Index for guns

Guns, T. * 2019: Monitoring Urban-Freight Transport Based on GPS Trajectories of Heavy-Goods Vehicles

Gunsalus, K. * 2014: Ellipses from triangles
* 2014: Shape statistics for cell division detection in time-lapse videos of early mouse embryo

Gunsalus, K.C.[Kristin C.] * 2010: Rapid and accurate developmental stage recognition of C. elegans from high-throughput image data
* 2013: DevStaR: High-Throughput Quantification of C. elegans Developmental Stages
* 2014: Mirror Symmetry Histograms for Capturing Geometric Properties in Images
Includes: Gunsalus, K.C.[Kristin C.] Gunsalus, K.C.

Gunsay, M. * 1993: Restoration of blurred star field images by maximally sparse optimization
* 1994: Performance analysis for a subspace decomposition point-source image restoration algorithm
* 1995: Point-source localization in blurred images by a frequency-domain eigenvector-based method

Gunsel, B. * 1992: Visual surface reconstruction and boundary detection using stochastic models
* 1994: Boundary Detection Using Multiscale Markov Random Fields
* 1994: Segmentation of range and intensity images using multiscale Markov random field representations
* 1995: Supervised learning of smoothing parameters in image restoration by regularization under cellular neural networks framework
* 1996: Reconstruction and Boundary Detection of Range and Intensity Images Using Multiscale MRF Representations
* 1996: Similarity Analysis for Shape Retrieval by Example
* 1996: Video Indexing Through Integration of Syntactic and Semantic Features
* 1997: Moving Visual Representations of Video Objects for Content-Based Search and Browsing
* 1997: Object Based Video Indexing for Virtual Studio Productions
* 1998: Content Based Access to Video Objects: Temporal Segmentation, Visual Summary, and Feature Extraction
* 1998: Content-based video abstraction
* 1998: Shape Similarity Matching for Query by Example
* 1998: Two-Dimensional Mesh-Based Visual-Object Representation for Interactive Synthetic/Natural Digital Video
* 2001: Method for content-based temporal segmentation of video
* 2002: Robust watermarking of fingerprint images
* 2003: Fade-in and fade-out temporal segments
* 2004: Blind audio watermark decoding using independent component analysis
* 2004: integrated decoding framework for audio watermark extraction, An
* 2006: Perceptual Audio Watermarking by Learning in Wavelet Domain
* 2007: Video Content Representation by Incremental Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* 2008: Incremental clustering via nonnegative matrix factorization
* 2008: multiple model structure for tracking by variable rate particle filters, A
* 2009: Incremental subspace learning via non-negative matrix factorization
* 2009: Transform Invariant Video Fingerprinting by NMF
* 2010: Annealed SMC Samplers for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
* 2010: Bayesian Inference for Nonnegative Matrix Factor Deconvolution Models
* 2010: Key-frame based video fingerprinting by NMF
* 2010: Novelty Detection on Metallic Surfaces by GMM Learning in Gabor Space
* 2011: Annealed SMC Samplers for Nonparametric Bayesian Mixture Models
* 2011: novel perceptual feature set for audio emotion recognition, A
* 2012: Perceptually weighted Non-negative Matrix Factorization for blind single-channel music source separation
* 2013: Online video scene clustering by competitive incremental NMF
* 2013: SAR image classification with normalized gamma process mixtures
* 2016: Online speaker emotion tracking with a dynamic state transition model
* 2016: Variable rate adaptive color-based particle filter tracking
* 2017: Robust object tracking by interleaving variable rate color particle filtering and deep learning
* 2018: WAMI Object Tracking Using L1 Tracker Integrated with a Deep Detector
* 2019: Target Aware Visual Object Tracking
* 2021: Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* 2021: TDIOT: Target-Driven Inference for Deep Video Object Tracking
Includes: Gunsel, B. Günsel, B.[Bilge] (Maybe also Guensel, B.)Gunsel, B.[Bilge]
40 for Gunsel, B.

Gunshor, M.M. * 2013: Intercalibration of FY-2C/D/E Infrared Channels Using AIRS
* 2019: Radiance Differences between Wavelength and Wavenumber Spaces in Convolving Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Spectrum to Broadband for Intercomparison, The
* 2020: Evaluation of the Diurnal Variation of Upper Tropospheric Humidity in Reanalysis Using Homogenized Observed Radiances from International Geostationary Weather Satellites
* 2021: Understanding the Imaging Capability of Tundra Orbits Compared to Other Orbits
Includes: Gunshor, M.M. Gunshor, M.M.[Mathew M.]

Gunson, M.R. * 2006: Overview of the EOS Aura Mission

Gunson, N. * 2015: Effective speaker spotting for watch-list detection of fraudsters in telephone banking

Gunst, A.W. * 2009: LOFAR Telescope: System Architecture and Signal Processing, The

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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