Index for ghia

Ghiadoni, L. * 2007: System for Real-Time Measurement of the Brachial Artery Diameter in B-Mode Ultrasound Images, A

Ghiani, D.[Davide] * 2021: Detecting Anomalies from Video-Sequences: a Novel Descriptor

Ghiani, L.[Luca] * 2012: Experimental Results on Fingerprint Liveness Detection
* 2012: Fingerprint liveness detection by local phase quantization
* 2012: Large Scale Experiments on Fingerprint Liveness Detection
* 2016: On Combining Edge Detection Methods for Improving BSIF Based Facial Recognition Performances
* 2017: Fingerprint liveness detection using local texture features
* 2017: Review of the Fingerprint Liveness Detection (LivDet) competition series: 2009 to 2015
* 2019: Analysis of User-Specific Effect and Impact of Operator Skills on Fingerprint PAD Systems
* 2022: Integrating UAVs and Canopy Height Models in Vineyard Management: A Time-Space Approach
8 for Ghiani, L.

Ghiani, R.[Riccardo] * 2024: Toward a European Facility for Ground-Based Radar Observations of Near-Earth Objects

Ghiasi Shirazi, K.[Kamaledin] * 2018: Convolutional kernel networks based on a convex combination of cosine kernels
Includes: Ghiasi Shirazi, K.[Kamaledin] Ghiasi-Shirazi, K.[Kamaledin]

Ghiasi, A.[Amir] * 2021: Evaluation of data-driven performance measures for comparing and ranking traffic bottlenecks

Ghiasi, G.[Golnaz] * 2010: Efficient Method for Offline Text Independent Writer Identification, An
* 2013: Offline text-independent writer identification using codebook and efficient code extraction methods
* 2014: Occlusion Coherence: Localizing Occluded Faces with a Hierarchical Deformable Part Model
* 2014: Parsing Occluded People
* 2015: Using Segmentation to Predict the Absence of Occluded Parts
* 2016: Laplacian Pyramid Reconstruction and Refinement for Semantic Segmentation
* 2019: NAS-FPN: Learning Scalable Feature Pyramid Architecture for Object Detection
* 2020: Learning Data Augmentation Strategies for Object Detection
* 2020: MnasFPN: Learning Latency-Aware Pyramid Architecture for Object Detection on Mobile Devices
* 2020: SpineNet: Learning Scale-Permuted Backbone for Recognition and Localization
* 2020: Writer identification with n-tuple direction feature from contour
* 2021: Multi-Task Self-Training for Learning General Representations
* 2021: Simple Copy-Paste is a Strong Data Augmentation Method for Instance Segmentation
* 2022: Scaling Open-Vocabulary Image Segmentation with Image-Level Labels
Includes: Ghiasi, G.[Golnaz] Ghiasi, G.
14 for Ghiasi, G.

Ghiasi, Y.[Yusof] * 2020: Application of GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry for the Estimation of Lake Ice Thickness

Ghiass, R.S.[Reza Shoja] * 2014: Infrared face recognition: A comprehensive review of methodologies and databases

Ghiasvand, O.A.[Omid Amir] * 2017: Ground-truth localisation system for humanoid soccer robots using RGB-D camera

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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