Index for ghah

Ghahraman, D.E. * 1980: Graph Monomorphism Algorithms
* 1980: Graph Optimal Monomorphism Algorithm
* 1980: Random Graphs: Structural-Contextual Dichotomy

Ghahramani, A.[Afshin] * 2021: Deep Learning Forecasts of Soil Moisture: Convolutional Neural Network and Gated Recurrent Unit Models Coupled with Satellite-Derived MODIS, Observations and Synoptic-Scale Climate Index Data

Ghahramani, M. * 2010: Facial part displacement effect on template-based gender and ethnicity classification
* 2010: Family Facial Patch Resemblance Extraction
* 2012: Can gait biometrics be Spoofed?
* 2013: Improving Gait Biometrics under Spoofing Attacks
* 2013: Incorporating Texture Intensity Information into LBP-Based Operators
* 2014: Family verification based on similarity of individual family member's facial segments
* 2015: Gender and texture classification: A comparative analysis using 13 variants of local binary patterns
* 2019: Extracting Significant Mobile Phone Interaction Patterns Based on Community Structures
* 2022: Intelligent Geodemographic Clustering Based on Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization
* 2023: Brain tumour detection in magnetic resonance imaging using Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation neural network
* 2024: adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system optimized by genetic algorithm for brain tumour detection in magnetic resonance images, An
Includes: Ghahramani, M. Ghahramani, M.[Mohammad] Ghahramani, M.[Mohammadhossein] Ghahramani, M.[Marzieh]
11 for Ghahramani, M.

Ghahramani, Z. * 2000: MFDTs: Mean Field Dynamic Trees
* 2006: Appearance-based gender classification with Gaussian processes
* 2006: Bayesian Gaussian Process Classification with the EM-EP Algorithm
* 2006: Simple Bayesian Framework for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* 2006: Spectral Methods for Automatic Multiscale Data Clustering
* 2008: Latent-Space Variational Bayes
* 2008: Outlier Robust Gaussian Process Classification
* 2015: GPstruct: Bayesian Structured Prediction Using Gaussian Processes
* 2015: Pitman-Yor Diffusion Trees for Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering
* 2015: Relational Learning and Network Modelling Using Infinite Latent Attribute Models
* 2015: Variational Infinite Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* 2015: Very Simple Safe-Bayesian Random Forest, A
* 2016: Unsupervised Many-to-Many Object Matching for Relational Data
* 2020: Handling incomplete heterogeneous data using VAEs
Includes: Ghahramani, Z. Ghahramani, Z.[Zoubin]
14 for Ghahramani, Z.

Ghahremani, A.[Amir] * 2014: efficient adaptive energy model based predictive Motion Estimation algorithm for video coding, An

Ghahremani, M. * 2016: Compressed-Sensing-Based Pan-Sharpening Method for Spectral Distortion Reduction, A
* 2019: Remote sensing image fusion via compressive sensing
* 2020: Orderly Disorder in Point Cloud Domain
* 2021: FFD: Fast Feature Detector
* 2021: Interwoven texture-based description of interest points in images
Includes: Ghahremani, M. Ghahremani, M.[Morteza]

Ghahremani, P.[Parmida] * 2022: DeepLIIF: An Online Platform for Quantification of Clinical Pathology Slides

Ghahremannezhad, H.[Hadi] * 2023: Object Detection in Traffic Videos: A Survey

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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