Index for lett

Lettau, T.[Thomas] * 2013: Die Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Fernerkundungskontrolle

Letteboer, M. * 2004: Integrating automatic and interactive brain tumor segmentation

Letteboer, M.M.J. * 2006: Quantitative Evaluation of Three Calibration Methods for 3-D Freehand Ultrasound

Lettenmaier, D.P.[Dennis P.] * 2000: Effects of Digital Elevation Model Accuracy on Hydrologic Predictions

Lettera, C. * 1986: Use of a Dictionary in Conjunction with a Handwritten Texts Recognizer
* 1990: Foreground/background segmentation in videotelephony
* 1992: Method of and device for moving image contour recognition
Includes: Lettera, C. Lettera, C.[Cataldo]

Letterio, T.[Tommaso] * 2021: Proximal Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy: An Effective Tool to Discern Rain from Irrigation

Letterly, A.[Aaron] * 2016: AVHRR Polar Pathfinder Climate Data Records, The

Lettieri, L.[Luca] * 2019: Multi-Source Data Integration to Investigate a Deep-Seated Landslide Affecting a Bridge

Lettington, A.H. * 1998: Method of Predicting the Probability of Human Observers Recognizing Targets in Simulated Thermal Images

Lettner, M.[Martin] * 2005: Texture Analysis for Stroke Classification in Infrared Reflectogramms
* 2006: Texture and Profile Features for Drawing Media Recognition in Underdrawings
* 2007: Identification of drawing tools by classification of textural and boundary features of strokes
* 2009: Spatial and Spectral Based Segmentation of Text in Multispectral Images of Ancient Documents
* 2010: Combining Spectral and Spatial Features for Robust Foreground-Background Separation

Lettry, L.[Louis] * 2016: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Cascade for Camera Network Calibration Based on Unconstrained Pedestrian Tracklets
* 2017: Repeated Pattern Detection Using CNN Activations
* 2018: DARN: A Deep Adversarial Residual Network for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* 2018: WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscripted Pedestrian Detection
Includes: Lettry, L.[Louis] Lettry, L.

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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