Index for lita

Litago, J.[Javier] * 2014: Assessing the Temporal Stability of the Accuracy of a Time Series of Burned Area Products
* 2019: Mapping Periodic Patterns of Global Vegetation Based on Spectral Analysis of NDVI Time Series
* 2020: First Insights on Soil Respiration Prediction across the Growth Stages of Rainfed Barley Based on Simulated MODIS and Sentinel-2 Spectral Indices

Litaker, R.W.[R. Wayne] * 2021: Intercalibration of MERIS, MODIS, and OLCI Satellite Imagers for Construction of Past, Present, and Future Cyanobacterial Biomass Time Series

Litalien, J.[Joey] * 2021: Neural Geometric Level of Detail: Real-time Rendering with Implicit 3D Shapes

Litany, O.[Or] * 2012: Putting the Pieces Together: Regularized Multi-part Shape Matching
* 2017: ASIST: Automatic semantically invariant scene transformation
* 2017: Deep class-aware image denoising
* 2017: Deep Functional Maps: Structured Prediction for Dense Shape Correspondence
* 2018: Class-Aware Fully Convolutional Gaussian and Poisson Denoising
* 2018: Deformable Shape Completion with Graph Convolutional Autoencoders
* 2019: Deep Hough Voting for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
* 2019: Unsupervised Learning of Dense Shape Correspondence
* 2020: ImVoteNet: Boosting 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds With Image Votes
* 2020: Pointcontrast: Unsupervised Pre-training for 3d Point Cloud Understanding
* 2020: Towards Precise Completion of Deformable Shapes
* 2021: 3DIoUMatch: Leveraging IoU Prediction for Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection
* 2021: Causal BERT: Improving object detection by searching for challenging groups
* 2021: Continuous Geodesic Convolutions for Learning on 3D Shapes
* 2021: Mix3D: Out-of-Context Data Augmentation for 3D Scenes
* 2021: Representation Learning Through Latent Canonicalizations
* 2021: Vector Neurons: A General Framework for SO(3)-Equivariant Networks
* 2021: Weakly Supervised Learning of Rigid 3D Scene Flow
* 2022: Contrast to Divide: Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Learning with Noisy Labels
* 2022: Generating Useful Accident-Prone Driving Scenarios via a Learned Traffic Prior
* 2022: Language-Grounded Indoor 3D Semantic Segmentation in the Wild
* 2022: MvDeCor: Multi-view Dense Correspondence Learning for Fine-Grained 3D Segmentation
* 2022: Neural Fields as Learnable Kernels for 3D Reconstruction
* 2023: Fast Monocular Scene Reconstruction with Global-Sparse Local-Dense Grids
* 2023: Neural Kernel Surface Reconstruction
* 2023: Neural LiDAR Fields for Novel View Synthesis
* 2023: Towards Viewpoint Robustness in Bird's Eye View Segmentation
* 2023: Trace and Pace: Controllable Pedestrian Animation via Guided Trajectory Diffusion
Includes: Litany, O.[Or] Litany, O.
28 for Litany, O.

Litaor, M.I.[M. Iggy] * 2023: How Sensitive Is Thermal Image-Based Orchard Water Status Estimation to Canopy Extraction Quality?

Litayem, S.[Saloua] * 2012: Hash-Based Support Vector Machines Approximation for Large Scale Prediction

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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