Index for yerm

Yermakov, A. * 2002: Elastic transformation of the image pixel grid for similarity based face identification
* 2002: Support object classifiers with rigid and elastic kernel functions for face identification
* 2008: Signature verification based on fusion of on-line and off-line kernels
* 2020: CNN Based Predictor of Face Image Quality
* 2021: Dominant subject recognition by Bayesian learning
Includes: Yermakov, A. Yermakov, A.[Alexey] Yermakov, A.[Andrii]

Yermo, M. * 2019: Automatic Detection and Characterisation of Power Lines and Their Surroundings Using Lidar Data
* 2022: fast and optimal pathfinder using airborne LiDAR data, A
Includes: Yermo, M. Yermo, M.[Miguel]

Yermolaev, O.[Oleg] * 2021: Assessment of Shoreline Transformation Rates and Landslide Monitoring on the Bank of Kuibyshev Reservoir (Russia) Using Multi-Source Data
* 2021: Estimating the Soil Erosion Cover-Management Factor at the European Part of Russia
* 2023: Automated Recognition of Tree Species Composition of Forest Communities Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data

Yermolayev, O.P.[Oleg P.] * 2020: Automatic Gully Detection: Neural Networks and Computer Vision

Index for "y"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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