Borz, S.A.[Stelian Alexandru]
Co Author Listing * Influence of Data Density and Integration on Forest Canopy Cover Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series in Mediterranean Oak Forests, The
* Land Use and Land Cover Mapping Using Sentinel-2, Landsat-8 Satellite Images, and Google Earth Engine: A Comparison of Two Composition Methods
* Mapping Small-Scale Willow Crops and Their Health Status Using Sentinel-2 Images in Complex Agricultural Areas
* Modeling Forest Canopy Cover: A Synergistic Use of Sentinel-2, Aerial Photogrammetry Data, and Machine Learning
* Prediction of Plant Diversity Using Multi-Seasonal Remotely Sensed and Geodiversity Data in a Mountainous Area
Borza, D.[Diana]
Co Author Listing * attention-based deep learning model for multiple pedestrian attributes recognition, An
* Deep Learning Approach to Hair Segmentation and Color Extraction from Facial Images, A
* Person re-identification: Implicitly defining the receptive fields of deep learning classification frameworks
* Towards Automatic Skin Tone Classification in Facial Images
* You look so different! Haven't I seen you a long time ago?
Borza, D.L.[Diana Laura]
Co Author Listing * Teacher or supervisor? Effective online knowledge distillation via guided collaborative learning
Borzechowski, F.[Florian]
Co Author Listing * Optimizing Learned Image Compression on Scalar and Entropy-Constraint Quantization
Borzenko, O.[Olena]
Co Author Listing * Controlling Camera and Lights for Intelligent Image Acquisition and Merging
* INVICON: A Toolkit for Knowledge-Based Control of Vision Systems
* Lights and Camera: Intelligently Controlled Multi-channel Pose Estimation System
Borzeshi, E.Z.[Ehsan Zare]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Human Action Recognition in Videos by Graph Embedding
* Complex event recognition by latent temporal models of concepts
* discriminative prototype selection approach for graph embedding in human action recognition, A
* Discriminative prototype selection methods for graph embedding
* Human Action Recognition in Video by Fusion of Structural and Spatio-temporal Features
* Joint Action Segmentation and Classification by an Extended Hidden Markov Model
Includes: Borzeshi, E.Z.[Ehsan Zare] Borzeshi, E.Z.[E. Zare]
Borzi, A.[Alfio]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Iterative Methods for Solving a Ginzburg-Landau Equation
* Development of Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Mouse Hearts at 9.4 Tesla: Simulations and First Application
* New Optimization Approach to Sparse Reconstruction of Log-Conductivity in Acousto-Electric Tomography, A
* Using the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation for Digital Inpainting in 2D and 3D
Includes: Borzi, A.[Alfio] Borzì, A.
Borzi, A.M.[Alfio Marco]
Co Author Listing * ARCHIMEDE: An Innovative Web-GIS Platform for the Study of Medicanes
Includes: Borzi, A.M.[Alfio Marco] Borzì, A.M.[Alfio Marco]
Borzi, S.[Stefano]
Co Author Listing * Is synthetic voice detection research going into the right direction?
Includes: Borzi, S.[Stefano] Borzì, S.[Stefano]
Borzic, B.[Boris]
Co Author Listing * Detection Transformer with Diversified Object Queries
Borzin, A.[Artyom]
Co Author Listing * Building Petri Nets from Video Event Ontologies
* Video Event Modeling and Recognition in Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets
Borzuchowski, J.
Co Author Listing * Retrieval of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Soil Water Content (WC) Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing under Controlled Glass House Conditions for Spring Barley and Sugar Beet