Steering Control Using Safe Envelopes for Obstacle Avoidance and Vehicle Stability
* 2017: Incorporating Ethical Considerations Into Automated Vehicle Control

Gerdes, K.[Kim] * 2023: PatFig: Generating Short and Long Captions for Patent Figures

Gerdes, M. * 2011: Autofluorescence Removal by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

Gerdes, M.J.[Michael J.] * 2010: Quantification of Subcellular Molecules in Tissue Microarray

Gerdes, R. * 1995: Fast and Robust Recognition and Localization of 2-D Objects

Gerdes, T.[Tommy] * 1982: model for selection of attributes for automatic pattern recognition. Stepwise data compression monitored by visual classification, A

Gerding, E.H. * 2016: Intention-Aware Routing of Electric Vehicles
* 2022: Comprehensive Game-Theoretic Model for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Competition, A
* 2022: Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Vehicles
Includes: Gerding, E.H. Gerding, E.H.[Enrico H.]

Gerding, M. * 2015: Lidars With Narrow FOV for Daylight Measurements

Gerdjikov, S. * 2013: Extraction of Spelling Variations from Language Structure for Noisy Text Correction

Gerdol, R.[Renato] * 2019: Exploiting Time Series of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery to Detect Meadow Phenology in Mountain Regions

Gerdtman, C.[Christer] * 2014: Signal processing algorithms for temperauture drift in a MEMS-gyro-based head mouse

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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