* *BEHAVE Interactions Test Case Scenarios
* *Computer Vision Lectures
* *CV-Online: The Evolving, Distributed, Non-Proprietary, On-Line Compendium of Computer Vision
* *HIPR2: Free WWW-based Image Processing Teaching Materials with JAVA
* *Optic Flow Data
* *University of Edinburgh
* Acquisition of consistent range data using local calibration
* Attention in Iconic Object Matching
* Best Next View Selection Algorithm Incorporating a Quality Criterion, A
* Beyond the Hough Transform: Further Properties of the R-Theta Mapping and Their Applications
* Buyer's Guide to Conic Fitting, A
* Buyer's Guide to Euclidean Elliptical Cylindrical and Conical Surface Fitting, A
* Calibration, Data Consistency and Model Acquisition with a 3-D Laser Striper
* Class-Based Recognition of 3D Objects Represented by Volumetric Primitives
* Comparative Analysis of Algorithms for Determining the Peak Position of a Stripe to Subpixel Accuracy, A
* Comparison of Four Algorithms for Estimating 3-D Rigid Transformations, A
* Comparison of HK and SC curvature description methods
* Computing Surface-Based Representations from Range Images
* Computing with Uncertainty: Intervals versus Probabilities
* Constructing Models of Articulating Objects: Range Data Partitioning
* Construction of Articulated Models from Range Data
* Design and Application of Curves and Surfaces: Mathematics of Surfaces V
* Design of the IMAGINE II Scene Analysis Program, The
* Determining Back-Facing Curved Model Surfaces by Analysis at the Boundary
* Direct Calibration and Data Consistency in 3-D Laser Scanning
* Direct Least Square Fitting of Ellipses
* Distributed Blackboard System for Vision Applications, A
* Ellipse-Specific Direct Least-Square Fitting
* Equal-Distance Sampling of Superellipse Models
* Estimating 3-D Rigid-Body Transformations: A Comparison of Four Major Algorithms
* Euclidean Fitting Revisited
* Experimental Comparison of Range Image Segmentation Algorithms, An
* Experiments in Curvature-Based Segmentation of Range Data
* Experiments with a Network-Based Geometric Reasoning Engine
* Extracting Second-Order Topographic Surface Features From Range Data
* Extracting Surface Patches from Complete Range Descriptions
* Faithful recovering of quadric surfaces from 3D range data by global fitting
* Finding Surface Correspondence for Object Recognition and Registration Using Pairwise Geometric Histograms
* From Surfaces to Objects: Computer Vision and Three Dimensional Scene Analysis
* Fusion Through Interpretation
* Geometric Constraints from Planar Surface Patch Matching
* Geometric Reasoning for Computer Vision
* Geometric Reasoning in a Parallel Network
* Hierarchical Matching Beats The Non-Wildcard and Interpretation Tree Model Matching Algorithms
* High-Level CAD Model Acquisition from Range Images
* Hypermedia Image Processing Reference
* Identity Independent Object Segmentation in 2 1/2D Sketch Data
* IMAGINE: A 3-D Vision System
* Improving architectural 3D reconstruction by plane and edge constraining
* Improving model shape acquisition by incorporating geometric constraints
* Improving Second-order Surface Estimation
* Integrating Iconic and Structured Matching
* Interactive Textbooks; Embedding Image Processing Operator Demonstrations in Text
* Interval-Based Geometric Reasoning in a Parallel Network
* Invariant Fitting of Arbitrary Single-Extremum Surfaces
* Is Computer Vision Still AI?
* Low-Cost Range Finder using a Visually Located, Structured Light Source, A
* MIMD and SIMD Parallel Range Data Segmentation
* Model Invocation for Three Dimensional Scene Understanding
* Model-Driven Grouping and Recognition of Generic Object Parts from a Single Image
* Modeling Second-Order Volumetric Features
* Modelling Objects Having Quadric Surfaces Incorporating Geometric Constraints
* Multi-Variate Cross-Correlation and Image Matching
* next-best-view algorithm for 3D scene recovery with 5 degrees of freedom, A
* Non-Polyhedral Landmark Recognition using 3D Depth Images and Partially Correct Models
* Non-Wildcard Matching Beats The Interpretation Tree
* Object reconstruction by incorporating geometric constraints in reverse engineering
* Parallel Evolutionary Registration of Range Data
* Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion
* Performance Comparison of Ten Variations on the Interpretation-Tree Matching Algorithm
* Practical Aspect-Graph Derivation Incorporating Feature Segmentation Performance
* Predictive Computer Vision for Robotic Assembly
* Recognition of Complex 3-D Objects from Range Data
* Recognizing Objects Using Surface Information and Object Models
* Reconstruction of Planar Surfaces Behind Occlusions in Range Images
* Recovery of Generic Solid Parts by Parametrically Deformable Aspects
* Reducing Viewsphere Complexity
* Rejection of Spurious Reflections in Structured Illumination Range Finders
* Representation, Extraction and Recognition with Second-Order Topographic Surface Features
* Representing 3D Structures for Visual Recognition
* Segmentation of 3D Articulated Objects by Dynamic Grouping of Discontinuities
* Segmentation of Range Data for the Automatic Construction of Models of Articulated Objects
* Segmentation of Range Data into Rigid Subsets using Planar Surface Patches
* Self-Organization of Randomly Placed Sensors
* Shape Recovery and Analysis of Large Screw Threads
* Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Range Views for Use in Reverse Engineering of CAD Models
* SMS: A Suggestive Modeling System for Object Recognition
* Solving Geometric Constraints in a Parallel Network
* Statistical Partial Constraints for 3D Model Matching and Pose Estimation Problems
* Suggestive Modeling for Machine Vision
* Surface Reflectance Recovery under Point Light Illumination
* Towards object modelling by incorporating geometric constraints
* Training PDMs on models: the case of deformable superellipses
* Using Surfaces and Object Models to Recognize Partially Obscured Objects
* Viewpoint Estimation in Three-Dimensional Images Taken with Perspective Range Sensors
* Visually Salient 3D Model Acquisition from Range Data
* WPFM: The Workspace Prediction and Fast Matching System
97 for Edinburgh