Index for guiz

Guizani, M. * 2009: Bandwidth Aggregation-Aware Dynamic QoS Negotiation for Real-Time Video Streaming in Next-Generation Wireless Networks
* 2015: Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 Nonbeacon-Enabled Mode for Internet of Vehicles
* 2018: Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing Algorithm for Urban Vehicular Networks
* 2020: Intersection Fog-Based Distributed Routing for V2V Communication in Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* 2020: Optimal Rate-Adaptive Data Dissemination in Vehicular Platoons
* 2021: Collaborative Intrusion Detection for VANETs: A Deep Learning-Based Distributed SDN Approach
* 2021: Energy Aware Offloading Scheme for Interdependent Applications in Software-Defined IoV With Fog Computing Architecture, An
* 2021: Guest Editorial Special Issue on Intent-Based Networking for 5G-Envisioned Internet of Connected Vehicles
* 2022: Editorial Introduction to Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving
* 2022: Energy-Aware Blockchain and Federated Learning-Supported Vehicular Networks
* 2022: PV-EncoNet: Fast Object Detection Based on Colored Point Cloud
* 2023: C-HealthIER: A Cooperative Health Intelligent Emergency Response System for C-ITS
* 2023: Management of Positioning Functions in Cellular Networks for Time-Sensitive Transportation Applications
* 2023: Toward Safer Vehicular Transit: Implementing Deep Learning on Single Channel EEG Systems for Microsleep Detection
* 2024: Blockchain Data Mining With Graph Learning: A Survey
* 2024: NOMA-Assisted Secure Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing Networks With Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning
Includes: Guizani, M. Guizani, M.[Mohsen]
16 for Guizani, M.

Guizani, N.[Nadra] * 2021: Compiler-Based Efficient CNN Model Construction for 5G Edge Devices
* 2021: LocJury: An IBN-Based Location Privacy Preserving Scheme for IoCV
* 2023: On the Feasibility of Split Learning, Transfer Learning and Federated Learning for Preserving Security in ITS Systems

Guizani, Z. * 2016: Opportunistic resource blocks allocation for underlay D2D communications in 5G uplink network with awareness of BER constraint

Guizar Coutino, A.[Alejandro] * 2023: Reconstructing 34 Years of Fire History in the Wet, Subtropical Vegetation of Hong Kong Using Landsat
Includes: Guizar Coutino, A.[Alejandro] Guizar-Coutiņo, A.[Alejandro]

Guizar Sicairos, M.[Manuel] * 2004: Two-dimensional Fourier transform of scaled Dirac delta curves
* 2008: Phase retrieval with Fourier-weighted projections
* 2012: Understanding the twin-image problem in phase retrieval
Includes: Guizar Sicairos, M.[Manuel] Guizar-Sicairos, M.[Manuel]

Guizilini, V.[Vitor] * 2019: Segmenting and Detecting Nematode in Coffee Crops Using Aerial Images
* 2020: 3D Packing for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* 2020: Neural Ray Surfaces for Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-motion
* 2020: Real-Time Panoptic Segmentation From Dense Detections
* 2021: Geometric Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Is Pseudo-Lidar needed for Monocular 3D Object detection?
* 2021: Sparse Auxiliary Networks for Unified Monocular Depth Prediction and Completion
* 2022: Depth Field Networks For Generalizable Multi-View Scene Representation
* 2022: Multi-Frame Self-Supervised Depth with Transformers
* 2022: Photo-realistic Neural Domain Randomization
* 2022: SpOT: Spatiotemporal Modeling for 3D Object Tracking
* 2023: DeLiRa: Self-Supervised Depth, Light, and Radiance Fields
* 2023: NeO 360: Neural Fields for Sparse View Synthesis of Outdoor Scenes
* 2023: Towards Zero-Shot Scale-Aware Monocular Depth Estimation
* 2023: Viewpoint Equivariance for Multi-View 3D Object Detection
Includes: Guizilini, V.[Vitor] Guizilini, V.
15 for Guizilini, V.

Guizzo, E. * 2014: Rescue-robot show-down
* 2020: $74,500 will fetch you a spot: For the price of a luxury car, you can now buy a very smart, very capable, very yellow robot dog
* 2020: robot that keeps it simple: Hello robot wants to reinvent how autonomous machines perform tasks at home, A

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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