Index for drum

Drumetz, L. * 2016: Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Using an Extended Linear Mixing Model to Address Spectral Variability
* 2016: Hyperspectral Local Intrinsic Dimensionality
* 2016: Hyperspectral unmixing with material variability using social sparsity
* 2017: Relationships Between Nonlinear and Space-Variant Linear Models in Hyperspectral Image Unmixing
* 2017: Robust linear unmixing with enhanced sparsity
* 2019: Hyperspectral Classification Through Unmixing Abundance Maps Addressing Spectral Variability
* 2019: Hyperspectral Image Unmixing With Endmember Bundles and Group Sparsity Inducing Mixed Norms
* 2020: Neural Network Approaches to Reconstruct Phytoplankton Time-Series in the Global Ocean
* 2020: Residual Networks as Flows of Diffeomorphisms
* 2020: Spectral Variability Aware Blind Hyperspectral Image Unmixing Based on Convex Geometry
* 2021: Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Graph Total Variation Regularization
* 2021: Improving Classification Accuracy With Graph Filtering
* 2022: Neural Network Approaches to Reconstruct Phytoplankton Time-Series in the Global Ocean
Includes: Drumetz, L. Drumetz, L.[Lucas]
13 for Drumetz, L.

Drumheller, M. * 1986: Connection Machine Stereomatching
* 1986: On Parallel Stereo
* 1987: Mobile Robot Localization Using Sonar
* 1987: On Parallel Stereo
Includes: Drumheller, M. Drumheller, M.[Michael]

Druml, N.[Norbert] * 2021: Resource-Constrained Human Presence Detection for Indirect Time-of-Flight Sensors

Drummond, I.[Isabela] * 2016: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* 2017: Visual Object Tracking VOT2017 Challenge Results, The
* 2018: Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The

Drummond, I.N.[Isabela Neves] * 2010: Real-Valued Negative Selection (RNS) for Classification Task

Drummond, J. * 1996: Optimal Speckle Imaging of Extended Space Objects: Results from Field Data
* 1997: Deep-Space Satellite-Image Reconstructions from Field Data by Use of Speckle Imaging Techniques: Images and Functional Assessment
* 2007: Designing and Implementing Software Components for an Automated Mapping System
* 2008: Discovering Archaeological Cropmarks: a Hyperspectral Approach
* 2012: Evaluation of Aster GDEM V.2 Using GPS Checkpoints, OSGB DEM Values and Photogammetrically Derived DEMS
* 2012: Evaluation of Aster GDEM Ver2 Using GPS Measurements and SRTM Ver4.1 in China
* 2016: Merging Digital Surface Models Implementing Bayesian Approaches
* 2018: Remote Sensing of Leaf and Canopy Nitrogen Status in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Based on N-PROSAIL Model
Includes: Drummond, J. Drummond, J.[Jane]
8 for Drummond, J.

Drummond, J.R. * 2020: Arctic Surface Properties and Their Impact on Microwave Satellite Water Vapor Column Retrievals

Drummond, O.E.[Oliver E.] * 1992: Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1992
* 1996: Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1996
* 1998: Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 1998

Drummond, T. * 2016: Fast Depth Video Compression for Mobile RGB-D Sensors
* 2017: Solving Robust Regularization Problems Using Iteratively Re-weighted Least Squares
* 2019: Event-Based Motion Segmentation by Motion Compensation
* 2019: Parallel Optimal Transport GAN
* 2020: Approximate Fisher Information Matrix to Characterize the Training of Deep Neural Networks
* 2020: Localising In Complex Scenes Using Balanced Adversarial Adaptation
* 2020: Opengan: Open Set Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2020: Reducing the Sim-to-real Gap for Event Cameras
* 2021: Automatic Pruning for Quantized Neural Networks
* 2021: Leveraging Regular Fundus Images for Training UWF Fundus Diagnosis Models via Adversarial Learning and Pseudo-Labeling
* 2022: Differentiable Distance Approximation for Fairer Image Classification, A
* 2022: Implicit Motion Handling for Video Camouflaged Object Detection
* 2022: Learning Instance and Task-Aware Dynamic Kernels for Few-Shot Learning
* 2023: Knowledge Combination to Learn Rotated Detection without Rotated Annotation
* 2023: Progressive Video Summarization via Multimodal Self-supervised Learning
Includes: Drummond, T. Drummond, T.[Tom]
15 for Drummond, T.

Drummond, T.W. * 1999: 3D models of architectural scenes from uncalibrated images and vanishing points
* 1999: Camera Calibration from Vanishing Points in Image of Architectural Scenes
* 1999: Edge tracking for motion segmentation and depth ordering
* 1999: Real-time Tracking of Multiple Articulated Structures in Multiple Views
* 1999: Visual Tracking and Control using Lie Algebras
* 2000: 3D Model Acquisition by Tracking 2D Wireframes
* 2000: Application of Lie Algebras to Visual Servoing
* 2000: Learning Task-Specific Object Recognition and Scene Understanding
* 2000: Motion Segmentation by Tracking Edge Information over Multiple Frames
* 2000: Real-time Tracking of Multiple Articulated Structures in Multiple Views
* 2000: Segmentation of Multiple Motions by Edge Tracking between Two Frames
* 2001: Probabilistic Framework for Space Carving, A
* 2001: Real-Time Tracking of Highly Articulated Structures in the Presence of Noisy Measurements
* 2001: Using Occlusions to Aid Position Estimation for Visual Motion Capture
* 2002: Real-time tracking of complex structures with on-line camera calibration
* 2002: Real-Time Visual Tracking of Complex Structures
* 2003: Computing MAP Trajectories by Representing, Propagating and Combining PDFs Over Groups
* 2003: Rapid rendering of apparent contours of implicit surfaces for real-time tracking
* 2004: Layered motion segmentation and depth ordering by tracking edges
* 2004: Markov-based Silhouette Extraction for Three-Dimensional Body Tracking in Presence of Cluttered Background
* 2004: Multi-modal tracking using texture changes
* 2004: Texture Boundary Detection for Real-Time Tracking
* 2004: Tightly integrated sensor fusion for robust visual tracking
* 2005: Dynamic Measurement Clustering to Aid Real Time Tracking
* 2005: Dynamic Measurement Clustering to Aid Real Time Tracking
* 2005: Fast Texture-Based Tracking and Delineation Using Texture Entropy
* 2005: Fusing Points and Lines for High Performance Tracking
* 2005: Real-Time Video Annotations for Augmented Reality
* 2005: single-frame visual gyroscope, A
* 2006: Differentiating Between Many Similar Features using Relational Information in Space and Scale
* 2006: Edge landmarks in monocular SLAM
* 2006: Machine Learning for High-Speed Corner Detection
* 2006: Scalable Monocular SLAM
* 2007: Monocular SLAM as a Graph of Coalesced Observations
* 2008: Multi-modal tracking using texture changes
* 2008: Student-t Mixture Filter for Robust, Real-Time Visual Tracking
* 2008: Unified Loop Closing and Recovery for Real Time Monocular SLAM
* 2009: Classification-Based Probabilistic Modeling of Texture Transition for Fast Line Search Tracking and Delineation
* 2009: Edge landmarks in monocular SLAM
* 2009: Multiple Target Localisation at over 100 Fps
* 2009: Proforma: Probabilistic Feature-based On-line Rapid Model Acquisition
* 2009: Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Affine Silhouettes
* 2009: Robust feature matching in 2.3µs
* 2010: Deterministic Sample Consensus with Multiple Match Hypotheses
* 2010: Faster and Better: A Machine Learning Approach to Corner Detection
* 2011: Binary Histogrammed Intensity Patches for Efficient and Robust Matching
* 2012: Corner Matching Refinement for Monocular Pose Estimation
* 2012: Rapidly constructed appearance models for tracking in augmented reality applications
* 2013: Algorithmic methodologies for FPGA-based vision
* 2013: Unified Rolling Shutter and Motion Blur Model for 3D Visual Registration, A
* 2015: Fast Inverse Compositional Image Alignment with Missing Data and Re-weighting
* 2016: FANNG: Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbour Graphs
* 2017: Smart Mining for Deep Metric Learning
* 2018: Deep Metric Learning and Image Classification with Nearest Neighbour Gaussian Kernels
* 2018: Efficient Subpixel Refinement with Symbolic Linear Predictors
* 2018: ENG: End-to-End Neural Geometry for Robust Depth and Pose Estimation Using CNNs
* 2018: Traversing Latent Space Using Decision Ferns
* 2019: EMPNet: Neural Localisation and Mapping Using Embedded Memory Points
* 2021: Driving among Flatmobiles: Bird-Eye-View occupancy grids from a monocular camera for holistic trajectory planning
* 2021: Improved Training of Generative Adversarial Networks Using Decision Forests
* 2023: Looking Beyond Two Frames: End-to-End Multi-Object Tracking Using Spatial and Temporal Transformers
Includes: Drummond, T.W. Drummond, T.W.[Tom W.]
61 for Drummond, T.W.

Drummy, L.[Lawrence] * 2015: Rotationally-invariant non-local means for image denoising and tomography

Drummy, L.F. * 2013: Model Based Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm For High Angle Annular Dark Field-Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (HAADF-STEM) Tomography, A
* 2017: Multi-Resolution Data Fusion for Super-Resolution Electron Microscopy
* 2020: Effective Super-Resolution Methods for Paired Electron Microscopic Images

Drumond, B.[Bruna] * 2020: Mapping Review on Urban Landscape Factors of Dengue Retrieved from Earth Observation Data, GIS Techniques, and Survey Questionnaires, A

Drumond, F.L. * 2005: Real-Time Crowd Density Estimation Using Images

Index for "d"

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