Hock, B.[Barbara]
Co Author Listing * Hydrologic Consistency of Multi-Sensor Drought Observations in Forested Environments
Includes: Hock, B.[Barbara] Höck, B.[Barbara] (Maybe also Hoeck, B.)
Hock, C.
Co Author Listing * Intelligent Navigation for Autonomous Robots Using Dynamic Vision
Hock, E.[Eva]
Co Author Listing * N2V2 - Fixing Noise2void Checkerboard Artifacts with Modified Sampling Strategies and a Tweaked Network Architecture
Includes: Hock, E.[Eva] Höck, E.[Eva] (Maybe also Hoeck, E.)
Hock, R.[Regine]
Co Author Listing * Glacier Changes in the Susitna Basin, Alaska, USA, (1951-2015) using GIS and Remote Sensing Methods
Hockaday, S.
Co Author Listing * Factors Affecting the Training of a WISARD Classifier for Monitoring Fish Underwater
Hocke, J.[Jens]
Co Author Listing * Maximum distance minimization for feature weighting
Hocke, K.[Klemens]
Co Author Listing * 10-Year Cloud Fraction Climatology of Liquid Water Clouds over Bern Observed by a Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer, A
* Atmospheric Effects and Precursors of Rainfall over the Swiss Plateau
* Diurnal Cycle in Atmospheric Water over Switzerland
* Physical Retrieval of Rain Rate from Ground-Based Microwave Radiometry
* Snow Virga above the Swiss Plateau Observed by a Micro Rain Radar
* Validation and Trend Analysis of Stratospheric Ozone Data from Ground-Based Observations at Lauder, New Zealand
Hockel, M.
Co Author Listing * Image Registration of Differently Stained Histological Sections
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Quantification of Cervical Carcinoma Invasion Fronts From Histological Serial Sections
Hockendorf, B.[Burkhard]
Co Author Listing * Gene-Level Representation Learning via Interventional Style Transfer in Optical Pooled Screening
Includes: Hockendorf, B.[Burkhard] Höckendorf, B.[Burkhard] (Maybe also Hoeckendorf, B.)
Hockenmaier, J.[Julia]
Co Author Listing * Every Picture Tells a Story: Generating Sentences from Images
* Flickr30k Entities: Collecting Region-to-Phrase Correspondences for Richer Image-to-Sentence Models
* Improving Image-Sentence Embeddings Using Large Weakly Annotated Photo Collections
* Phrase Localization and Visual Relationship Detection with Comprehensive Image-Language Cues
* Sentence-Based Image Description with Scalable, Explicit Models
Hockett, F.D.
Co Author Listing * Simultaneous Dual Frequency ^1-H and ^19-F Open Coil Imaging of Arthritic Rabbit Knee at 3T
Hocking, D.[Darren]
Co Author Listing * Intercomparison of clumping index estimates from POLDER, MODIS, and MISR satellite data over reference sites
Hocking, J.[James]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of the Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder (HIRAS)
* VIS/NIR Land and Snow BRDF Atlas for RTTOV: Comparison between MODIS MCD43C1 C5 and C6, The
Hocking, L.R.[L. Robert]
Co Author Listing * Guidefill: GPU Accelerated, Artist Guided Geometric Inpainting for 3D Conversion of Film
Hockmann, M.[Mathias]
Co Author Listing * Short Communication: Weak Sparse Superresolution is Well-Conditioned
Hockner, M.[Mark]
Co Author Listing * WM-SBA: Weighted multibody sparse bundle adjustment
Hockney, R.W.
Co Author Listing * Active contours in medical image processing using a networked SIMD array processor