Index for segu

Segu, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Khan, M.H.: Generative Cooperative Learning for Unsupervised Video Ano...
     with: Lee, S.I.: Generative Cooperative Learning for Unsupervised Video Anom...
     with: Mahmood, A.: Generative Cooperative Learning for Unsupervised Video An...
     with: Postels, J.: SHIFT: A Synthetic Driving Dataset for Continuous Multi-T...
     with: Schiele, B.: DARTH: Holistic Test-time Adaptation for Multiple Object ...
     with: Schiele, B.: SHIFT: A Synthetic Driving Dataset for Continuous Multi-T...
     with: Sun, T.: SHIFT: A Synthetic Driving Dataset for Continuous Multi-Task ...
     with: Tombari, F.: Batch normalization embeddings for deep domain generaliza...
     with: Tombari, F.: SHIFT: A Synthetic Driving Dataset for Continuous Multi-T...
     with: Tonioni, A.: Batch normalization embeddings for deep domain generaliza...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: SHIFT: A Synthetic Driving Dataset for Continuous Mult...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: SHIFT: A Synthetic Driving Dataset for Continuous Multi-Ta...
     with: Yu, F.: DARTH: Holistic Test-time Adaptation for Multiple Object Track...
     with: Yu, F.: Generative Cooperative Learning for Unsupervised Video Anomaly...
     with: Yu, F.: SHIFT: A Synthetic Driving Dataset for Continuous Multi-Task D...
     with: Zaheer, M.Z.: Generative Cooperative Learning for Unsupervised Video A...
16 for Segu, M.

Segui Pons, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ruiz Perez, M.: Bus Service Level and Horizontal Equity Analysis in th...

Segui, A.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cabrelles, M.: 3d Photorealistic Modelling Of Stone Monuments By Dense...
     with: Cabrelles, M.: 3DVEM Software Modules for Efficient Management of Poin...
     with: Cabrelles, M.: Automatic orientation and 3D modelling from markerless ...
     with: Fabado, S.: 3DVEM Software Modules for Efficient Management of Point C...
     with: Galcera, S.: 3d Photorealistic Modelling Of Stone Monuments By Dense I...
     with: Garcia De San Miguel, D.: 3DVEM Software Modules for Efficient Managem...
     with: Hernandez, D.: Automatic orientation and 3D modelling from markerless ...
     with: Lerma, J.L.: 3d Photorealistic Modelling Of Stone Monuments By Dense I...
     with: Lerma, J.L.: 3DVEM Software Modules for Efficient Management of Point ...
     with: Lerma, J.L.: Automatic orientation and 3D modelling from markerless ro...
     with: Navarro, S.: 3d Photorealistic Modelling Of Stone Monuments By Dense I...
     with: Navarro, S.: 3DVEM Software Modules for Efficient Management of Point ...
     with: Navarro, S.: Automatic orientation and 3D modelling from markerless ro...
     with: Portales, C.: 3d Photorealistic Modelling Of Stone Monuments By Dense ...
14 for Segui, A.E.

Segui, P.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baghdadi, N.: Irrigation Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series at Field...
     with: Escorihuela, M.J.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Leve...
     with: Escorihuela, M.J.: Irrigation Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series at ...
     with: Gao, Q.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Level Retrieva...
     with: Gao, Q.: Irrigation Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series at Field Scale
     with: Garcia, P.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Level Retri...
     with: Makhoul, E.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Level Retr...
     with: Roca, M.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Level Retriev...
     with: Zribi, M.: Analysis of Retrackers' Performances and Water Level Retrie...
     with: Zribi, M.: Irrigation Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series at Field Sc...
10 for Segui, P.Q.

Segui, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acero, J.C.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segm...
     with: Albiol, A.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segme...
     with: Azpiroz, F.: Deep Learning Features for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Ana...
     with: Azpiroz, F.: Diagnostic System for Intestinal Motility Disfunctions Us...
     with: Azpiroz, F.: Eigenmotion-Based Detection of Intestinal Contractions
     with: Azpiroz, F.: Interactive Labeling of WCE Images
     with: Azpiroz, F.: Intestinal event segmentation for endoluminal video analy...
     with: Azpiroz, F.: Semi-supervised Learning Method for Motility Disease Diag...
     with: Campello, V.M.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac S...
     with: Caros, M.: Effective Training and Inference Strategies for Point Class...
     with: Caros, M.: Self-Supervised Pre-Training Boosts Semantic Scene Segmenta...
     with: Carscadden, A.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac S...
     with: Cavus, E.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmen...
     with: Descalzo, M.L.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac S...
     with: Drozdzal, M.: Deep Learning Features for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy An...
     with: Drozdzal, M.: Interactive Labeling of WCE Images
     with: Drozdzal, M.: Intestinal event segmentation for endoluminal video anal...
     with: Elattar, M.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segm...
     with: Escalera, S.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Seg...
     with: Friedrich, M.G.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac ...
     with: Full, P.M.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segme...
     with: Garg, R.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segment...
     with: Gilabert, P.: Leveraging Embedding Information to Create Video Capsule...
     with: Gkontra, P.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segm...
     with: Guala, A.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmen...
     with: Haarburger, C.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac S...
     with: He, Z.Q.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segment...
     with: Henriques, F.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Se...
     with: Huang, X.Q.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segm...
     with: Igual, L.: Diagnostic System for Intestinal Motility Disfunctions Usin...
     with: Igual, L.: Eigenmotion-Based Detection of Intestinal Contractions
     with: Igual, L.: Semi-supervised Learning Method for Motility Disease Diagno...
     with: Izquierdo, C.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Se...
     with: Just, A.: Effective Training and Inference Strategies for Point Classi...
     with: Just, A.: Self-Supervised Pre-Training Boosts Semantic Scene Segmentat...
     with: Karakas, M.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segm...
     with: Khader, F.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segme...
     with: Kong, F.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segment...
     with: Laiz, P.: Using the Triplet Loss for Domain Adaptation in WCE
     with: Lebel, J.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmen...
     with: Lekadir, K.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segm...
     with: Li, H.W.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segment...
     with: Li, L.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmentat...
     with: Liu, X.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmenta...
     with: Ma, J.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmentat...
     with: Maier Hein, K.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac S...
     with: Malagelada, C.: Deep Learning Features for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy ...
     with: Malagelada, C.: Diagnostic System for Intestinal Motility Disfunctions...
     with: Malagelada, C.: Interactive Labeling of WCE Images
     with: Malagelada, C.: Intestinal event segmentation for endoluminal video an...
     with: Malagelada, C.: Leveraging Embedding Information to Create Video Capsu...
     with: Malagelada, C.: Semi-supervised Learning Method for Motility Disease D...
     with: Martin Isla, C.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac ...
     with: Menze, B.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmen...
     with: Mura, L.L.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segme...
     with: Parreno, M.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segm...
     with: Pascual, G.: Deep Learning Features for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Ana...
     with: Pascual, G.: Time-coherent embeddings for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy
     with: Pascual, G.: Uncertainty Gated Network for Land Cover Segmentation
     with: Petersen, S.E.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac S...
     with: Pujol, O.: Learning to count with deep object features
     with: Punithakumar, K.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac...
     with: Radeva, P.: Deep Learning Features for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Anal...
     with: Radeva, P.: Intestinal event segmentation for endoluminal video analysis
     with: Radeva, P.I.: Diagnostic System for Intestinal Motility Disfunctions U...
     with: Radeva, P.I.: Eigenmotion-Based Detection of Intestinal Contractions
     with: Radeva, P.I.: Interactive Labeling of WCE Images
     with: Radeva, P.I.: Semi-supervised Learning Method for Motility Disease Dia...
     with: Rodriguez Palomares, J.F.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Diseas...
     with: Saber, M.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmen...
     with: Scannell, C.M.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac S...
     with: Shadden, S.C.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Se...
     with: Sojoudi, A.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segm...
     with: Sundaresan, V.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac S...
     with: Tsaftaris, S.A.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac ...
     with: Veta, M.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segment...
     with: Vilades, D.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segm...
     with: Vilarino, F.: Diagnostic System for Intestinal Motility Disfunctions U...
     with: Vilarino, F.: Semi-supervised Learning Method for Motility Disease Dia...
     with: Vitria, J.: Deep Learning Features for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Anal...
     with: Vitria, J.: Diagnostic System for Intestinal Motility Disfunctions Usi...
     with: Vitria, J.: Effective Training and Inference Strategies for Point Clas...
     with: Vitria, J.: Eigenmotion-Based Detection of Intestinal Contractions
     with: Vitria, J.: Interactive Labeling of WCE Images
     with: Vitria, J.: Intestinal event segmentation for endoluminal video analysis
     with: Vitria, J.: Learning to count with deep object features
     with: Vitria, J.: Leveraging Embedding Information to Create Video Capsule E...
     with: Vitria, J.: Self-Supervised Pre-Training Boosts Semantic Scene Segment...
     with: Vitria, J.: Semi-supervised Learning Method for Motility Disease Diagn...
     with: Vitria, J.: Sketchable Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Object Det...
     with: Vitria, J.: Time-coherent embeddings for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy
     with: Vitria, J.: Uncertainty Gated Network for Land Cover Segmentation
     with: Vitria, J.: Using the Triplet Loss for Domain Adaptation in WCE
     with: Wenzek, H.: Leveraging Embedding Information to Create Video Capsule E...
     with: Yang, X.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segment...
     with: Zaytseva, E.: Sketchable Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Object D...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmen...
     with: Zhuang, X.: Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segme...
98 for Segui, S.

Seguier, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aidarous, Y.: Fast Simplex Optimization for Active Appearance Model
     with: Aidarous, Y.: GAGM-AAM: A genetic optimization with Gaussian mixtures ...
     with: Aouayeb, M.: Micro-expression recognition from local facial regions
     with: Arias, P.: Realistic Transformation of Facial and Vocal Smiles in Real...
     with: Aucouturier, J.: Realistic Transformation of Facial and Vocal Smiles i...
     with: Baig, A.R.: Image sequence analysis using a spatio-temporal coding for...
     with: Bailly, K.: Combining AAM coefficients with LGBP histograms in the mul...
     with: Bailly, K.: Facial Action Recognition Combining Heterogeneous Features...
     with: Bailly, K.: Multiple kernel learning SVM and statistical validation fo...
     with: Barrielle, V.: Unsupervised Adaptation of a Person-Specific Manifold o...
     with: Bouafif, O.: Realistic Transformation of Facial and Vocal Smiles in Re...
     with: Boutaleb, Y.: MES-Loss: Mutually equidistant separation metric learnin...
     with: Boutaleb, Y.: Metric Learning-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for...
     with: Breton, G.: Adapted Active Appearance Models
     with: Breton, G.: Modeling Short-Term Dynamics and Variability for Realisti...
     with: Cladel, N.: Lipreading with Spiking Neurons: One Pass Learning
     with: Collobert, M.: Real-Time Eye Pupil Localization Using Hough Regression...
     with: Collobert, M.: Unconstrained Gaze Estimation Using Random Forest Regre...
     with: Duong, N.D.: MES-Loss: Mutually equidistant separation metric learning...
     with: Duong, N.D.: Metric Learning-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for ...
     with: Foucher, C.: Lipreading with Spiking Neurons: One Pass Learning
     with: Garcia, C.: Adapted Active Appearance Models
     with: Hamidouche, W.: Micro-expression recognition from local facial regions
     with: Kacete, A.: MES-Loss: Mutually equidistant separation metric learning ...
     with: Kacete, A.: Metric Learning-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3...
     with: Kacete, A.: Real-Time Eye Pupil Localization Using Hough Regression Fo...
     with: Kacete, A.: Unconstrained Gaze Estimation Using Random Forest Regressi...
     with: Kpalma, K.: Micro-expression recognition from local facial regions
     with: Le Gallou, S.: Adapted Active Appearance Models
     with: Li, J.: LTP-ML: Micro-Expression Detection by Recognition of Local Tem...
     with: Li, J.T.: Local Temporal Pattern and Data Augmentation for Spotting Mi...
     with: Manceau, J.: 3D facial clone based on depth patches
     with: Manceau, J.: Reconstruction of Face Texture Based on the Fusion of Tex...
     with: Mercier, D.: Lipreading with Spiking Neurons: One Pass Learning
     with: Prevost, L.: Combining AAM coefficients with LGBP histograms in the mu...
     with: Prevost, L.: Facial Action Recognition Combining Heterogeneous Feature...
     with: Prevost, L.: Multiple kernel learning SVM and statistical validation f...
     with: Rapp, V.: Combining AAM coefficients with LGBP histograms in the multi...
     with: Rapp, V.: Facial Action Recognition Combining Heterogeneous Features v...
     with: Rapp, V.: Multiple kernel learning SVM and statistical validation for ...
     with: Roebel, A.: Realistic Transformation of Facial and Vocal Smiles in Rea...
     with: Royan, J.: MES-Loss: Mutually equidistant separation metric learning l...
     with: Royan, J.: Metric Learning-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D...
     with: Royan, J.: Real-Time Eye Pupil Localization Using Hough Regression For...
     with: Royan, J.: Unconstrained Gaze Estimation Using Random Forest Regressio...
     with: Salam, H.: Combining AAM coefficients with LGBP histograms in the mult...
     with: Salam, H.: Facial Action Recognition Combining Heterogeneous Features ...
     with: Salam, H.: multi-texture approach for estimating iris positions in the...
     with: Salam, H.: Multiple kernel learning SVM and statistical validation for...
     with: Salam, H.: survey on face modeling: building a bridge between face ana...
     with: Sattar, A.: GAGM-AAM: A genetic optimization with Gaussian mixtures fo...
     with: Sattar, A.: MVAAM (multi-view active appearance model) optimized by mu...
     with: Senechal, T.: Combining AAM coefficients with LGBP histograms in the m...
     with: Senechal, T.: Facial Action Recognition Combining Heterogeneous Featur...
     with: Senechal, T.: Multiple kernel learning SVM and statistical validation ...
     with: Soladie, C.: 3D facial clone based on depth patches
     with: Soladie, C.: Bilinear decomposition for blended expressions representa...
     with: Soladie, C.: Exploring Mental Prototypes by an Efficient Interdiscipli...
     with: Soladie, C.: Invariant representation of facial expressions for blende...
     with: Soladie, C.: Local Temporal Pattern and Data Augmentation for Spotting...
     with: Soladie, C.: LTP-ML: Micro-Expression Detection by Recognition of Loca...
     with: Soladie, C.: MES-Loss: Mutually equidistant separation metric learning...
     with: Soladie, C.: Metric Learning-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for ...
     with: Soladie, C.: Micro-expression recognition from local facial regions
     with: Soladie, C.: new invariant representation of facial expressions: Defin...
     with: Soladie, C.: Real-Time Eye Pupil Localization Using Hough Regression F...
     with: Soladie, C.: Realistic Transformation of Facial and Vocal Smiles in Re...
     with: Soladie, C.: Reconstruction of Face Texture Based on the Fusion of Tex...
     with: Soladie, C.: Unsupervised Adaptation of a Person-Specific Manifold of ...
     with: Stoiber, N.: Bilinear decomposition for blended expressions representa...
     with: Stoiber, N.: Invariant representation of facial expressions for blende...
     with: Stoiber, N.: Modeling Short-Term Dynamics and Variability for Realist...
     with: Stoiber, N.: multi-texture approach for estimating iris positions in t...
     with: Stoiber, N.: new invariant representation of facial expressions: Defin...
     with: Vaucher, G.: Image sequence analysis using a spatio-temporal coding fo...
     with: Weber, R.: Unsupervised Adaptation of a Person-Specific Manifold of Fa...
     with: Yan, S.: Exploring Mental Prototypes by an Efficient Interdisciplinary...
77 for Seguier, R.

Seguin, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: di Lenardo, I.: Visual Link Retrieval in a Database of Paintings
     with: Kaplan, F.: Visual Link Retrieval in a Database of Paintings
     with: Striolo, C.: Visual Link Retrieval in a Database of Paintings

Seguin, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alahari, K.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of Multiple People in St...
     with: Alahari, K.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of People in 3D Movies
     with: Bojanowski, P.: Instance-Level Video Segmentation from Object Tracks
     with: Lajugie, R.: Instance-Level Video Segmentation from Object Tracks
     with: Laptev, I.: Instance-Level Video Segmentation from Object Tracks
     with: Laptev, I.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of Multiple People in Ste...
     with: Laptev, I.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of People in 3D Movies
     with: Sivic, J.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of Multiple People in Ster...
     with: Sivic, J.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of People in 3D Movies
9 for Seguin, G.

Seguin, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ali, M.A.: Grading Cancer from Liver Histology Images Using Inter and ...
     with: Garnier, M.: Grading Cancer from Liver Histology Images Using Inter an...
     with: Hurtut, T.: Grading Cancer from Liver Histology Images Using Inter and...
     with: Mignet, N.: Grading Cancer from Liver Histology Images Using Inter and...
     with: Wendling, L.: Grading Cancer from Liver Histology Images Using Inter a...

Seguin, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Djemal, K.: Cognitive tasks modelization and description in VR environ...
     with: Maronnat, F.: Cognitive tasks modelization and description in VR envir...

Seguini, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dentener, F.: Surface Freshwater Limitation Explains Worst Rice Produc...
     with: Garcia, G.C.: Surface Freshwater Limitation Explains Worst Rice Produc...
     with: Gumma, M.K.: Surface Freshwater Limitation Explains Worst Rice Product...
     with: Salamon, P.: Surface Freshwater Limitation Explains Worst Rice Product...
     with: Toreti, A.: Surface Freshwater Limitation Explains Worst Rice Producti...
     with: Zampieri, M.: Surface Freshwater Limitation Explains Worst Rice Produc...

Segundo, J.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Machado, L.S.: Performance Profile of Online Training Assessment Based...
     with: Moraes, R.: Performance Profile of Online Training Assessment Based on...
     with: Soares, E.: Performance Profile of Online Training Assessment Based on...

Segundo, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Azevedo, F.: Cost-Efficient Color Correction Approach on Uncontrolled ...
     with: Azevedo, F.: Edge-Based Computer Vision Approach for Determination of ...
     with: Bessa, S.: Estimation of Sulfonamides Concentration in Water Based on ...
     with: Carvalho, P.H.: Cost-Efficient Color Correction Approach on Uncontroll...
     with: Carvalho, P.H.: Edge-Based Computer Vision Approach for Determination ...
     with: Carvalho, P.H.: Estimation of Sulfonamides Concentration in Water Base...
     with: Oliveira, H.P.: Cost-Efficient Color Correction Approach on Uncontroll...
     with: Oliveira, H.P.: Edge-Based Computer Vision Approach for Determination ...
     with: Oliveira, H.P.: Estimation of Sulfonamides Concentration in Water Base...
     with: Peixoto, P.S.: Cost-Efficient Color Correction Approach on Uncontrolle...
     with: Peixoto, P.S.: Edge-Based Computer Vision Approach for Determination o...
     with: Peixoto, P.S.: Estimation of Sulfonamides Concentration in Water Based...
     with: Rocha, I.: Cost-Efficient Color Correction Approach on Uncontrolled Li...
     with: Rocha, I.: Edge-Based Computer Vision Approach for Determination of Su...
     with: Silva, A.R.M.: Estimation of Sulfonamides Concentration in Water Based...
15 for Segundo, M.A.

Segundo, M.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bellon, O.: Continuous 3D Face Authentication Using RGB-D Cameras
     with: Bellon, O.R.P.: Dynamic Pore Filtering for Keypoint Detection Applied ...
     with: Bellon, O.R.P.: Improving 3D face reconstruction from a single image u...
     with: Dahia, G.: study of CNN outside of training conditions, A
     with: de Paula Lemes, R.: Dynamic Pore Filtering for Keypoint Detection Appl...
     with: de Paula Lemes, R.: Level Three Synthetic Fingerprint Generation
     with: de Paula Lemes, R.: Multiresolution synthetic fingerprint generation
     with: de Paula Lemes, R.: Pore-based ridge reconstruction for fingerprint re...
     with: Goldgof, D.: Continuous 3D Face Authentication Using RGB-D Cameras
     with: Hansley, E.E.: Employing fusion of learned and handcrafted features fo...
     with: Hill, C.: Long range gait matching using 3D body fitting with gait-spe...
     with: Santos, M.: study of CNN outside of training conditions, A
     with: Sarkar, S.: Continuous 3D Face Authentication Using RGB-D Cameras
     with: Sarkar, S.: Employing fusion of learned and handcrafted features for u...
     with: Sarkar, S.: Long range gait matching using 3D body fitting with gait-s...
     with: Silva, L.: Continuous 3D Face Authentication Using RGB-D Cameras
     with: Silva, L.: Dynamic Pore Filtering for Keypoint Detection Applied to Ne...
     with: Silva, L.: Improving 3D face reconstruction from a single image using ...
     with: Wyzykowski, A.B.V.: Level Three Synthetic Fingerprint Generation
     with: Wyzykowski, A.B.V.: Multiresolution synthetic fingerprint generation
20 for Segundo, M.P.

Segundo, R.M.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Amorim, M.N.: CrowdSync: User generated videos synchronization usin...
     with: Santos, C.A.S.: CrowdSync: User generated videos synchronization using...

Segura Cabrera, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lopez, D.: Computational Prediction of Important Regions in Protein Se...
     with: Pazos, F.: Computational Prediction of Important Regions in Protein Se...
     with: Pietrosemoli, N.: Computational Prediction of Important Regions in Pro...

Segura de Leon, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Martin, A.: On 1-Laplacian Elliptic Equations Modeling Magnetic Resona...
     with: Schiavi, E.: On 1-Laplacian Elliptic Equations Modeling Magnetic Reson...

Segura Luna, J.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Garcia Salinas, M.J.: Empirical multiresolution models applicable to g...
     with: Gomez Lopera, J.F.: Empirical multiresolution models applicable to gra...
     with: Luque Escamilla, P.L.: Empirical multiresolution models applicable to ...
     with: Martinez Aroza, J.: Empirical multiresolution models applicable to gra...
     with: Roman Roldan, R.: Empirical multiresolution models applicable to gray-...

Segura Mendez, F.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lopez Ballesteros, A.: Using Multiple Monthly Water Balance Models to ...
     with: Perez Sanchez, J.: Using Multiple Monthly Water Balance Models to Eval...
     with: Pulido Velazquez, D.: Using Multiple Monthly Water Balance Models to E...
     with: Senent Aparicio, J.: Using Multiple Monthly Water Balance Models to Ev...

Segura Sanchez, R.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bejar Martos, J.A.: Strategies for the Storage of Large LiDAR Datasets...
     with: Casas Rosa, J.C.: Change Detection in Point Clouds Using 3D Fractal Di...
     with: Delrieux, C.: Change Detection in Point Clouds Using 3D Fractal Dimens...
     with: Fuertes, J.M.: Change Detection in Point Clouds Using 3D Fractal Dimen...
     with: Lopez Ruiz, A.: Change Detection in Point Clouds Using 3D Fractal Dime...
     with: Lopez Ruiz, A.: Nested spatial data structures for optimal indexing of...
     with: Lopez Ruiz, A.: Strategies for the Storage of Large LiDAR Datasets: A ...
     with: Lopez Ruiz, A.: Version Control System for Point Clouds, A
     with: Navarro, P.: Change Detection in Point Clouds Using 3D Fractal Dimension
     with: Ogayar Anguita, C.J.: Change Detection in Point Clouds Using 3D Fracta...
     with: Ogayar Anguita, C.J.: Nested spatial data structures for optimal index...
     with: Ogayar Anguita, C.J.: Strategies for the Storage of Large LiDAR Datase...
     with: Ogayar Anguita, C.J.: Version Control System for Point Clouds, A
     with: Rueda Ruiz, A.J.: Change Detection in Point Clouds Using 3D Fractal Di...
     with: Rueda Ruiz, A.J.: Nested spatial data structures for optimal indexing ...
     with: Rueda Ruiz, A.J.: Strategies for the Storage of Large LiDAR Datasets: ...
     with: Rueda Ruiz, A.J.: Version Control System for Point Clouds, A
17 for Segura Sanchez, R.J.

Segura, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Korchi, A.: Interactive Urban and Forest Fire Simulation with Extingui...
     with: Moreno, A.: Interactive Urban and Forest Fire Simulation with Extingui...
     with: Otaegui, O.: Interactive Urban and Forest Fire Simulation with Extingu...
     with: Posada, J.: Interactive Urban and Forest Fire Simulation with Extingui...

Segura, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abad, A.: Multispeaker Localization and Tracking in Intelligent Enviro...
     with: Butko, T.: Audiovisual event detection towards scene understanding
     with: Canton Ferrer, C.: Audiovisual event detection towards scene understan...
     with: Canton Ferrer, C.: Multimodal real-time focus of attention estimation ...
     with: Cartas, A.: Seeing and Hearing Egocentric Actions: How Much Can We Lea...
     with: Casas, J.R.: Audiovisual event detection towards scene understanding
     with: Casas, J.R.: Multimodal real-time focus of attention estimation in Sma...
     with: Diego, F.: Expression Transfer Using Flow-based Generative Models
     with: Dimiccoli, M.: Seeing and Hearing Egocentric Actions: How Much Can We ...
     with: Fernandez, C.: deep analysis on age estimation, A
     with: Giro, X.: Audiovisual event detection towards scene understanding
     with: Gomez, V.: Expression Transfer Using Flow-based Generative Models
     with: Hernando, J.: Audiovisual event detection towards scene understanding
     with: Hernando, J.: deep analysis on age estimation, A
     with: Hernando, J.: Multimodal real-time focus of attention estimation in Sm...
     with: Hernando, J.: Multispeaker Localization and Tracking in Intelligent En...
     with: Huerta, I.: deep analysis on age estimation, A
     with: Luque, J.: Seeing and Hearing Egocentric Actions: How Much Can We Learn?
     with: Nadeu, C.: Audiovisual event detection towards scene understanding
     with: Nadeu, C.: Multispeaker Localization and Tracking in Intelligent Envir...
     with: Pardas, M.: Multimodal real-time focus of attention estimation in Smar...
     with: Prati, A.: deep analysis on age estimation, A
     with: Radeva, P.: Seeing and Hearing Egocentric Actions: How Much Can We Lea...
     with: Valenzuela, A.: Expression Transfer Using Flow-based Generative Models
24 for Segura, C.

Segura, E.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Seijas, L.M.: Detection of Ambiguous Patterns Using SVMs: Application ...
     with: Seijas, L.M.: Wavelet-Based Descriptor for Handwritten Numeral Classif...

Segura, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cobos, M.: Automatic Detection and Characterization of Acoustic Plane-...
     with: Cobos, M.: On the Design of Probe Signals in Wireless Acoustic Sensor ...
     with: Felici Castell, S.: On the Design of Probe Signals in Wireless Acousti...
     with: Ferri, F.J.: Automatic Detection and Characterization of Acoustic Plan...
     with: Perez Solano, J.J.: On the Design of Probe Signals in Wireless Acousti...
     with: Torres, A.M.: Automatic Detection and Characterization of Acoustic Pla...

Segura, J.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Benitez, C.: Fiber Optic Acoustic Sensing to Understand and Affect the...
     with: de la Torre, A.: Class-Based Parametric Approximation to Histogram Equ...
     with: Garcia, L.: Class-Based Parametric Approximation to Histogram Equaliza...
     with: Garcia, L.: Fiber Optic Acoustic Sensing to Understand and Affect the ...
     with: Martinez, C.: Fiber Optic Acoustic Sensing to Understand and Affect th...
     with: Mota, S.: Fiber Optic Acoustic Sensing to Understand and Affect the Rh...
     with: Ortuzar, C.B.: Class-Based Parametric Approximation to Histogram Equal...
     with: Titos, M.: Fiber Optic Acoustic Sensing to Understand and Affect the R...
8 for Segura, J.C.

Segura, J.L.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arif, A.: Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a smart c...
     with: Barrigon, F.A.: Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a s...
     with: Gregoretti, F.: Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a s...
     with: Iqbal, J.: Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a smart ...
     with: Lavagno, L.: Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a smar...
     with: Lazarescu, M.T.: Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a ...
     with: Ma, L.: Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a smart cit...
     with: Palomino, M.: Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a sma...
8 for Segura, J.L.L.

Segura, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbaki, S.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Aboulila, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Ess...
     with: Alba, A.B.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Ancelin, S.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Arrateig, X.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Ess...
     with: Avelino, Y.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Azoulay, B.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Bekki, S.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ener...
     with: Bekki, S.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essent...
     with: Bertran, E.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Bertran, E.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Billard, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Bolsee, D.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ene...
     with: Boust, F.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ener...
     with: Bouteraon, T.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's ...
     with: Bove, P.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essenti...
     with: Brand, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ener...
     with: Bui, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essentia...
     with: Caignard, N.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's E...
     with: Carta, J.P.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Chandran, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Ess...
     with: Chang, L.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essent...
     with: Dahoo, P.R.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Dame, L.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energ...
     with: Dame, L.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essenti...
     with: Dias, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energ...
     with: Dominguez, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's ...
     with: Dufour, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ene...
     with: Dufour, C.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Engler, J.L.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's E...
     with: Finance, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Galopeau, P.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's E...
     with: Gilbert, P.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Gilbert, P.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Grossel, K.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Haasz, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ener...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth'...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing ...
     with: Keckhut, P.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Keckhut, P.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Lacroix, P.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Lapauw, L.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Li, T.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essential...
     with: Mahe, M.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essenti...
     with: Mangin, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ene...
     with: Maso, P.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energ...
     with: Meftah, M.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ene...
     with: Meftah, M.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Mercier, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Mercier, C.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Muscat, N.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Paskeviciute, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth...
     with: Paskeviciute, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing...
     with: Pradel, G.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Rannou, V.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ene...
     with: Rogers, D.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Saillant, S.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's E...
     with: Sandana, E.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Sarkissian, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's...
     with: Sarkissian, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing E...
     with: Stee, V.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energ...
     with: Teherani, F.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Ess...
     with: Vieau, A.J.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Vieau, A.J.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
64 for Segura, K.

Segura, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ariz, M.: Improved Strategies for HPE Employing Learning-by-Synthesis ...
     with: Bengoechea, J.J.: Improved Strategies for HPE Employing Learning-by-Sy...
     with: Cabeza, R.: Improved Strategies for HPE Employing Learning-by-Synthesi...
     with: Larumbe, A.: Improved Strategies for HPE Employing Learning-by-Synthes...
     with: Villanueva, A.: Improved Strategies for HPE Employing Learning-by-Synt...

Segura, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Babin, M.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean...
     with: Bouman, H.A.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Oc...
     with: Brewin, R.J.W.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the ...
     with: Dingle, J.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocea...
     with: Doblin, M.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocea...
     with: Estrada, M.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Oce...
     with: Figueiras, F.G.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the...
     with: Furuya, K.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocea...
     with: Gonzalez Benitez, N.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change i...
     with: Gudfinnsson, H.G.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in t...
     with: Gudmundsson, K.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the...
     with: Huang, B.Q.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Oce...
     with: Isada, T.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean...
     with: Jackson, T.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Oce...
     with: Jonsson, B.F.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the O...
     with: Kovac, Z.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean...
     with: Kulk, G.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean:...
     with: Lutz, V.A.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocea...
     with: Maranon, E.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Oce...
     with: Platt, T.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean...
     with: Raman, M.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean...
     with: Richardson, K.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the ...
     with: Rozema, P.D.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Oc...
     with: Sathyendranath, S.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in ...
     with: Tilstone, G.H.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the ...
     with: Uitz, J.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean:...
     with: van de Poll, W.H.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in t...
     with: van Dongen Vogels, V.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change ...
     with: Yoshikawa, T.: Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the O...
58 for Segura, V.

Seguy, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Courty, N.: Entropic Optimal Transport loss for learning deep neural n...
     with: Damodaran, B.B.: Entropic Optimal Transport loss for learning deep neu...
     with: Flamary, R.: Entropic Optimal Transport loss for learning deep neural ...

Index for "s"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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