Index for di_c

di Cagno, G.[Gianluca] * 2006: Multimedia adaptation in end-user terminals

di Cairano, S. * 2014: Cloud-Based Velocity Profile Optimization for Everyday Driving: A Dynamic-Programming-Based Solution

di Camillo, M.[Marco] * 2019: SfM-MVS Photogrammetry for Rockfall Analysis and Hazard Assessment Along the Ancient Roman Via Flaminia Road at the Furlo Gorge (Italy)

di Capua, M.[Michele] * 2008: Architecture for Multimedia Content Publishing with GIS-Based Retrieval Facility, An
* 2016: Unsupervised cyber bullying detection in social networks
Includes: di Capua, M.[Michele] di Capua, M.

di Carlo, A. * 2014: Standardizing 3D Medical Imaging

di Carlo, D.[Diego] * 2024: Implicit neural representation for change detection

di Carlo, J.J.[James J.] * 2008: Establishing Good Benchmarks and Baselines for Face Recognition
* 2009: How far can you get with a modern face recognition test set using only simple features?
* 2011: Comparing state-of-the-art visual features on invariant object recognition tasks

di Carlo, S. * 2011: Increasing pattern recognition accuracy for chemical sensing by evolutionary based drift compensation

di Carlo, V.S.[Vladimiro Scotto] * 2008: New Approach Toward a Modular Multimodal Interface for PDAs and Smartphones, A

di Castro, D.[Dotan] * 2022: GraphVid: It only Takes a Few Nodes to Understand a Video
* 2022: Towards Autonomous Grading in the Real World

di Castro, M.[Mario] * 2018: Tunnel inspection using photogrammetric techniques and image processing: A review

di Cataldo, S.[Santa] * 2012: Applying textural features to the classification of HEp-2 cell patterns in IIF images
* 2014: Subclass Discriminant Analysis of morphological and textural features for HEp-2 staining pattern classification
* 2021: Optimizing Quality Inspection and Control in Powder Bed Metal Additive Manufacturing: Challenges and Research Directions
Includes: di Cataldo, S.[Santa] di Cataldo, S.

di Caterina, G.[Gaetano] * 2009: Low cost multi-view video system for wireless channel
* 2010: Face detection and stereo matching algorithms for smart surveillance system with IP cameras
* 2010: Smart surveillance system based on stereo matching algorithms with IP and PTZ cameras
* 2011: Co-operative surveillance cameras for high quality face acquisition in a real-time door monitoring system
* 2011: improved Mean Shift tracker with fast failure recovery strategy after complete occlusion, An
* 2012: DSP Embedded Smart Surveillance Sensor with Robust SWAD-Based Tracker
* 2012: Real Time Door Access Event Detection and Notification in a Reactive Smart Surveillance System
* 2016: Novel Decentralised System Architecture for Multi-camera Target Tracking, A
8 for di Caterina, G.

di Cella, U.M. * 2015: 3D displacement retrieval on glacial areas by airborne multi-view photogrammetry
* 2015: Use of UAS in a High Mountain Landscape: The Case of Gran Sommetta Rock Glacier (AO)
* 2018: Quality Assessment of DSMs Produced from UAV Flights Georeferenced with On-Board RTK Positioning
* 2019: Indirect UAV Strip Georeferencing by On-Board GNSS Data under Poor Satellite Coverage
* 2020: UAV Block Georeferencing and Control by On-Board GNSS Data
Includes: di Cella, U.M. di Cella, U.M.[U. Morra] di Cella, U.M.[Umberto Morra]

di Cenzo, A. * 1986: Comparison of Resolution for Spotlight Synthetic-Aperture Radar and Computer-Aided Tomography, A

di Ciaccio, F. * 2019: Three-dimensional Survey of Guattari Cave With Traditional and Mobile Phone Cameras
* 2020: Fusion of External and Internal 3d Photogrammetric Models As A Tool To Investigate the Ancient Human/cave Interaction: the La Sassa Case Study, The

di Cicco, A.[Annalisa] * 2021: Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics in the Baltic Sea Using a Consistently Reprocessed Time Series of Multi-Sensor Reflectance and Novel Chlorophyll-a Retrievals

di Cicco, D.S.[Darrell S.] * 1999: System and method for inserting static and dynamic images into a live video broadcast
* 2000: Image insertion in video streams using a combination of physical sensors and pattern recognition

di Cicco, F.[Francesca] * 2018: Digital Tool to Understand the Pictorial Procedures of 17th Century Realism, A

di Claudio, E.D. * 2008: Eye detection based on the polynomial Hermite expansion
* 2010: Maximum Likelihood Orientation Estimation of 1-D Patterns in Laguerre-Gauss Subspaces
* 2011: On the Inter-Conversion Between Hermite and Laguerre Local Image Expansions
* 2012: Two-Dimensional Approach to Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Positional Structural Information
* 2018: Detail-Based Method for Linear Full Reference Image Quality Prediction, A

di Clemente, M.[Marco] * 2019: LEO to GEO-SAR Interferences: Modelling and Performance Evaluation

di Cola, V. * 2011: Measured Model, Theoretical Model and Represented Model: The So-Called Arch of Drusus in Rome

di Corato, F.[Francesco] * 2013: Robust Hand Pose Estimation Algorithm for Hand Rehabilitation, A
* 2013: Visual-inertial navigation with guaranteed convergence
Includes: di Corato, F.[Francesco] di Corato, F.

di Cosmo, G.[Gianluca] * 2021: AIRSENSE-TO-ACT: A Concept Paper for COVID-19 Countermeasures Based on Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Multi-Source Data Processing

di Cosmo, M.[Mariachiara] * 2020: Development of an Augmented Reality System Based on Marker Tracking for Robotic Assisted Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

di Costanzo, L.[Luca] * 2020: Integrating tools for an effective testing of connected and automated vehicles technologies

di Crescenzo, G. * 2003: Halftone Visual Cryptography
* 2011: Data Forensics Constructions from Cryptographic Hashing and Coding
Includes: di Crescenzo, G. di Crescenzo, G.[Giovanni]

di Cunto, F.[Ferdinando] * 2013: Automatic hippocampus localization in histological images using Differential Evolution-based deformable models

Index for "d"

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