Index for jura

Jurado, J.M.[Juan M.] * 2020: Automatic Grapevine Trunk Detection on UAV-Based Point Cloud
* 2020: Impact of Canopy Reflectance on the 3D Structure of Individual Trees in a Mediterranean Forest, The
* 2020: Multispectral Mapping on 3D Models and Multi-Temporal Monitoring for Individual Characterization of Olive Trees
* 2020: UAS-Based 3D Image Characterization of Mozarabic Church Ruins in Bobastro (Malaga), Spain, The
* 2021: optimized approach for generating dense thermal point clouds from UAV-imagery, An
Includes: Jurado, J.M.[Juan M.] Jurado, J.M. Jurado, J.M.[Juan Manuel]

Jurado, M.A.[Maria Angeles] * 2015: FADR: Functional-Anatomical Discriminative Regions for Rest fMRI Characterization

Jurado, P. * 2016: FLEX End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator
* 2019: Spectral Fitting Algorithm to Retrieve the Fluorescence Spectrum from Canopy Radiance, A
Includes: Jurado, P. Jurado, P.[Pedro]

Jurakuziev, D.[Dadajon] * 2022: Photovoltaics Plant Fault Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques

Juranek, R.[Roman] * 2008: Implementation of the Local Rank Differences Image Feature Using SIMD Instructions of CPU
* 2008: Local Rank Differences Image Feature Implemented on GPU
* 2011: Analysis of Wear Debris through Classification
* 2011: Real-time object detection on CUDA
* 2012: Fast bilateral filter for HDR imaging
* 2014: Automatic Camera Calibration for Traffic Understanding
* 2014: Comparison of Appearance-Based and Geometry-Based Bubble Detectors
* 2015: Fully Automatic Roadside Camera Calibration for Traffic Surveillance
* 2015: Real-Time Pose Estimation Piggybacked on Object Detection
* 2017: Holistic recognition of low quality license plates by CNN using track annotated data
* 2017: Traffic surveillance camera calibration by 3D model bounding box alignment for accurate vehicle speed measurement
* 2018: Comparison of bubble detectors and size distribution estimators
* 2018: Graph@FIT Submission to the NVIDIA AI City Challenge 2018
* 2019: Comprehensive Data Set for Automatic Single Camera Visual Speed Measurement
* 2020: Cascaded Stripe Memory Engines for Multi-Scale Object Detection in FPGA
* 2020: Color HDR video processing architecture for smart camera
* 2020: Density-Based Vehicle Counting with Unsupervised Scale Selection
* 2020: Learning feature aggregation in temporal domain for re-identification
* 2020: PlaneCalib: Automatic Camera Calibration by Multiple Observations of Rigid Objects on Plane
Includes: Juranek, R.[Roman] Juránek, R.[Roman] Juranek, R. Juránek, R.
19 for Juranek, R.

Juras, R.[Roman] * 2021: SAMIRA-SAtellite Based Monitoring Initiative for Regional Air Quality

Juras, V. * 2008: Experiments with application of image reconstruction method based on perspective imaging techniques in X-ray CT mini system

Jurasek, D.[Dave] * 2006: Tyzx DeepSea G2 Vision System, ATaskable, Embedded Stereo Camera, The
* 2007: 3D Vision: Developing an Embedded Stereo-Vision System
Includes: Jurasek, D.[Dave] Jurasek, D.

Juravel, Y.[Yuliya] * 2016: Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis of Hyperspectral Images with Atmospheric Distortions

Index for "j"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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