Index for sier

Sier, H.[Ha] * 2023: Benchmark for Multi-Modal LiDAR SLAM with Ground Truth in GNSS-Denied Environments, A

Sieracki, M.E.[Michael E.] * 2005: Automatic In Situ Identification of Plankton

Sieradzki, R.[Rafal] * 2018: On the Applicability of Galileo FOC Satellites with Incorrect Highly Eccentric Orbits: An Evaluation of Instantaneous Medium-Range Positioning
* 2018: On the Feasibility of Interhemispheric Patch Detection Using Ground-Based GNSS Measurements

Sieranoja, S.[Sami] * 2016: GPS Trajectory Biometrics: From Where You Were to How You Move
* 2019: Fast and general density peaks clustering
* 2019: How much can k-means be improved by using better initialization and repeats?

Sieren, J. * 2011: Statistical Interior Tomography

Sieren, J.C. * 2021: CT-Based Automated Algorithm for Airway Segmentation Using Freeze-and-Grow Propagation and Deep Learning, A

Siergiejczyk, M. * 2016: Issue of reliability: exploitation evaluation of electronic transport systems used in the railway environment with consideration of electromagnetic interference

Siering, F.[Frank] * 1998: Applying Augmented Reality Techniques in the Field of Interactive Collaborative Design

Siering, S.[Steffen] * 2009: Automating multi-camera self-calibration

Sierka, M.[Maciej] * 2020: Calibration of Industrial Cameras for Aerial Photogrammetric Mapping

Siero, P.L.J. * 1982: Cell Division Patterns: Syntactical Descriptions and Implementation

Sierociuk, D.[Dominik] * 2012: Boolean-based fractional order SMC for switching systems: Application to a DC-DC buck converter

Sierpinski, G.[Grzegorz] * 2022: Application of a Genetic Algorithm With a Fuzzy Objective Function for Optimized Siting of Electric Vehicle Charging Devices in Urban Road Networks

Sierra Acosta, J.[Jorge] * 2023: NeRFLight: Fast and Light Neural Radiance Fields using a Shared Feature Grid
Includes: Sierra Acosta, J.[Jorge] Sierra-Acosta, J.[Jorge]

Sierra Alonso, E.F.[Edgar F.] * 2014: Spectral Correlation Measure for Selecting Intrinsic Mode Functions
Includes: Sierra Alonso, E.F.[Edgar F.] Sierra-Alonso, E.F.[Edgar F.]

Sierra Gonzalez, D.[David] * 2021: Frustum-PointPillars: A Multi-Stage Approach for 3D Object Detection using RGB Camera and LiDAR
Includes: Sierra Gonzalez, D.[David] Sierra-Gonzalez, D.[David]

Sierra Requena, R.[Rafael] * 2023: Implementation of Web Map Services for Old Cadastral Maps
Includes: Sierra Requena, R.[Rafael] Sierra-Requena, R.[Rafael]

Sierra, A. * 1998: Global and Local Neural-Network Ensembles
* 2002: High-order Fisher's discriminant analysis

Sierra, B. * 2006: Classifier hierarchy learning by means of genetic algorithms
* 2008: Analyzing Classifier Hierarchy Multiclassifier Learning
* 2008: Kinetic Pseudo-energy History for Human Dynamic Gestures Recognition
* 2008: Temporal Nearest End-Effectors for Real-Time Full-Body Human Actions Recognition
* 2010: Combination of Classifiers for the Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in Basque, A
* 2011: Improving dynamic facial expression recognition with feature subset selection
* 2014: Trace Transform Based Method for Color Image Domain Identification
* 2016: Local descriptors fusion for mobile iris verification
* 2016: Machine Learning approach to dissimilarity computation: Iris matching
* 2017: Iris matching by means of Machine Learning paradigms: A new approach to dissimilarity computation
* 2017: Periocular and iris local descriptors for identity verification in mobile applications
Includes: Sierra, B. Sierra, B.[Basilio]
11 for Sierra, B.

Sierra, C.[Carles] * 2015: Trust-based community assessment

Sierra, G.[Gerardo] * 2016: Unsupervised morphological segmentation based on affixality measurements
* 2017: Sentence level matrix representation for document spectral clustering

Sierra, J.[Javier] * 2009: Two Algorithms for Measuring Human Breathing Rate Automatically

Sierra, J.S.[Juan S.] * 2021: Multi-target Attachment for Surgical Instrument Tracking

Sierra, S.[Sebastian] * 2015: Classification of Low-Level Atmospheric Structures Based on a Pyramid Representation and a Machine Learning Method
* 2023: Describing Polyps Behavior of a Deep-Sea Gorgonian, Placogorgia sp., Using a Deep-Learning Approach
Includes: Sierra, S.[Sebastian] Sierra, S.[Sebastián] Sierra, S.[Sergio]

Siervo, V.[Vincenzo] * 2021: Morphometry and Debris-Flow Susceptibility Map in Mountain Drainage Basins of the Vallo di Diano, Southern Italy

Sieryi, O.[Oleksii] * 2022: Screening of Alzheimer's Disease With Multiwavelength Stokes Polarimetry in a Mouse Model

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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