Index for lacr

Lacroix, L.[Leander] * 2021: IMODAL: creating learnable user-defined deformation models

Lacroix, P.[Pascal] * 2013: Supervised Method of Landslide Inventory Using Panchromatic SPOT5 Images and Application to the Earthquake-Triggered Landslides of Pisco (Peru, 2007, Mw8.0)
* 2019: Sparsity Optimization Method for Slow-Moving Landslides Detection in Satellite Image Time-Series
* 2021: Cloud and Cloud-Shadow Detection for Applications in Mapping Small-Scale Mining in Colombia Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* 2021: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Measurements of the Earth's Outgoing Radiation, The
* 2022: Assessing the Applications of Earth Observation Data for Monitoring Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) in Developing Countries
* 2022: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energy Budget and to Probe the Ionosphere
Includes: Lacroix, P.[Pascal] Lacroix, P. Lacroix, P.[Pierre] Lacroix, P.[Patrick]

Lacroix, S. * 1999: Evaluation of Stereo Matching Algorithms for Occupant Detection
* 2001: Robust Interest Points Matching Algorithm, A
* 2003: High resolution terrain mapping using low altitude aerial stereo imagery
* 2007: Vision-Based SLAM: Stereo and Monocular Approaches
* 2011: RT-SLAM: A Generic and Real-Time Visual SLAM Implementation
* 2015: Adaptive Programmable Hyperspectral Imager, An
* 2016: Robust Visual Place Recognition with Graph Kernels
Includes: Lacroix, S. Lacroix, S.[Simon]
7 for Lacroix, S.

Lacroix, V. * 1988: Three-Module Strategy for Edge Detection, A
* 1990: Edge Detection: What About Rotation Invariance?
* 1990: primary raster: a multiresolution image description, The
* 1990: Three-Module Strategy for Edge Detection, A
* 1998: Feature-Extraction Using the Constrained Gradient
* 2002: Edge and line detection in polarimetric SAR images
* 2006: Detecting urbanization changes using SPOT5
* 2010: Median Graph Shift: A New Clustering Algorithm for Graph Domain
* 2011: Color Line Detection
Includes: Lacroix, V. Lacroix, V.[Vinciane]
9 for Lacroix, V.

Index for "l"

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