Index for limo

Limo, A.[Agnes] * 2014: Conceptual Flash Flood Early Warning System for Africa, Based on Terrestrial Microwave Links and Flash Flood Guidance, A

Limon, D.[Daniel] * 2023: Safe Optimal Vessel Planning on Natural Inland Waterways

Limon, M.F.[Marie Francoise] * 2022: Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for Heritage Image Analysis
Includes: Limon, M.F.[Marie Francoise] Limon, M.F.[Marie-Françoise]

Limon, O.[Ofer] * 2008: Transverse resolution improvement using rotating-grating time-multiplexing approach

Limon, X.[Xavier] * 2017: Windowing strategy for Distributed Data Mining optimized through GPUs, A
Includes: Limon, X.[Xavier] Limón, X.[Xavier]

Limoncelli, M. * 1995: Incremental Learning-Experiments with Scriptor: An Engine for Online Recognition of Cursive Handwriting

Limonchik, S.[Shai] * 2021: Unsupervised Discovery of the Long-Tail in Instance Segmentation Using Hierarchical Self-Supervision

Limongelli, M.P. * 2019: Lifecycle Management, Monitoring and Assessment for Safe Large-scale Infrastructures: Challenges and Needs

Limongiello, A. * 2004: Object Tracking Algorithm Combining Different Cost Functions, An
* 2007: Stereo Vision for Obstacle Detection: A Graph-Based Approach

Limongiello, M. * 2019: Comparison of Uavs Performance for a Roman Amphitheatre Survey: The Case of Avella (Italy)
* 2019: Field Work Monitoring and Heritage Documentation for The Conservation Project. The Foro Emiliano in Terracina (Italy)
* 2019: Integration of Active Sensors for Geometric Analysis of The Chapel Of The Holy Shroud
* 2019: Quality Assessment of UAV Photogrammetric Archaeological Survey
* 2022: HBIM Methodology for the Accurate and Georeferenced Reconstruction of Urban Contexts Surveyed by UAV: The Case of the Castle of Charles V, An
Includes: Limongiello, M. Limongiello, M.[Marco]

Limonova, E.[Elena] * 2021: Fast Implementation of 4-bit Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Devices
* 2021: ResNet-like Architecture with Low Hardware Requirements
* 2022: Fast matrix multiplication for binary and ternary CNNs on ARM CPU

Limosani, R.[Raffaele] * 2018: Two-person activity recognition using skeleton data

Limouchi, E. * 2019: Volunteers Dilemma Game Inspired Broadcast Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Limouri, M. * 1999: new cluster-validity for fuzzy clustering, A
* 1999: Unsupervised fuzzy clustering

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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