Index for stah

Stahl, A.[Annette] * 2006: On-Line Variational Estimation of Dynamical Fluid Flows with Physics-Based Spatio-temporal Regularization
* 2008: Anomaly detection by combining decision trees and parametric densities
* 2015: Classifier self-assessment: active learning and active noise correction for document classification
* 2016: Splash detection in surveillance videos of offshore fish production plants
* 2020: Iterative Closest Point with Minimal Free Space Constraints
* 2020: Minimal Free Space Constraints for Implicit Distance Bounds
* 2021: VAROS Synthetic Underwater Data Set: Towards realistic multi-sensor underwater data with ground truth, The
* 2022: Detecting and Suppressing Marine Snow for Underwater Visual SLAM
* 2024: RGB-D Mapping and Tracking in a Plenoxel Radiance Field
Includes: Stahl, A.[Annette] Stahl, A.[Armin] Stahl, A.
9 for Stahl, A.

Stahl, A.T.[Amanda T.] * 2024: Evaluating a Novel Approach to Detect the Vertical Structure of Insect Damage in Trees Using Multispectral and Three-Dimensional Data from Drone Imagery in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA

Stahl, C.[Christoph] * 2018: Development of Operational Applications for TerraSAR-X

Stahl, D.[Daniel] * 2011: Automated System for the Detection and Diagnosis of Kidney Lesions in Children from Scintigraphy Images, An
* 2011: Automatic Compartment Modelling and Segmentation for Dynamical Renal Scintigraphies
Includes: Stahl, D.[Daniel] Ståhl, D.[Daniel]

Stahl, G.[Goran] * 2018: Assessing Error Correlations in Remote Sensing-Based Estimates of Forest Attributes for Improved Composite Estimation
* 2018: Generalized Hierarchical Model-Based Estimation for Aboveground Biomass Assessment Using GEDI and Landsat Data
* 2020: Characterizing Uncertainty in Forest Remote Sensing Studies
* 2022: Importance of Calibration for Improving the Efficiency of Data Assimilation for Predicting Forest Characteristics
Includes: Stahl, G.[Goran] Ståhl, G.[Göran]

Stahl, J.S.[Joachim S.] * 2005: Convex Grouping Combining Boundary and Region Information
* 2006: Globally Optimal Grouping for Symmetric Boundaries
* 2007: Edge Grouping Combining Boundary and Region Information
* 2007: Global Detection of Salient Convex Boundaries
* 2008: Globally Optimal Grouping for Symmetric Closed Boundaries by Combining Boundary and Region Information
* 2008: Open boundary capable edge grouping with feature maps

Stahl, M. * 2000: Laplace Integral for a Watershed Segmentation, The
* 2002: Multiscale Contrast Enhancement for Radiographies: Laplacian Pyramid versus Fast Wavelet Transform

Stahl, P. * 2014: Anticipation in Driving: The Role of Experience in the Efficacy of Pre-event Conflict Cues

Stahl, T. * 2019: Divide and Count: Generic Object Counting by Image Divisions

Stahlberg, F. * 2007: Accuracy of q-Space Related Parameters in MRI: Simulations and Phantom Measurements
* 2015: Detecting dense foreground stripes in Arabic handwriting for accurate baseline positioning
* 2015: Document skew detection based on hough space derivatives
* 2015: QCRI Recognition System for Handwritten Arabic, The
Includes: Stahlberg, F. Stahlberg, F.[Felix]

Stahlhut, O. * 2001: Knowledge Based System for the Interpretation of Complex Scenes
* 2002: Knowledge-Based System for Context Dependent Evaluation of Remote Sensing Data, A
* 2002: Semantic Interpretation of Remote Sensing Data
Includes: Stahlhut, O. Stahlhut, O.[Oliver]

Stahli, M.[Manfred] * 2015: Relief Effects on the L-Band Emission of a Bare Soil
Includes: Stahli, M.[Manfred] Stähli, M.[Manfred] (Maybe also Staehli, M.)

Stahli, P. * 2021: Bayesian Approach for a Robust Speed-of-Sound Reconstruction Using Pulse-Echo Ultrasound
Includes: Stahli, P. Stähli, P. (Maybe also Staehli, P.)

Stahlmann, R. * 2019: Driving Behavior Analysis through CAN Bus Data in an Uncontrolled Environment
* 2020: Over 150 Years of Change: Object-Oriented Analysis of Historical Land Cover in the Main River Catchment, Bavaria/Germany
Includes: Stahlmann, R. Stahlmann, R.[Reinhold]

Stahn, C.[Catharina] * 2021: Opportunities of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence for Occupational Safety and Health in Production Industry

Stahn, K.[Kirsten] * 2015: Bézier Curves in the Space of Images

Stahovich, T.F.[Thomas F.] * 1996: SketchIT: A Sketch Interpretation Tool for Conceptual Mechanical Design
* 1998: Generating multiple new designs from a sketch

Stahr, R.[Robert] * 1995: Estimating time to contact with curves, avoiding calibration and aperture problem

Stahs, T. * 1992: Object Recognition and Pose Estimation with a Fast and Versatile 3D Robot Sensor
* 1999: Extraction and tracking of surfaces in range image sequences

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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